Who Absorbs the Disciple's Sinful Reactions?

Sometimes the question is raised, "Who absorbs the sinful reactions of the disciple, the diksha guru (initiating guru) or the siksha guru (instructing guru)?" In this connection Srila Prabhupada explains as follows in a letter he wrote to Sacisuta das on 19 September, 1969: "Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita that He takes charge of a surrendered soul; so much so that Lord Krishna protects His devotee from all his sinful activities in the past. Similarly, the Spiritual Master, when He accepts a disciple and the disciple surrenders unto Him, He has got the responsibility of absorbing the sinful reaction of His disciple's life. This is a great responsibility of the Spiritual Master. We should therefore be very careful not to overburden our Spiritual Master by further repetition of sinful activities." When Srila Prabhupada says, "accepts a disciple" he is referring to initiation. So it is very clear that the diksha guru, the initiating spiritual master, a...