
Showing posts from October, 2016

You've Got to Be Yourself

Don't try to be what you are not, namely your material body. Just as you cannot be your jacket, no matter how hard you try, you cannot be your body. It is just not possible. But this is what the most ridiculous material society trains you that you are supposed to do. They train you to try to be your body. Therefore it's no small wonder that so many millions and billions of people are bewildered and confused. The Krishna consciousness movement offers perfect relief to the suffering humanity by providing scientific knowledge of what is the actual self and how to revitalize it. Return to Your Identity in the Spiritual World Video For the Day: The Whole World is Looking for Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Are Karma Yoga and Buddhi Yoga Pure Bhakti? Srila Gurudeva, in the Bhagavad-gita Sri Krishna mentions many stages on the ladder of yoga: karma, jnana, astanga, and bhakti. When one remains on karma and jnana stages and is unable to move to bhakt...

Don't Cheat Yourself

By your very constitution you are meant to experience ever-increasing knowledge and bliss for all of eternity. So why are cheating yourself, relegating yourself to perpetual ignorance and misery? This does not make any sense. Come out of the cloud of illusion and awaken your dormant Krishna consciousness. You'll be glad you did. It will be the smartest decision you ever made in thousands and millions of lifetimes. Do it now. Do not delay, as it is said, "He who hesitates is lost." Krishna is Awaiting Your Return to His Transcendental Kingdom Video For the Day: Taste the Sweetest Nectar Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Should I Quit My Job? Dear Sir, Please accept my humble obeisances. I'm suffering with lot of stress and tension with work. Now I am completely blank with no solution to overcome this. I have faith in Krishna and His wonderful devotees like you. I am thinking of quitting my work and dedicating my time to hearing and chanting....

Total Complete Freedom From Anxiety

Krishna's devotee is completely free from all anxieties because he always sees everything that happens to him as the merciful arrangement of Lord Krishna. Whether he is sick or healthy or even on his death bed, the devotee is always peaceful and happy because he has total, complete trust in Krishna to always arrange what is the best for His devotee at every minute. Thus because of his transcendental vision, the Lord's devotee is never disturbed even by the most nightmarish hellish upheavals of the material nature. Such a fully self-realized soul can bring a new era of peace and prosperity to today's greatly troubled and disturbed world. Super Ecstatic Farewell--Kaunas, Lithuania Video For the Day: Travel Back to the Spiritual World Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: What Would I Be Without Your Grace? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. Srila Prabhupada tells us through his books that we need to find a spiritual teacher. Someone...

I Am Not God

Before I came to Krishna consciousness I was taught by various writers and teachers that I am God. I tried to follow their teaching and be God, but I found this to be impossible. It's not even logical. If I am God, then why am I suffering in this material existence? They are say that you are God, but you have simply forgotten it. But if I am God, the Supreme Power, how could forgetfulness ever overcome me? This "I am God" philosophy does not make ay sense, while the "I am the eternal servant of God" makes all the sense in world. So instead of trying to be God, just try to be the completely sold out servant of God. This will bring you unlimited happiness. Here is God Video For the Day: Hare Krishna from the Forest Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Difference Between Acknowledgement and Glorification? I have been thinking about the glorification of Vaisnavas for the last few days. It is not an easy topic to understand for me. So I decided...

Satisfy Your Actual Self

Because your body is not you, you should not waste your life running after material sense gratification. Your body is only a garment that you are temporarily wearing. So instead of focusing your life on satisfying your garment, you should focus your life on satisfying yourself, your actual self, the spirit-soul within. This genuine soul satisfaction is perfectly accomplished by reviving your lost loving relationship with Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So what are you waiting for? Do it immediately, right now. Fully surrender yourself unto Lord Sri Krishna as your only shelter. You will swim in an ocean of unlimited nectar for all of eternity. Srila Prabhupada Teaches Us How to Be Truly Happy Forever Video For the Day: Lord Brahma's Realization of Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Disciple Seen as a Spiritual Master? Can a disciple be seen as a spiritual master? Shanmugam Answer: Guru Accepts His Disciples as His Spiritual Masters A...

The Whole World is Waiting

Even though they don't realize it, everyone in the whole world is simply awaiting that day when they can be restored to their original happy, healthy state of Krishna consciousness. For way too long--indeed for hundreds, thousands, and millions of lifetimes--they have been mercilessly tortured by the waves of the material energy. Therefore the devotees of Krishna are working very hard to awaken them. Indeed their lives are fully dedicated to this purpose. Ecstatic Send Off--What a Blissful Life! Video For the Day: My Most Auspicious 70th Birthday Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Apologize to God? Dear Gurudeva, I have offended God by my arrogant attitude. How should I apologize to Him? Indre Answer: Become His Devotee All of us here in the material world have been offensive to God by our arrogance towards Him for millions of lifetimes. That’s why we’re here caught up in the cycle of birth and death. The only real solution for our countless offens...

My 70th Birthday and the World Deliverance Mission

Today, 25 October 2016, according to the lunar calendar, is my 70th birthday. Normally the number of birthdays one passes are not of much significance or importance. But that this is Srila Prabhupada's age when he arrived in America to launch this Krishna consciousness movement makes this age most significant for me. On 17 December 1973 Srila Prabhupada ordered his American and European disciples, of which I am one, to become perfect in the understanding of the science of Krishna consciousness, to become guru, and to deliver the whole world. I have come up far short of successfully carrying out this order, even after 45 years of preaching. This is my great sadness. Srila Prabhupada said that each of his disciples should accomplish ten times more than him. So it's now the time more than ever to really expand my preaching exponentially for the respiritualization of the human society. Therefore on this most auspicious occasion of my 70th birthday I am humbly begging Srila Prabhup...

Spiritual Awakening Begins with Initiation

On 22 October 2016 in Kaunas, Lithuania I initiated ten new disciples into the wonderful liberating process of Krishna consciousness, which will deliver them all back to home, back to Godhead if they faithfully follow their initiation vows. I am indeed grateful to my spiritual master, Srila Prabhuapda, for delivering me from the cycle of birth and death and grateful to him also for giving me the most sublime opportunity to be instrument in the delivering of others. Bhakta Daividas Becomes Dhruvanath Das Bhakta Marius Become Madan Mohan Das Bhakta Calin Become Kaliya-Damana Das Bhakta Aurimas Become Arindama Das Bhakta Stanislav Become Sahadeva Das Bhaktin Andrea Become Arci Devi Dasi Bhaktin Ieva Becomes Yasodamayi Devi Dasi Bhaktin Dace Becomes Damayanti Devi Dasi Bhaktin Urte Becomes Uttara Devi Dasi Bhaktin Crenguta Becomes Champakalata Devi Dasi Video For the Day: Relocate to the Spiritual Sky Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Appreciation: Very Pl...

Spiritual Unity In Spite of Material Distinctions

Sometimes we are criticized that in our Krishna consciousness movement we make a distinction between men and women. But this is a gross misunderstanding of our movement. The great strength and liberating power of our movement is that we see the spiritual unity of all living beings and engage everyone in the service of Krishna. While on the material platform there are distinctions that facilitate our serving Krishna in different ways in accordance with our personal talents and abilities, we are unified by our working together as a family to serve the mission of Krishna. It is natural that in any organization some of the members will be leaders and others will be followers. Show me an effective organization where everyone is a leader and nobody is a follower. One who sees the unity of all living beings will be careful not to harm even a little ant, what to speak of such beautiful, beneficial creatures as the cows, millions of whom are being mercifully slaughtered and butchered by the in...

Get Back to Where You Once Belonged

You are one the Lord's personal associates with an eternal identity in His transcendental pastimes in the spiritual sky. You do not all belong here in this material world. Simply due to your forgetfulness of who you actually are you have remained stuck here in this hellish nightmare, the cycle of birth and death, for millions and billions of lifetimes. So now get out of your foolish bad dream and wake up to your actually eternal identity as a servitor of the inconceivably sublime Lord Sri Krishna. Get back to where you once belonged. We will take you there. Simply your must follow our directions. The Inconceivably Sublime Lord Sri Krishna Video For the Day: Formula for World Peace Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: What are the Six Passions, Six Faults, etc? My dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you and to Srimati Gurumataji. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. In the song "Ohe Vaisnava Thakura" by Srila Bhaktivin...

Nothing to Lose Except for Your Anxiety

Make the smartest of all moves. Fully surrender yourself to Lord Krishna by accepting the instructions He gives in the Bhagavad-gita as your very life and soul. You've got nothing to lose except for your anxiety. So why not do it today? Do you think that you have anything to gain by continuing to torture yourself by not surrendering to Krishna? Super Blissful Devotees in Kaunas, Lithuania--20 October 2016 Video For the Day: The Early Bird Catches the Worm Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Can Chanting Overcome Offending a Vaisnava? Srila Prabhupada says a few times that offending a vaisnava is the worst thing you can do. But since the sankirtan movement of Lord Caitanya of chanting the holy names of the Lord is so potent, can simply the sincere chanting the holy names overcome the sin of offending a Vaisnava? Dahmerson Answer: No. You Must Please the Vaisnava You Offended Chanting alone is not sufficient to free one from the sin of offending a Vaisnava. ...

Material Civilization: Fix It, Don't Nix It

The material civilization has gotten so far off the track that it appears practically impossible that its inconceivably gargantuan burden of problems could ever be solved, even in thousands of years. But yet we can easily cross over this vast ocean of problems simply by putting Krishna back in the center in every facet of human life. So instead of destroying the whole thing with a nuclear holocaust, we can repair it by Krishna consciousness. Therefore our motto is, "Fix it, don't nix it." Krishna Consciousness Will Solve All the World's Problems Video For the Day: Let's Work Together to Save the World Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Why God Wants Us to Suffer? Please help me understand few topics. I was reading a book, "Journey of Self Discovery", where it was mentioned, if you become Krishna conscious, you can get rid of suffering like ādhyātmika, ādhibhautika, and ādhidaivika. So how will I get rid of these problems? If I b...

It's Time to Remake the World

Enough is enough. Things have gone too far amuck. It's time to remake the world. The truth cannot forever be covered by ignorance. It is time now for everyone throughout the entire world to wake up to the liberating message of Krishna consciousness and become happy. It will be the greatest moment in world history. Krishna's Holy Names Bless the Entire Universe Video For the Day: Bestowing the Greatest Happiness Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How as a Muslim Can I Attain Unlimited Happiness? Thank you for your blessing. Firstly since my religion is Muslim I will follow you only as long as it does not need me to believe in what your belief is. I'm a very simple person. I hope you can understand what I mean. Thank you for accepting me as what I am. Please tell me in simple English what to do to attain unlimited happiness. Roslizain Answer: Chant the Holy Name of Allah and Live a Sinless Life I am very happy to hear that you are follower of the p...

Departing from the Holy Land

17 October, 2016--After a most spiritually uplifting month in the holy land of India, we are heading out today to spread the rays of Sri Caitanya's benediction moon in Europe. I cannot even begin to imagine how much spiritual benefit we have received here in this sacred land of Lord Krishna's pastimes. We visited so many holy places, had darshan of so many deities of Krishna, and were blessed with the association of so many wonderful, saintly devotees. We look forward to returning here next April to become more blessed. Lecture to Youth--Pune, India--16 October 2016 Kirtan With Youth--Pune, India--16 October 2016 Video For the Day: Blissful ISKCON Pune Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Can You Make Me Rich? Can you make me rich within a few days? If you can't I am not interested in your course. Rosli Answer: We Will Make You the Richest If you will follow our instructions precisely, you will become more wealthy that the richest people in the ...

Embrace the Cutting-Edge Lifestyle

Why live in the ghost of the past? Why cling on to the old paradigms, which are useless for bestowing real peace and happiness? Those who are actually intelligent fully embrace that truly cutting edge lifestyle which is now being recognized more and more as the only genuine hope for humanity. I am speaking of the bhakti lifestyle, which puts you into a state of perfect harmony with everything in all of existence because it enables you to fully dovetail your individual consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness in all times, places, and circumstances. How to Raise a Devotee Family--15 October 2016 Hinjawadi Information Technology Park--Pune, India Video For the Day: Krishna's Kadamba Lila Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Not Lose Faith and Keep Enthusiasm Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you. It seems that you have never lost faith or enthusiasm throughout your Krishna conscious life. What makes ...

By Conquering Your Mind, You Can Conquer the World

Guru Nanak, who is described by Srila Prabhupada as being one of the great acaryas, great spiritual authorities, said, "Man Jeetai Jagjeet--By conquering your mind, you can conquer the world." This is a fact. One who becomes a perfect master of his senses by engaging them fully in Krishna' service, becomes empowered by Krishna to attract the whole world to Krishna. This is confirmed by Srila Prabhupada in the Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila, Chapter 7, Text 83 purport, in which he states: "A sincere student aurally receives the holy name from the spiritual master, and after being initiated he follows the regulative principles given by the spiritual master. When the holy name is properly served in this way, automatically the spiritual nature of the holy name spreads; in other words, the devotee becomes qualified in offenselessly chanting the holy name. When one is completely fit to chant the holy name in this way, he is eligible to make disciples all over the world, ...

Take Over the World As Soon As Possible

Our number one priority right now is to take over the world as soon as possible. I am not speaking of a military or political takeover. I am speaking of an educational takeover. The entire world society is now in illusion because they have accepted a materialistic explanation of reality. Even though matter cannot move until it is touched by spirit, they insist that there is no spiritual foundation for our existence. Nothing could be more foolish or further away from the truth. Therefore to bring sanity and true happiness back to the human society we must now educate everyone as soon as possible regarding the spiritual foundation of reality. Bhagavatam Class--ISKCON Pune, India--14 October 2016 Video For the Day: Now That You Have a Human Birth Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Save Ourselves or Save the World? Dearest Srila Gurudeva, Please accept by respects. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I especially appreciated your message today: "Help Us Save the ...

The Hardest Part of Coming to Vrindavana

The hardest part of coming to Vrindavana is leaving Vrindavana. This is the actual place where 5,000 years ago Krishna had His most intimate pastimes with His most confidential devotees. That same Krishna is still personally present here continuing to relish His divine pastimes. Every particle of dust here is non-different from Krishna Himself. So once having come here, how could one ever leave? It seems completely insane. But yet because Lord Caitanya has ordered us to save the world, we therefore travel outside of Vrindavan to save the suffering souls of this world from their nightmarish entanglement in the cycle of repeated birth and death. In this way by surrendering to Lord Caitanya's order we are living constantly in Vrindavan because we carry Vrindavana within our hearts for sharing this most sublime mood and atmosphere with everyone that we meet. As I write these words it is 6am on 13 October 2016. In three hours we will depart from this most sacred of all holy places. B...

Help Us Save the World

Our world is in desperate need of being saved from ever-increasing godlessness and moral degradation. We need, now more than ever, brave people to step forward to dedicate their lives for helping us to raise the consciousness level of the human population by introducing the science of Krishna consciousness as much as possible to everyone that they meet. The Krishna consciousness movement has been started to save the world, and it is indeed the only hope that relief can be brought to the suffering humanity. Therefore we are requesting everyone to join this Krishna consciousness and assist in this most urgent mission of awakening the whole world to Krishna consciousness as soon as possible. Srila Prabhupada Distributes His Books Video For the Day: From Vrindavana Parikrama Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Are ISKCON Teachers Using Scare Tactics? My Dearest Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. In my quest to advanc...

Pure Devotee Fixes the Global Consciousness

Just as by its sucking power the sun can completely dry up a large lake, Krishna's pure devotee, can by Krishna shakti, the divine empowerment which Krishna has invested in him, suck this age of Kali dry of all of its demoniac qualities and thus turn the tide of times away from its present exploitative, miserable culture of darkness into a brilliant God-centered civilization of compassion, in which everyone experiences unlimited peace and happiness at every moment of their lives. In other words, the pure devotee fixes the disastrously off-center global consciousness. Prabhupada's Teachings Turn the Tide of the Times Video For the Day: Don't Cheat Yourself Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Strong Faith, Low Faith, or Blind Faith. Does it Matter? As long as one follows the teachings of Krishna, does it matter if one does it with strong faith, low faith or blind faith? If yes, what are the differences of the effect? Your student, Ruta Answer: Actin...

The Glories of Vasudeva Datta

Srila Prabhupada explains the glories of Vasudeva Datta: "Vasudeva Datta was so kind to the living entities that he wanted to take all their sinful reactions so that they might be delivered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is described in the Fifteenth Chapter of the Caitanya-caritamrita's Madhya-lila, verses 159 through 180." "He was the most exalted personality to ever show mercy to the conditioned souls. This is not an exaggeration of his transcendental qualities. It is perfectly true. Actually, there cannot be any comparison to Vasudeva Datta. As the perfect Vaisnava, he was para-duhkha-duhkhi, very much aggrieved to see others suffer. The entire world is purified simply by the appearance of such a great devotee. Indeed, by his transcendental presence the whole world is glorified and all conditioned souls are also glorified." Therefore we pray for the special mercy of Vaisnava Datta that we can be delivered from this hellish material existence. There Is No...

Super Ecstatic Darshans

Madana Mohana, Govinda, and Gopinatha are the three main deities of Vrindavan. Many centuries ago when the Muslim tyrant, Aurangzeb, sent his soldiers to destroy the temples and deities of Vrindavan these deities were brought to Rajasthan by Maharaja Jai Singh II for their protection. So now for many hundreds of years they are being worshipped very nicely in Rajasthan. On 9 October 2016 we were blessed with the most sublime benediction of having their darshans. In the morning we drove 125 kilometers from Vrindavan to Karoli for the darshan of Madana Mohana. Then we drove 200 kilometers to Jaipur where in the evening we got the darshan of Govinda and Gopinatha. Madana Mohana In Karoli, Rajasthan Govinda in Jaipur, Rajasthan Gopinatha in Jaipur, Rajasthan Video For the Day: The Most Wonderful Pilgrimage Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: If I Die Today? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. What if I die today or tomorrow and I am not yet ...

Take Over the World As Soon As Possible

The entire human civilization is suffering like anything due to their lack of Krishna consciousness. In fact, they are so far off the track that practically the entire human civilization is heading down to the animal kingdom in their next births. Therefore out of compassion upon these poor suffering souls we need to take over the world as soon possible. The world takeover we are proposing is not by guns and bombs. It is by education. We want to train everyone how to understand perfectly what is the individual self, what is Supreme Self, and how the individual self can live in perfect harmony with the Supreme Self. When this knowledge becomes widely known the entire planet will be blessed with peace and prosperity. Everyone will be truly happy. May that day come soon. May that day come real soon. Caitanya Caritamrita Lecture--Barshana, India--8 October 2016 Video For the Day: The Most Amazing Miracle Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Necessary to Perform the Sr...

Beware of Lust

Lust or sex desire is the most dangerous enemy of the living being. When one becomes lusty he completely forgets his spiritual identity and becomes locked 100% into bodily consciousness intensely desiring the stimulation of his genitals as his only business. Such lusty consciousness is the worst of all hells because it completely kills one's Krishna consciousness. Therefore with a cool head, a thoughtful intelligent mind, one should carefully and stringently detach himself from sex desire so that he can relish the only real pleasure in all of existence, to be fully and deeply absorbed in a loving, serving relationship with Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the pathway of unlimited bliss completely beyond the pinches of the material nature. Lust, Anger, and Greed Are Our Vicious Enemies Video For the Day: Nothing Further to Be Known Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Difference Between Demons and Inimical Non-devotees? Is there a...

The World Order is Crumbling

It does not take much of a brain to see that the present world order is rapidly crumbling all around us. The only thing that can save this planet from descending into total anarchy is this Krishna consciousness movement. Therefore we must attract the whole world as soon as possible to the teachings of Krishna. This is our mission. We must make the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. We Must Introduce Everyone to Krishna's Teachings Video For the Day: Tasting Pleasure in Everything Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Serve Krishna While in Pain? Hare Krishna Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. I am need of your advice once again. I recently went through a very painful bodily experience, which lasted a lot longer and was a lot more painful than I expected. I managed to keep my composure and chant at first but as the pain increased I felt I was losing myself. Also the days after that have been rough trying to chant p...

Love of Krishna is Eternal

Because Krishna is the origin of everyone and everything, love of Krishna is eternal within everyone. Therefore this love of Krishna or Krishna prema can never be destroyed or removed from anyone's heart. It is the light that illuminates and gives life to every living being. But just as a pure white light becomes colored when it shines through colored glass, our pure love of Krishna becomes manifested in the form of lust, anger, greed, etc. when it is experienced from within the three modes of material nature. Therefore just as a sick person undergoes therapy to free himself from a disease and bring himself back to his natural healthy condition, the souls who are covered by three modes of material nature must undergo the therapeutic process known as bhakti yoga to bring themselves back to their original pristine natural state of pure love of Krishna. This science of this healing process is learned from the bona fide scriptures, the bona fide saintly teachers, and the bona fide spi...

The Appearance of Govardhana

Here is the history of Govardhan's appearance as described in the Garga-samhita: Shri Nanda said: O very intelligent Sannanda, you have heard much and you know everything. We have heard from your mouth the glories of Vraja-mandala. Now please tell me about the birth of the mountain named Govardhana. Why do they call it the best of mountains and the king of mountains? From what world did the Yamuna river come? You are the best of the wise. Please explain to me its glories. Shri Sannanda said: One day in Hastinapura, as many people listened, King Pandu said to the pious Bhishma: As the Original Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna, who is the king of Goloka and the master of countless universes was about to depart in order to remove the earth's burden, He said to Radha: O beloved, O frightened one, You should also go to the earth. Shri Radha said: My heart cannot be happy in a place where there is no Vrindavana forest, no Yamuna River, and no Govardhana Hill. Shri Sannan...