If They Awaken, Whole World Will Be Saved.

If the world population will wake up to their actual identities, the entire world will be saved from chaos and degradation. It is simply due to ignorance of the self and it relationship with the Supreme Self that there is so much suffering going on all over the world. There is no reason for everyone to remain suffering in the cycle of birth and death. Therefore it's time for everyone wake up to know who they are and to truly be who they are by hearing from the enlightened sages of Vedic wisdom.

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: Difference Between Gita & Vedas?


What is the difference between Vedic knowledge and Bhagavad-gita knowledge? The Bhagavad-gita says that Krishna is God. But the Vedas say that God is not a person, that He is nirakara, not possessing a form. I'm confused.


Answer: Gita is the Perfection of Vedic Wisdom

Bhagavad-gita knowledge describing the form and personality of God is the perfection of Vedic knowledge. Although the Vedas describe nirakara, the formless, impersonal conception of God as well as the personal, with-form conception of God, when the Vedic wisdom says that God has no form, this means that He has no material form. It does not mean that He is lacking a spiritual form. Therefore although the Vedas describe a formless, impersonal God to help us realize that God is not a person like us with a temporary form, the conclusion of Vedic knowledge is that God is a person with an eternal form full of knowledge and bliss.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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