Ecstasy Will Overflood Your Heart
Do you want to always feel inspired and enlivened? To do so is not difficult. All you have to do is reconnect with the eternal brilliant reality, which is always splendorously shining far beyond the dense, dark clouds of illusion. Beyond the delusional quagmire of this miserable material existence resides the most beautiful, wondrous, all-powerful, all-loving person named Krishna, who is beckoning you to return to your original, all-blissful, all-knowing identity in His eternal pastimes. To regain your identity all you have to do is call out to Krishna with this amazing mantra in a mood of sincere devotion:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
Do so and you will feel the most amazing ecstasy overflooding your heart. You will become completely inundated with divine bliss.
Hare Krishna Chanting Bliss
Sofia, Bulgaria Airport-26 May 2011

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version
Question: Why Chanting Does Not Make Me Happy?
Hare Krishna Maharaja,Please accept my humble obeisances.
I heard somewhere from a devotee, that Srila Prabhupada stated "if a devotee is not happy he is doing something wrong".
Related to me, I never feel satisfied or happy after doing chanting. I feel more confused, frustrated, unhappy after chanting, which kills my motivation to chant or associate with devotees.
Could you please guide me what wrong I am doing. Please give me direction, what shall I do.
Hare Krishna
Your Servant
Answer: You're Chanting to Please Yourself
I am unhappy to learn that you are not experiencing happiness in chanting. Kindly note that if we try to be the enjoyers, we cannot be happy. It is only when we acknowledge that only Krishna is the actual enjoyer and do everything for His pleasure that we will taste genuine happiness. So instead of trying to taste happiness from your chanting try to chant like a child crying out for its mother to invoke the merciful blessings of Krishna. In this way Krishna will be very pleased with your chanting, and you will taste unlimited happiness. In other words, we experience transcendental bliss to the extent that we please Krishna. The more we please Him, the more we will taste the bliss.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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