Always Put Krishna First

Real happiness comes when we always put Krishna's pleasure first in all of our thoughts, words, and deeds instead of our own. Our unhappiness is due to putting our pleasure first instead of putting Krishna's pleasure first. Unfortunately we are habituated since time immemorial to think of our pleasure first instead of Krishna's pleasure. This is the difficulty. Old habits are hard to break.

Krishna is the Supreme Enjoyer

Krishna is the Supreme Enjoyer

Video For the Day: Formula for World Happiness

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:

Question: Praying While Chanting Japa?

My Dear Respected Spiritual Master,
Please accept my humble obeisance.
All glories to Spiritual Master of the Universe, Savior of the Fallen souls.

Is it OK if I make a prayer in my mind while chanting Hare Krishna Mantra on lips? If I ask Krishna to give me some power to control my nasty senses, or if I ask for Krishna's guidance in my life, or if I ask for knowledge of Krishna and realization of that knowledge. Is it OK?

Your bad student

Answer: Not While Chanting Japa

You can briefly pause your japa and make such prayers. But if you utter prayers at the same time as you are chanting japa, your japa will be inattentive and thus not proper.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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