If You Ever Get Depressed, Here's What to Do
If You Ever Get Depressed, Here's What to Do

Be Krishna Conscious and Share Krishna Consciousness

If you ever depressed, take it as a golden opportunity to remember that this material world is place of misery where no genuine happiness exists and that the only way to taste true happiness is to remember that your actual identity is that you are the eternal servant of Krishna who has nothing to do with this sinking ship of material existence except to escape it as soon as possible and rescue as many suffering souls as possible by making them Krishna conscious. If you do this, your depression will immediately go away.
Try it. You will love it!
Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom
Question: God's Existence
How do we believe in the existence of God? 🙏Probir Raptan
Answer: Here's How
My Dear Probir,Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
It is not a question of belief. It is rather scientific knowledge.
Since nothing comes from nothing there must be something from which
everything has come. And since we find form and personality within this manifested existence, the qualities of form and personality must exist within the source of existence. Thus the original source of everything has form and personality.
I hope this meets you in the best of healthand in an ecstatic mood.
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Sankarshan Das Adhikari is one of the spiritual masters of the worldwide Hare Krishna Movement. He has dedicated the last 50 years of his life for bringing a spiritual revolution to planet earth by spreading the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna all over the world. He is based in Austin, Texas and when there is no pandemic regularly travels all over the world teaching his audiences how to attain Krishna consciousness, the highest stage of spiritual awakening. He is available for media interviews and to speak to groups and organizations either in person or via the internet.
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