The Magical Evening When I Received the Mahamantra

I was a miserable, always depressed college student who wanted more than anything to know what is the meaning of life. But my professors and my text books did not and could not answer this question. Then in my third year of college I heard that there was something called "self-realization" which solved all of life's riddles. So in pursuit of self-realization I followed the teachings of a "guru" who had me staring at a candle in a darkened room to become self-realized. After a prolonged endeavor when his teachings didn't work I finally got a little bit of bliss by burning all of his home study lessons to ashes. Another "guru," who made money off of me by charging me an initiation fee, had me silently meditating twice a day on the syllable "Aing." When my repeating "aining" did not work I abandoned that scam also. But then one fateful evening in the fall of 1968 in Denver, Colorado USA in my apartment at 1271 Lafayette Street a f...