Krishna Prasadam is Simply Wonderful

At the conclusion of a lecture that Srila Prabhupada gave in Los Angeles on 20 July 1971 my godbrother, Nanda-Kiśora Prabhu asked Srila Prabhupada the following question: "What happens to a person if we just give him out on the street one Simply Wonderful or some prasādam, one piece of prasādam?" Srila Prabhupada replied, "That is wonderful, simply wonderful. (laughter) He has not tasted such wonderful sweet in his life. Therefore you give him wonderful, and because he's eating that wonderful sweet, one day he'll come to your temple and become wonderful." The devotees chanted, "Jaya!" And then Prabhupada said, "Therefore it is simply wonderful. So go on distributing this Simply Wonderful. Your philosophy is simply wonderful. Your prasādam is simply wonderful. You are simply wonderful. And your Kṛṣṇa is simply wonderful. The whole process of simply wonderful. And He acts wonderfully, and it is acting wonderfully. Who can deny it?" One devo...