How to Defeat Depression

In the mental state known as depression one may feel that this life is completely useless and hopeless, that there is no way that he can ever find any real happiness in this world. Depressed persons sometimes develop suicidal feelings and may even sometimes foolishly commit suicide. Why do such thoughts and feelings arise when the soul by it's very nature is full of bliss? Depression happens due to the ignorance of bodily misidentification. If one thinks that he is his temporary material body, which is constantly tortured by three types of miseries, he will naturally feel miserable and may go into a state of deep depression. Therefore the solution for depression is to realize one's eternal spiritual identify beyond his material body as a servant of Krishna and then to practically engage oneself 24 hours a day in loving service to Krishna. This will completely defeat his depression, and put him into a state of unadulterated, uninterrupted transcendental bliss.

Devotees Relish Great Happiness

Devotees Relish Great Happiness

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Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:

Question: How to Get Free From Doubt?

When I am in full awareness (wakened state of mind) I understand and accept the importance of Krishna Consciousness. However, at times on odd occasions, I get disturbed by a thought that everything I experience is an imagination of my mind. When such feelings come in me, I become dead. My enthusiasm, joy, happiness, peace, love for Lord Krishna are gone; everything vanishes. What to do?

Rama Devi

Answer: Doubt Your Doubts

From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA

My Dear Rama Devi,

Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

If everything is the imagination of your mind, the thought that everything is the imagination of your mind is also the imagination of your mind. Therefore this thought defeats itself. It neutralizes itself and you are left with the a tangible reality that exists outside of the purview of your limited mind.

Such mental concoctions are the karmic results of previous sinful activities. By absorbing yourself fully in Krishna consciousness under the guidance of the bona fide spiritual master you will become delivered from the reactions to your previous sinful activities, and your mind will no longer be disturbed by such ridiculous absurdities.

I hope this meets you in the best of health
and in an ecstatic mood.

Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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