Why the Hare Krishnas Love Jesus

The Hare Krishnas love Jesus because he is the best example of loving devotion to Lord Krishna. He is an ideal Vaisnava acharya. He is so devoted to his beloved Lord that he was even willing to be put to death by being nailed to a cross in His service. (Of course, it would be superficial to think that he was actually killed.) The night before his execution Jesus prayed that he could be saved from what was going to happen the next day, but that if God wanted him to go through with this he was willing to accept it as an act of surrender to his beloved Lord. This prayer of Lord Jesus is what convinced me to take shelter of Lord Krishna as His totally surrendered devotee. So I am forever indebted to Lord Jesus Christ for inspiring me and guiding me by his perfect example how to completely surrender myself to Lord Sri Krishna.

Lord Jesus Christ: An Ideal Vaisnava Acharya

Lord Jesus Christ: An Ideal Vaisnava Acharya

Video for the Day

Answers According to Vedic Wisdom

Question: From Quora.com

Are there still any Hare Krishna's?

Trevor Noble

Answer: Whole World is Hare Krishna

The whole world is Hare Krishna. They just don’t realize it yet. But soon they will.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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