You've Got to Be Yourself

Don't try to be what you are not, namely your material body. Just as you cannot be your jacket, no matter how hard you try, you cannot be your body. It is just not possible. But this is what the most ridiculous material society trains you that you are supposed to do. They train you to try to be your body. Therefore it's no small wonder that so many millions and billions of people are bewildered and confused. The Krishna consciousness movement offers perfect relief to the suffering humanity by providing scientific knowledge of what is the actual self and how to revitalize it. Return to Your Identity in the Spiritual World Video For the Day: The Whole World is Looking for Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Are Karma Yoga and Buddhi Yoga Pure Bhakti? Srila Gurudeva, in the Bhagavad-gita Sri Krishna mentions many stages on the ladder of yoga: karma, jnana, astanga, and bhakti. When one remains on karma and jnana stages and is unable to move to bhakt...