We Need Your Help for Our Subscription Drive

The mission of our Hare Krishna movement is to make the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible because there is absolutely nothing besides this movement that can solve the problems of the world and thus make everyone happy. This e-course is an important part of that effort. For this purpose we want to increase our subscriber base more and more until we have millions of people enrolled in this e-course. In order to do this we require your help. Here's what we request you to do: Ask everyone you meet if they would agree to try out a free e-course that will give them unlimited happiness, a life completely free from anxiety. If they agree, write down their names and email addresses and then as soon as possible input them at http://www.backtohome.com . If you have online access with a smart phone or iPad you can have them input their info right there while you are speaking to them. If you are not able to input the names and email addresses, another option is that you can e...