Launching a Global Music Initiative

The entire global civilization is lost deep in the dense darkness of bodily consciousness. Because of this no one is tasting the genuine sublime happiness of their eternal spiritual identity. Everyone is being tossed on the waves of the ocean of birth and death, sometimes thinking themselves happy and sometime feeling very sad. Even the happiness they feel is not the real happiness of the eternal spiritual being. It is instead maya-sukhaya, illusory happiness.

Because of this our mission is to ignite a global spiritual revolution that will awaken everyone to their original divine consciousness. For this purpose we have many programs and strategies for attracting the general populace and educating them about their actual eternal identities. One such program is my initiative to attract and educate the global society through the form of popular music.

Having been a popular singer/songwriter before I came to Krishna consciousness I thought, "Why not introduce the world to Krishna consciousness through songs?" So now I have launched a popular music initiative with the goal of attracting and educating millions and billions of people music lovers all over the world in the amazingly transformational science of Krishna consciousness.

For this purpose I have a website: I encourage all of you, my dedicated disciples, students, and readers to check out the site, download the songs, and share them widely with as many people as possible through one-on-one conversations, via the internet, etc.

Our goal is to make these songs more popular even than the Beatles so that everyone all over the world can be introduced to the astoundingly sublime science of Krishna consciousness as soon as possible.

So check out the site. Download and share the songs. By working together let's ignite a global spiritual revolution that will bring love, peace, and sanity to a rapidly deteriorating global society.

Again, the website is:

Thank you for being here.

Our Sweet Lord Album Cover

Sankarshan Das Our Sweet Lord Album Cover

Video For the Day: Global Popular Music Initiative

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:

Question: Are We Perfect?

I know that Krishna is complete oneness. Are we the individual souls already complete oneness or do we have to become that? When God is perfect, are we then too perfect because god is in us? But if we were perfect than why do we suffer in this world?

sincerely yours 
Jeanine S

Answer: Yes, But...

From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA

My Dear Jeanine,

Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As God is perfect, we the living beings are also perfect because we are qualitatively one with Him. Since the Lord desires to have a perfect loving relationship with each one of us, He gives us the free will to either love Him or leave Him. Try to understand that since love cannot be forced we, the living beings, have been given this choice. Since the choice exists there exists also the possibility of misusing that choice. And if it is misused, we find ourselves here in this material world trying to enjoy separately from God. The misery we experience here by being separated from God is all part of God’s perfect arrangement to bring us back to our perfect position of voluntarily rendering loving service unto Him.

I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.

Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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