Embracing the World Deliverance Mission

Krishna's devotee tolerated seeing a a world completely entangled in darkness. Therefore he fully dedicates his life for making the world Krishna conscious. Even if he is not successful his spiritual perfection is assured and anyone who follows him will also become perfect. What could be more sublime than this?

Teaching Bhagavad-gita in Pune, India

Sankarshan Das Teaching Bhagavad-gita in Pune, India

Video For the Day: All Problems Solved

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:

Question: How to Overcome Challenges?

Dear Gurudeva,

Hare Krishna!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Please accept my humble obeisance.

Hoping and praying for your good health. Thank you for your kind guidance through your daily mails and videos.

In one of the lectures here, I heard that the mother's womb is one of the filthiest place on earth, which is filled with urine, stool, bile, phlegm and other impurities. I was unable to digest the fact that a place where a life is created can be as filthiest as described. Is there any mention about this in our scriptures and do the modern day medical science agree to this?

Hari bol,
Your insignificant servant,
Lal Mohan

Answer: Focus on Pure Devotional Service

From: ISKCON Pune, India

My Dear Lal,

Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Kindly note that life is not created in the womb. All life is coming from the pure transcendental body of Krishna. It is the only the material body that comes into being in the mother's womb.

In this connection Srila Prabhupada writes as follows in his book The Nectar of Devotion:

A fortunate child in the womb of his mother prayed to Krishna as follows: "O enemy of Kamsa, I am suffering so much because of this material body. Now I am trapped within a mess of blood, urine and liquid stool, within the womb of my mother. Because I am living in such a condition, I am suffering great pangs. Therefore, O divine ocean of mercy, please be kind to me. I have no ability to engage in Your loving devotional service, but please save me!"

Whether modern day science agrees or not we accept the statements of scripture as fact. Modern day science is constantly changing its view because it is speculative, not authoritative.

I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.

Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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