It's Time to Get Serious

It's time to get serious about Krishna consciousness as the prime goal of our lives. We can fail in every other way, but if we are successful in Krishna consciousness, our lives are a grand success. Or we can be successful in so many ways in this material world, but if we fail to become Krishna conscious, our lives are a dismal failure. Therefore in all times, places, and circumstances we must remain completely focused on awakening our dormant Krishna consciousness as the prime goal of our lives.

Srila Prabhupada Trains Us

Srila Prabhupada Trains Us

Video For the Day: Reject Illusory Happiness

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:

Question: Life After Death?

Is there life after death?

Your student

Answer: We Never Die

Life is eternal. We never die. We just change bodies, which are just like garments that we are wearing. They are not us. When we become perfect in love of God we go back to the spiritual world and regain our original spiritual forms that never get sick, get old, or die.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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