The Topmost Transcendental Ecstasy of Srimati Radharani's Pangs of Separation

Lord Caitanya Feels the Pangs
of Separation from Krishna

The topmost spiritual ecstasy is tasted by Srimati Radharani in her loving relationship with Krishna. And the epitome of that ecstasy is when she is being tortured by pangs of being separated from Krishna. She was plunged into this ocean of torture when Krishna left Vrindavan and took up residence in Dvaraka marrying 16,108 queens and leaving Radharani behind. Once on the occasion of a solar eclipse when the Brajavasis (the inhabitants of Vrindavan) met with the inhabitants of Dvaraka at Kurukshetra she had the opportunity to meet Krishna again. And on that occasion here is what she told her friend about that meeting:
priyaḥ so ‘yaṁ kṛṣṇaḥ saha-cari kuru-kṣetra-militas
tathāhaṁ sā rādhā tad idam ubhayoḥ saṅgama-sukham
tathāpy antaḥ-khelan-madhura-muralī-pañcama-juṣe
mano me kālindī-pulina-vipināya spṛhayati
"My dear friend, now I have met My very old and dear friend Krishna on this field of Kurukshetra. I am the same Radharani, and now We are meeting together. It is very pleasant, but I would still like to go to the bank of the Yamuna beneath the trees of the forest there. I wish to hear the vibration of His sweet flute playing the fifth note within that forest of Vrindavana."
This same spiritual ecstasy, the pangs of separation was expressed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the following prayer:
yugāyitaṁ nimeṣeṇa cakṣuṣā prāvṛṣāyitam
śūnyāyitaṁ jagat sarvaṁ govinda-viraheṇa me
“O Govinda! Feeling Your separation, I am considering a moment to be like twelve years or more. Tears are flowing from my eyes like torrents of rain, and I am feeling all vacant in the world in Your absence.”
While we neophyte devotees sometimes lament our separation from sense gratification, those who are truly advanced in Krishna consciousness taste the highest ecstasy by lamenting their separation from Krishna. In this way they become powerfully and intimately connected with Krishna. Indeed, they capture Him by their intense love for Him and thus relish the sweetest, most inconceivable ecstasy at every moment.
Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom
Question: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Your Divine Grace and Srimati Gurumata.
What am I doing wrong? Am I in the right place doing the right thing?
How can I develop more love towards Your Grace?
Is it wrong to develop spiritual desires to serve the spiritual master and the mission in a big way? Should I be satisfied with doing small services?
At the moment my confidence level is in a negative scale. Whatever I start or begin does not work well or reach its completion. How do I bring up my confidence?
I desperately need rectification, completely bewildered. In this situation, I am surrendering unto You. Please guide me.
Your insignificant servant,
A. das
Answer: I Am Pleased by Your Sincere Endeavor
My Dear A. Das,Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Here are your questions (in bold) and my answers:
What am I doing wrong? Am I in the right place doing the right thing?
I am very pleased by your sincere endeavor to be a first class devotee.
How can I develop more love towards Your Grace?
By begging Lord Sri Krishna to bless you with this.
Is it wrong to develop spiritual desires to serve the spiritual master and the mission in a big way?
No. You should think big like the little sparrow who wanted to dry up the entire ocean, that on the order of Guru and Gauranga you want to make the whole world Krishna conscious.
Should I be satisfied with doing small services?
You should take the opportunity to do even the smallest service as the greatest blessing.
At the moment my confidence level is in a negative scale. Whatever I start or begin does not work well or reach its completion. How do I bring up my confidence?
Take every moment as the greatest blessing.
I desperately need rectification, completely bewildered. In this situation, I am surrendering unto You. Please guide me.
Regularly beg for the awakening of pure love of God within your heart and for the empowerment to make the whole world Krishna conscious as soon as possible.
I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Sankarshan Das Adhikari is one of the spiritual masters of the worldwide Hare Krishna Movement. He has dedicated the last 50 years of his life for bringing a spiritual revolution to planet earth by spreading the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna all over the world. He is based in Austin, Texas and when there is no pandemic regularly travels all over the world teaching his audiences how to attain Krishna consciousness, the highest stage of spiritual awakening. He is available for media interviews and to speak to groups and organizations either in person or via the internet.
I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Sankarshan Das Adhikari is one of the spiritual masters of the worldwide Hare Krishna Movement. He has dedicated the last 50 years of his life for bringing a spiritual revolution to planet earth by spreading the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna all over the world. He is based in Austin, Texas and when there is no pandemic regularly travels all over the world teaching his audiences how to attain Krishna consciousness, the highest stage of spiritual awakening. He is available for media interviews and to speak to groups and organizations either in person or via the internet.
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