Can Krishna Be Envious?

Sometimes we are asked, "Since Krishna is the origin of everything, and since envy must therefore originate in Him, then does not Krishna also have envy?"

The answer to this question has been wonderfully given by Srila Prabhupada when he gave his disciple the name, "Madhudvisa Das." In this regard Madhudvisa remembers as follows:

He said, "Your name is Madhudvisa das." The way he said it, it became genuine. When he said, "Madhudvisa das," everybody said, "Wow, Madhudvisa das? What does that mean? Who is that? What did he say?" Then I forgot my name right away. Although I heard him say it clearly, I forgot it. Later on I asked Prabhupada what the name meant. He said, " 'Dvisa' means to be envious and 'Madhu' is a great demon. So 'Madhudvisa das' means one who is envious of Madhu." I said, "Prabhupada, how can Krishna be envious of anyone?" Prabhupada said, "No. Krishna can be envious too. Madhu was such a great demon that He became envious of him and cut his head off. He annihilated the Madhu demon. Anything is possible for Krishna, any emotion in its perfect form."

We are grateful to Madhudvisa Das for sharing this with us. In this connection we should understand that Krishna's envy is not like our envy. When we are envious of someone we are not wanting to benefit him. But when Krishna is envious of the Madhu demon and kills Him, He blesses Him with liberation.

Madhudvisa Das with Srila Prabhupada
Prabhupada Called Him "The Emperor of Kirtan"

Srila Prabhupada Called Madhudvisa Das "The Emperor of Kirtan"

Video For the Day: Let's Save the World

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: What is My Fault?

My Dear Respected Gurudeva,

What is my fault in my consciousness? Why I can't fully surrender to Guru and Krishna?


Answer: Not Remembering Krishna Enough

All of us have the problem that we keep forgetting Krishna. So you have to mold your life in such a way that you are remembering Krishna more and more every day. Gradually you will remember Him more than you forget Him. At that point you will start making rapid spiritual advancement.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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