
Showing posts from November, 2020

Misguided Fools Say that Masturbation is Healthy

Foolish modern day materialists recommend masturbation as follows: "Masturbation is a common activity. It’s a natural and safe way to explore your body, feel pleasure, and release built-up sexual tension. It occurs among people of all backgrounds, genders, and races. Despite the myths, there are actually no physically harmful side effects of masturbation." They are wrong. To get a proper understanding on this this topic read the question and answer section below. Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: What are the Ill Effects of Masturbation? Since you answered questions related to understanding the real need of sex in a human being's life, so I also request you to please enlighten us with the knowledge about semen conservation, it's importance, and the consequences of frequently releasing it thorough sex or masturbation. Since today most of the youth are indulged in mansturbation and they think it to be good in comparison to doing sex with some female for ...

Krishna Consciousness is Science Not Dogma

Sometimes foolish commentators describe Krishna's teachings as being dogmatic, which means something that must be accepted blindly without scientific understanding, something that is put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds. But it is not all at dogmatic. Rather it is the philosophy of false identification with matter of the modern day society which is dogmatic. We know scientifically that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is not blind faith or dogma. How do we know Him scientifically as the Supreme Person? The answer is that we measure greatness by six different yardsticks. If somebody is very rich, we consider him to be great. If somebody is very powerful or beautiful or knowledgable, we consider him to be great. Also if someone is very renounced, he is considered to be great. And even if someone does not possess any of other these other opulences if he is somehow or other very famous, we consider him to be great. So just imagine if there were a pers...

Abortion is Murder

Many of our readers very much appreciated yesterday's Thought for the Day and wrote me to tell me so. However, one reader very much objected. You can read her objection and my reply below. This illicit sex leads to abortions. In this regard Srila Prabhupada has written as follows in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, Fifth Canto, Chapter 14, Text 9: "The Supreme Personality of Godhead does not allow anyone to act against the stringent laws of material nature; therefore illicit sex is punished life after life. Illicit sex creates pregnancies, and these unwanted pregnancies lead to abortion. Those involved become implicated in these sins, so much so that they are punished in the same way the next life. Thus in the next life they also enter the womb of a mother and are killed in the same way. All these things can be avoided by remaining on the transcendental platform of Krishna consciousness. In this way one does not commit sinful activity. Illicit sex is the most prominent sin ...

Sex is for Procreation, Not for Recreation

Due to bodily misidentification in the modern day so-called civilization everyone takes sex as the greatest pleasure. But this is sheer animalism. It is not actual human life. Nature has made sex so pleasurable because if it were not so, nobody would procreate. The difficulty is that by centering our lives around sex pleasure we are relegating ourselves to take our next birth in the animal kingdom. Those who are actually intelligent utilize sex only for its God given purpose, procreation. And they get their recreation from chanting the holy names of God, which is thousands and millions of times more relishable than sex. Sex can be enjoyed for a few minutes only while chanting the holy names of God can be relished twenty-four hours a day. Chanting is enchanting. Non-procreational sex is debilitating. So kindly, my dear readers, utilize sex only for procreation, not for recreation. We should derive our pleasure instead from chanting Hare Krishna. If we do so, our lives will be unlimited...

The Whole World is Simply Waiting to Be Awakened to Krishna Consciousness

Even though they don't remember it everyone in this world is a devotee of Krishna. They are suffering like anything in their forgetful state, simply waiting for that wonderful moment when they will become awakened to their original state of Krishna consciousness. Therefore those devotees who dedicate their lives for awakening the sleeping souls of this world are the world's greatest heroes and are most pleasing to Lord Sri Krishna. Have you dedicated your life yet for fully awakening yourself and for awakening all others? If not, you should do so right now! Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Can This Old Dog Learn a New Trick? Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obesciances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Gurudeva, I feel defeated. I fear you can't teach an old dog (me) a new trick. Maybe I can't overcome my past. My bad habits are too great. Is it too late for this old dog to learn a new trick? Please tell me what you think.  Your servant, Bhak...

May the Hare Krishna Mantra Now Permeate Our Planet

The Hare Krishna mantra is Krishna Himself. Thus when we chant it with love Krishna becomes personally present. Simply by the wiidescale chanting of the Hare Krishna mahmantra all of our personal and global problems will be solved. It is only due to ignorance that the whole world is not now absorbed in chanting Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna Kirtan is the Ultimate Bliss Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Does God Enjoy Our Suffering? Prabhu, many a times people ask me that why is God so cruel. Many a times good people have to suffer and bad people enjoy their lives. Why doesn't God punish those bad people. Does God enjoys seeing good people in trouble and bad people making fun of them? Arya Sarita Answer: God is Pained to See Our Suffering My Dear Arya, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. God is not cruel. Everyone is suffering and enjoying exactly what they deserve from their previous sinful and pious activities. This is called karma. God is ve...

An Amazing Evening at ISKCON Miami

One evening back in the early 70's I was a young brahmacari (celibate monk) serving in the ISKCON temple on Kumquat Avenue in Miami, Florida USA. It was a typical evening. All the devotees had gathered in the prasadam room to drink hot milk. Much to our surprise two armed gunman entered the room bringing with them Bhaktin Pattie as a hostage. One of them had a pistol barrel pressed against Bhaktin Pattie's temple and his hand over her mouth to muffle her cries of terror. The other one had a rifle and a stocking covering his face. They ordered us, "Get down on the floor." All the devotees fearfully complied with the barked order except for me. I loudly yelled out the name of that Supreme Lord Who is famous for protecting His devotees, "Nrsimhadeva!!" Now instead of Bhaktin Pattie having that pistol pointed at her, it was now pointed at me. I immediately decided that it was time to try negotiation. So I said, "We're your friends. What do you want?...

We Can Make the Whole World Happy

On 26 February 1977 in Mayapur, West Bengal, India Srila Prabhupada gave us this most valuable and sublime guidance, "You can make the whole world happy. This instruction of Krishna in the Bhagavad-gītā is so perfect. It must be perfect because it is coming from Krishna. It is not the so-called scientist theory. No. Perfect instruction. And if we follow the instruction, if we practically utilize, then the whole world. Viśvaṁ pūrṇaṁ sukhāyate." So let us all now strictly and joyously follow the instructions of Krishna and make the whole world happy!! Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Why Fear in this Temporary World? Hare Krishna. Sir, please help me with this I know our master is Krishna and that this is a mere materialistic word that we live in. But still I fear this world. What can be the reason? I'm unable to figure it out. Please guide me, sir. Thank you, Kanchi Sharma Answer: Fear is Natural in this Unnatural World My Dear Kanchi, Please accept my ...

"The World Peace Formula" Hits the ITunes Charts

This is good news. My song "The World Peace Formula," which presents in a musical form Lord Krishna's peace formula from the Bhagavad-gita (Chapter 5, Text 29) has now hit the number 3 spot on the ITunes charts in the category of "Worldwide." If more people download it, it can hit number 1, which would be very auspicious. We very much want to see that the spreading of the teachings of Krishna can now become the most popular thing happening in the human society. This will bring in new era of peace, happiness, and prosperity to our greatly troubled planet. Click here to find it on the Apple Music site. On the above page there is a link "Also Available in the ITunes Store" for those who would like to download it. Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Envy in the Spiritual World? Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada, My question is: We fell into this material world because of our envy. We wanted to be our own mas...

I Was Asked If A Couple Can Masturbate Each Other

Click the Image Below to See a Wonderful Video Here is a wonderful video of a suffering man in South India whose life was completely transformed by Krishna consciousness. Click here or on the above image to see the video. Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Can Husband and Wife Masturbate Each Other? Prabhu, can a husband wife masturbate with each other while wearing clothes since there is no sexual contact between them? Can they do it more than once in a month? There is no sexual contact between them, so I don't think this will be counted as a part of sex. Answer: This is Illicit Sex Any stimulation of the genitals is illicit sex. Discharging semen means that you are calling death very near. Regarding discharging semen Srila Prabhupada writes as follows in his purport to SB 3.26.57: "It is understood herewith that the faculty to discharge semen is the cause of death. Therefore, yogis and transcendentalists who want to live for greater spans of life voluntarily r...

Here's Why You Should Read This..

Tens of thousands of people all over the world have signed up for this most important training program, which will teach them how to become free from all the miseries of this material existence by reviving their original spiritual consciousness and regaining their original positions in the spiritual world. Unfortunately not all enrollees are reading our daily broadcasts. This means that unnecessarily they will remain in a suffering situation caught up in the cycle of repeated birth, death, old age, and disease. So if you are one of those and have somehow or other opened today's "Thought for the Day" today, kindly make this a regularly daily reading habit from now on. And if you can put into practice what I am teaching you, your life will become unlimitedly sublime. I absolutely guarantee it! Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Serve God or Serve the Needy? A question often arises in my mind.... When will Lord Krishna be more happy? Will he be happy when we ar...

Everyone in this Material World is Miserable

Here in this material world, although no one will admit it, everyone is completely miserable. Because living in a world of total misery is psychologically intolerable to us we imagine that we are happy. This is called maya-sukhaya, illusory happiness. We fool ourselves into thinking that our suffering is actually happiness. But when we come to the platform of Krishna consciousness we attain genuine happiness, happiness which is completely transcendental to all of the sufferings and so-called enjoyments of this material existence. Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: How Important Is Initiation? Please accept my humble obeisances🙏 All glories to Srila Prabhupada🙏 1) How important is to be initiated by a bona fide spiritual master? 2) How to find a bona fide spiritual master who can help us in this spiritual journey? Your servant, Ruchita Answer: Absolutely Required My Dear Ruchita, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. On a morning walk in Melbour...

Today is the Disappearance Day of Our Most Beloved Srila Prabhupada

ISKCON's Back to Godhead Magazine published the following in 1978 regarding the disappearance of our most beloved Srila Prabhupada: Around the turn of the century, the great spiritual master Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura made this prediction: "Soon there will appear a personality who will preach the holy name of Hari [Lord Krishna] all over the world." As we have witnessed during the twelve years when he was personally present and leading ISKCON, that personality was His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Throughout his life, Srila Prabhupada prepared himself for his great mission, and from his arrival in America on September 18, 1965, to his passing on November 14, 1977 -- through some seventy books and thousands of letters, interviews, and lectures-he gave the world the holy names of Krsna and the Vedic science of self-realization. Bhaktivinoda Thakura also wrote a short stanza about the influence that a Vaisnava (a pure devotee of the Lord) carries in th...

How to Swim in an Ocean on Unlimited Bliss

There is an ocean of unlimited bliss in Lord Sri Krishna's sweeter-than-the-sweetest-holy holy names. Therefore if you will chant and hear them as much as possible every day, you will be always be swimming in an ocean of pure, unlimited bliss. Click here to dive in right now. Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Are Radha and Krishna One? Dear Guru, Are Radha Krishna one and the same? Hare Krishna, Shreyansh Answer: Simultaneously One and Different My Dear Shreyansh, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Radha and Krishna are simultaneously, inconceivably one and different. Because Radharani is nothing but Krishna's expanded energy she is one with Him. But because He is the expander and she is the expanded she is different from Him. If she were not different, the joy of the loving exchanges between the two of them could not take place because one cannot have loving exchanges with oneself. It is thus necessary for her to be different in orde...

Celebration of Govardhan Puja in Austin, Texas USA

We had a most wonderful Govardhan Puja in Austin, Texas on 15 November 2020. It was expertly organized by Gurumajati.

Thanks to My Wonderful Disciples and Followers

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Reason to Not Kill Cows? Sir, we need strong reason to stop killing cows. Why should I listen to anyone? Why she is our mother? Why she should not be killed. If there is any strong reason we give we can stop anyone to kill cows. Thanks & regards, Fezal Khan Answer: The Cow is Our Mother My Dear Fezal, Please accept my blessings. Thank you for sincere inquiry. This speaks a lot for your honest and integrity. Because the cow gives us her breast milk just like our original mother, she is also considered to be our mother. She is our second mother. What son would think of killing his mother? It is unthinkable. She is not harming anyone. She is peacefully grazing in the field and giving us the miracle foodstuff milk from which so many wonderful foods are derived: yogurt, cheese, ice cream, etc. Drinking cow's milk nourishes our brains and makes us strong and healthy. So we should show our appreciation to our dear mother, the cow, ...

Lord Ramacandra with Sita and Laksman

Remembering Diwali: The Coronation Day of Lord Ramacandra Here is the video I made for Diwali for the employees of Citibank: Click here to see the Video Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Why We Fell into Material Existence Please explain the real truth why we are here in this material world and from where we came and why. Mayank Bhardwaj Answer: We Had a Foolish Desire to Be God My Dear Mayank, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We were originally in the spiritual world with Krishna. But then we misused our free will by foolishly thinking that we could be happier if we were God instead of Krishna. So Krishna kindly allowed to test our theory by letting us come to this place where we can think that we are God. He did this so that we could become totally convinced that He is the Supreme Person, not us, and so that we can joyfully return to His all blissful eternal spiritual kingdom to happily serve Him there for all of eternity. I hope this meet...