Always Remain Humble

If you are serious about experiencing the unlimited nectar found in Krishna's name, you have to always remain in a humble state of mind thinking yourself to be lower than the straw in the street. If you are proud of your so-called greatness, the holy name will not be nectarean for you. It will instead taste like poison. So do yourself the greatest of all favors: Always remain humble. Srila Prabhupada Humbly Bows Before Krishna Video For the Day: Spiritual Revolution Now Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Illicit Sex With One's Wife is Sex in Mode of Goodness? Dear Gurudeva, I heard a lecture given in Mayapur by a Prabhupada disciple. He said that having sex with one's wife for procreation as per Srila Prabhupada's instructions is transcendental, in other words beyond the modes of material nature. This I know. But then he said that having sex with one's wife outside of regulative principles is in the mode of goodness because even though illic...