Many Different Religions is a Gross Misconception

One of the biggest misconceptions in the human society is that there are many different religions. The real fact is that there is only one religion, to become a true lover of God. This great one religion has been taught by many great teachers throughout history such as Moses, Jesus Christ, Hajrat Mohammad, and Lord Caitanya. But the difficulty today is nobody follows these great teachers. They say, "I am Jew; I am Christian; I am Muslim; I am Hindu," and they fight. But actually they are none of these because they do not truly follow these great teachers. Therefore our aim in the Krishna consciousness movement is to teach everyone what is the true meaning of religion, to give up material sense gratification and fully surrender oneself to God. When this one religion by accepted by the people all over the world, this entire planet will become a peaceful, prosperous, paradise. May that day come soon! May that day come soon! If you have any questions, click here to send an email...