How to Kick Out All Anxiety Once and For All

Do not torture yourself unnecessarily. Your constitutional nature is to be full of bliss at every minute. It is only due to false identification or misidentification with your temporary material body that you find yourself to. be in anxiety. Your material body is not your actual self. It is simply a garment that you are temporarily wearing. Realize that you are an eternal spiritual being, servant of God and you will swimming in an ocean of unlimited bliss at every minute.
Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom
Question: If Everything is Predestined...?
My dear Srila Gurudev,Please accept my most humble and most respectful obeisances !
All glories to Srila Gurudev and Srimati Gurumataji!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Srila Gurudev, One senior devotee; His Grace Reviteja Govinda Das prabhu; requested me to submit a question before Srila Gurudev for enlightenment. He encountered this question; while in his preaching. The question is ; “ If everything is predestined; why should one pray to God?”
Prabhuji said; he couldn’t satisfactorily answer this question. He asked me to submit this question before Srila Gurudev.
Kindly enlighten us,
Always holding unto Your Lotus Feet,
Yours lovingly,
Your eternal servant ,
Hare Krishna Das
Answer: Freed from the Chains of Predestination
My Dear Hare Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Predestination is only while one is under the influence of the material energy. When one decides to surrender to Krishna he frees himself the chains of predestination. In other words by begging Krishna to bless us with pure devotional service we become liberated from the chains of predestination. We become blessed with the ability to pray in this way when we are blessed by the dust of the lotus feet of a pure devotee of Lord Krishna.
I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Sankarshan Das Adhikari is one of the spiritual masters of the worldwide Hare Krishna Movement. He has dedicated the last 50 years of his life for bringing a spiritual revolution to planet earth by spreading the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna all over the world. He is based in Austin, Texas and when there is no pandemic regularly travels all over the world teaching his audiences how to attain Krishna consciousness, the highest stage of spiritual awakening. He is available for media interviews and to speak to groups and organizations either in person or via the internet.
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