The Importance of Faith

Srila Prabhupada writes that faith is the complete conviction that simply by serving the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna, one can achieve all perfection. He says that this is called real faith. So we must all have this faith if we want to become truly free from all distress, because for a doubting person there is neither happiness in this world or in the next. Because faith is contagious by associating with and serving those who have this real faith, we will also develop it. So this is what we must do if we want actual relief from distress. Association with Srila Prabhupada Gives Faith Video For the Day: Only Solution for a World in Chaos Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Meaning of Surrendering Works to Krishna? In Bhagavad-gita Chapter 3, Text 30 Krishna tells Arjuna to fight, surrendering all works unto Him. Could you please elaborate what does it mean? With kind regards Your student, Ruta Answer: Result of All Actions is for His Pleasure Working for Kr...