Together We Can Change the World
The present day world situation is hellish. Its educational system all over the world is based on the false bodily conception of existence. Hence the entire global situation in all spheres is gradually descending into more chaos with the poor, bewildered people becoming more miserable as they become ever-increasingly entangled in the karmic network. The good news is that even a small group of devotees of Krishna who are working together in a tight knit, fully co-operative fashion can have a tremendous impact on the course of human history. Such devotees must be strictly following the orders of the predecessor acharyas and lovingly co-operating with each other. Then the magic will happen.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

David K.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Ecstatic Chanting Party--Germany 1974

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:
Question: Can a Departed Vaisnava Be One's Guru?
Can one have a guru who has left the material world? Or must he or she still be alive on the earthly plane?Namaste
David K.
Answer: Initiation Requires Guru Who Is Physically Present
One can only accept initiation from a spiritual master who is physically manifested on this planet. He cannot accept initiation from a departed Vaisnava. However, after initiation there is no consideration of whether the spiritual master is physically manifested or not, because after initiation the spiritual master personally resides in the heart of his fully surrendered disciple.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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