
Showing posts from October, 2018

Nothing Sweeter Than This!

When one chants the holy names of God with love and devotion he turns on his all-blissful, supra-cognizant nature, which is situated far, far beyond the miserable realm of birth and death. Thus those who are wise train themselves to constantly relish their existence on this transcendental plane instead of remaining caught up on the roller coaster of so-called happiness and distress. On this plane they relish a constant stream of ever-increasing happiness which cannot be disturbed by any of the ups and down that we experience while misidentifying ourselves with our temporary material body. This enlightened state of liberated consciousness is available right now for everybody in the world. Those who are well informed and most fortunate will take full advantage of this and thus experience the most profound state of spiritual bliss at every moment. Are you one of them? Ecstatic Send Off Kirtan Kaunas, Lithuania--29 October 2018 Click Here to See and Hear the Kirtan! Video for...

It's Easy to Become Great

To become great is not difficult. All you have to do is follow the great. The difficulty is that in this modern day world we foolishly follow the so-called greats instead of following the real greats. The real greats are not necessarily, the rock stars, the movie stars, the science stars, and the political stars, although they could be. The real greats are those who have mastered the art of perfectly harmonizing with God in all times, places, and circumstances with their every thought, word, and deed, in other words, the saintly persons. It's these great souls who are real role models. They are the ones we should follow. Lecture: Follow the Great and Become Great Kaunas, Lithuania--28 October 2018 Click Here to Hear the Lecture! Video for the Day See the Silver Lining on the Clouds Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: ​​​​​​​ ​​​​​Kindly Accept My heartfelt Respectful Regards. How I can identify Guru ? Can books be my Guru ? How to get Guru '...

The Real Leadership that the World Desperately Needs

At the present moment our global society is suffering like anything due to the absence of genuine leaders. Under the present day mismanagement our planet is becoming more and more of a hell every day. The only hope for today's grossly misguided so-called civilization is to take advantage of the genuine leadership of those who are purely fixed in Krishna consciousness, i.e. those who know the real value of the human form of life and how there can be perfect peace and prosperity all over the world. But the present day global population is so grossly misguided that they have no inclination at all the accept the leadership of those who are spiritually enlightened. Thus they continue to re-elect to office fools and rascals who do nothing but exploit and misguide them. This is why our modern society is called a society of the cheaters and the cheated. Providing Genuine Leadership Klaipeda, Lithuania--27 October 2018 Video for the Day The Time for Change is Now An...

Real Religion is Yoga

Religion means to relink with the Supreme and yoga means to link with the Supreme. Therefore the word "religion" when properly understood means for all practical purposes the same as the word "yoga." To become a true yogi or religionist requires that one be properly educated in the science of connecting with God and that one then sincerely and conscientiously applies that science in his daily life at every moment. This art is learned from the bona fide spiritual master. It unlocks the original divine consciousness that is there within the heart, which has been waiting to be awakened since time immemorial. Teaching the Science of Bhakti to Yoga Students Alytus, Lithuania--26 October 2018 Video for the Day Don't Remain in lllusion Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: How to Become a Good Disciple? ​​​​​​​Please give me guidelines to becoming a good disciple. Warm regards, Lakshmi Answer: Follow These Guidelines From: Kaunas, Lith...

Is a Guru Required?

It you want to revive your original spiritual identity that you once had in the spiritual world before you fell down into this material world, a guru is required, not just anyone who claims to be a guru. You must have a bona fide guru, i.e. one who is fixed in the Absolute Truth. There are many cheaters nowadays advertising themselves as gurus in order to get profit, adoration, and distinction. Such charlatans are of no use to us. In fact, they do more harm than good. You must find out that guru who is fixed in the Absolute Truth and can reveal it to you in full. Such a bona fide guru will be a disciple of a spiritual master who is coming in an authorized line of disciplic succession which originates in God Himself. He presents the teachings that are found in the bona fide Vedic literatures as they are without any additions or subtractions. Such a genuine guru bestows upon us the highest happiness and liberates us from the cycle of birth and death. The Bona Fide Guru Reveals the Abs...

Unlimited Bliss Awaits You

Reconnect with your original, all-blissful natural by reconnecting with love with that Supreme Person who is the supreme source of all existence. Whether you call Him Allah, Jehovah, Buddha, Krishna, or Christ, when you reconnect with Him in pure loving service your life becomes completely transformed. You will relish unlimited bless at every moment, and you will be a potent agent for helping to bring about the complete, total respiritualization of the entire earth planet, the greatest paradigm shift in the history of the universe. Why Suffer When You Can Be Blissing Out Instead? Video for the Day You Owe It to Yourself... Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: How to Lose Attraction for Material World? ​​​​​​​Namaste. I am very happy to hear from you. My most important question is: How to control emotions and leave behind the attractions of this temporary material world? We are not able to control our thoughts. So how we can do it? upesh gandhi Answer: B...

Don't Remain Deluded

It's time for us to wake, to stop our maddened dreaming with our heads in the sand in the realm of delusion. There is a most beautiful, relishable reality awaking us if we will simply stop misidentifying with our material bodies and instead identify with our actual eternal spiritual identities as servants of the Supreme Person. Thus the time is now to stop taking our directions from our deluded minds and instead take them from the enlightened sages and from the revealed scriptures. They will expertly guide us how to be who we actually, factually are. Don't Keep Your Head in the Sand Video for the Day Enlighten the World Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Do Bad Thoughts Make Me Bad? ​​​​​​​Thank you so for reading and answering my questions. I am humbled by your responses. Do unwanted thoughts in the mind subconsciously make one a bad person in Krishna Consciousness? The thoughts are not intentional but maybe because all over the years before Krishn...

Spiritualist or Materialist?

Spiritualist or materialist, which will it be for you? Castles made of sand are washed into the sea. So do you want to live a sand castle existence that is destroyed by time? Or would you prefer an existence that it is never withered away by time and that instead becomes fresher and more exciting with each passing day? The choice is obvious for all thoughtful persons, and the choice is yours! You are not forced to live in sand castle. So why doesn't everyone opt for the obvious only good choice? The answer is: conformity. We live in a world society where 99.99% of the population is going for the sand castle and one is considered weird if he does not follow suit. This is why we need to seek out the genuine spiritualists wherever they are and bond with them. The synergy of associating of devotees of Truth is very powerful and uplifting. Take advantage of it and make your life successful. Revealing the Highest Truth in Pune, India--21 Oct 2018 Video for the Day Go For It! ...

Spirituality 101

We're getting to take off. (That's why I did not change the pictures below.) So today I will be brief. Spirituality is to know who are you and be who are. If you can simply learn and master the art of knowing who you are and being who are, you will be one of the most spiritually enlightened and elevated persons in the whole universe. (I will explain this further in the questions and answers.) Revealing the Highest Truth in Pune, India--21 Oct 2018 Video for the Day Another Day--Another Adventure Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: What is Spirituality? What is spirituality ? Sufal Das Adhikari Answer: To Know Yourself and Love the Supreme From: Pune, India My Dear Sufal, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Spirituality means to know that you are not your material body, that you are a spiritual being instead and to develop a loving relationship with the Supreme Person who is the source of all existence. I hope ...

The Dawning of a New Enlightened Age

There is no reason at all for all of this quarrel, turmoil, and distress which is manifesting now all over the world. A new enlightened age of peace and spiritual bliss has now dawned on this planet. The difficulty is that 99.99% of the human population is currently still sleeping in spite of the dawn. This means that those who are now awakened should be kind upon those who are still sleeping by waking them up. Our course, the Ultimate Self Realization Course, is our humble attempt to wake up the 99.99% are still sleeping in the lap of illusion. Please help us by inviting everyone you know to join this course. Revealing the Highest Truth in Pune, India--21 Oct 2018 Video for the Day Tune In, Turn On, and Bliss Out! Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Why Are Things Happening Like This? I do not not understand the world and why all things are happening. Can you explain? Upesh Gandhi Answer: According to the Law of Karma From: Pune, India My Dear Upes...

Music to Conquer the World

Having been blessed with the knowledge that can lead the entire world out of chaos as well as with the ability to write songs that people like, I am making a humble attempt in addition to my e-course and lecture tours to promote my songs of spiritual awakening to audiences all over the world. Here in Pune my songs have been very much appreciated in two concerts. And now in the USA radio station WMPG-FM in Portland, Maine USA is going to be airing my music.There's a whole world out there waiting to be awakened to the enlightened spirituality that can turn our entire earth planet into a paradise. I'm trying to do my fair share to make it happen. You can check out my music at: Do it now! And share the link. For a limited time only my songs are all available for free download. 1970 Concert at the University of Texas in the USA 2018 Concert in Pune, India Video for the Day Amazing Stuff Indeed! Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Ho...

Make Your Mind Like a Lotus Flower

The lotus flower has the amazing quality of floating in the water without being affected by the water. This is so because the lotus leaf exudes a waxy substance that makes it waterproof. Why am I talking about lotus flowers? The reason is that the mind of a transcendentalist is also like that. He has mastered the art of always keeping his mind situated in the peaceful, all-blissful, transcendental, non-material realm even though all hell may be breaking lose around him. The art of meditation takes you there if done regularly, consistently on a daily basis. Impersonal, voidistic types of meditation in which one tries to make the mind blank are not effective in the long run because the mind cannot be annihilated. It always desires some positive engagement. Thus the perfection of the mind is to be fixed solidly on something transcendental, i.e. which is situated beyond this material existence. This called mantra or sabda brahman, a transcendental sound vibration from beyond this materi...

There is Truly Nothing Greater than This!

In spite of tremendous technological advancement in the material comforts of life, the human population is suffering from ever-increasing anxiety. The sad reality is that proportionately as humankind has made more and more progress in the material comforts of life it has also become proportionately more and more miserable. This is happening because along with material progress has come increasingly the false material concept of the self, i.e. that there is no non-material self existing beyond the material body. There could be nothing further than the truth. The self-realization process brings us back to experiencing first hand our original spiritual self, which is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss. When practiced under the guidance of a bona spiritual master, one can experience an ocean of transcendental bliss that lies far, far beyond all the miseries of material existence. There is truly nothing greater than this! Don't Punish Yourself by Bodily Misidentification ...

Nothing to Lose Except for Your Anxiety

By offering the result of all our activities to the Supreme Person, who is the source of all existence, we have nothing at all to lose except for our anxiety. Why? That Supreme Person is already the owner of everything anyway, and it is only due to false ego that we consider ourselves to be the owner of anything. In fact, it is this false sense of proprietorship stuck tightly within our hearts which has precisely been the cause of all of our anxieties since time immemorial. Therefore it is advised by great sages that we accept the truth of the Vedic aphorism, "nirmama" "nothing is mine," and conduct our lives in this way always acknowledging that the real owner of everything is that Supreme Person who has created everything and is maintaining everything. This will facilitate our entering victoriously into the realm of unlimited bliss, never to return to the land of misery ever again except for the purpose of reclaiming those who are still lost in delusion.​​​​​​​ ...

Tasting the Ultimate Happiness

Anybody anywhere in the world can taste the greatest happiness, the perfection of happiness, the ultimate happiness simply by reconnecting with love with the supreme person who is the source of all existence. I am not speaking here about blind faith. I am speaking about something you can personally scientifically verify with your own first hand experience. Existence does not pop in out of nowhere. There is a supreme person out there, the source of all existence, who is expanding everything from Himself simply for His own enjoyment. Through the ancient system of bhakti yoga, which I am teaching you here, you can directly see and experience that supreme person in full and develop an intimate loving personal relationship with Him. In this way, you will achieve the topmost perfection of awakened consciousness. You will become one of the truly great fully self-realized persons of human history, such as Lord Jesus Christ and Hajrat Muhammad. Thus I urge you to take this course very seriou...

Remembering My Dear Mother

I have very fond memories of my mother, Carolyn Bridge. Although she was not well educated in the subtleties of the science of bhakti, she had very strong feelings of devotion in her Christian faith. To see her activities and to hear her singing voice were quite inspiring actually. I remember how when she would finish her household chores she would sometimes sit and play the piano we had in our living room while singing hymns glorifying God with great feelings of devotion. She was an active participant in our church choir and would sometimes sing solos from the choir loft in our Sunday church service. Her voice was so powerful that it filled the entire sanctuary (worship hall) without the help of a microphone. Now that she is departed I take great solace from these words of my spiritual master, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada: "...if someone becomes a pure Vaisnava, or devotee of the Lord, ten generations of his family before his birth and ten generations after will be libera...

Be Who You Really Are

Why waste your energy on trying to be what you are not, namely your material body, when you can instead invest your energy in the actual self, the spiritual self within? This intelligent utilization of the human form of life brings one to the perfectional stage of eternity, knowledge, and bliss. So why settle for temporality, ignorance, and misery when you can instead relish eternity, knowledge, and bliss within your heart at every moment? This is what we call a no-brainer. It's truly amazing how the general population is so lost in delusion that they cannot understand the most basic underlying principles of our existence. Therefore our mission is to enlighten them so that they can all be blessed with genuine peace and prosperity. Enlightening the Youth of Kolkata, India Video for the Day This Will Liberate You Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Am I God? Am I God? What is the true aim of being here? Rohit Bains​​​​​​​ Answer: God Doesn't Have to As...

Self Realization is Where It's At

Some people focus on money. Some people focus on sex. Some people focus on power. Some people focus on fame. But those who are actually in the know, those who are actually intelligent, realize that all of these are only temporary. Therefore they focus on self-realization, to realize their eternal full-of-bliss and full-of-knowledge identity beyond this temporary material existence. While others may or may not their temporary desired rewards, those who are self-realized all achieve the ultimate reward of regaining their original eternal identities far, far beyond the cycle of birth and death. Some will laugh and say that this a bunch of hype. But those who laugh last, last the best. You CAN Achieve Unlimited Bliss Video for the Day Lord Caitanya's Moon is Rising / Mangalananda Das Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Why Did You Take Up Krishna Consciousness? Please accept my respectful obeisances, Guru Maharaj! I have two questions today: 1. I would l...