
Showing posts from September, 2015

Unflinching Faith in the Spiritual Master

In reference to the bona fide spiritual master who is purely teaching us what he has heard from his spiritual master without any adulteration, addition, or subtraction, it is clearly stated in the Svetasvatara Upanisad (6:23): yasya deve parā bhaktir yathā deve tathā gurau tasyaite kathitā hy arthāḥ prakāśante mahātmanaḥ "Only unto those great souls who have absolute, unflinching faith in both the Lord and the spiritual master are all the imports of Vedic knowledge automatically revealed." Foolish mental speculators and envious so-called devotees say that we should not have such strong faith in the spiritual master. But when they say that we ask them, "Why then should we have faith in your words?" In other words, if we accept the truth that it is philosophically incorrect to trust our teacher, then logically we must also conclude that we cannot trust the person who teaches us no to trust our teacher. He is also giving us a teaching. If teachers cannot be trusted, we...

Give Up Your Demoniac Mentality

In this miserable material world we all have demoniac mentality. That's why we're stuck here repeatedly going through the cycle of birth, death, old age, and disease. Demoniac mentality means selfish mentality, considering ourselves to be the center of the universe. This stupid self-centeredness has done nothing but make us miserable for thousands and millions of lifetimes. So it's time to wise up and cast away this asinine demoniac mentality. If you will kick it out once and for all from your heart and not ever let it back in, you will be doing yourself the greatest of all favors. If you will instead always remember that you are not the center of the universe, that you are instead the eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you will regain your original position of unlimited spiritual bliss that you have hankered for millions and billions of lifetimes. Krishna and His Most Beloved Gopis Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $34,024.82 ...

Curbing Down the Voracious Senses

Of all the senses the tongue is the most voracious and uncontrollable. Therefore anyone who can fully conquer his tongue by only taking Krishna prasadam and by only talking about Krishna becomes a goswami, a master of his senses. Such a person can bestow the highest benefit upon all living beings by giving them Krishna consciousness. If we are so fortunate to meet such a person, we should take full advantage of his association by carefully following his instructions and thus becoming solidly established in Krishna consciousness, the ultimate perfection of consciousness. Srila Prabhupada Mercifully Trains His Disciples Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $34,024.82 collected with $2,465,975.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Miraculous Guru? How do You manage to be such a miraculous guru? Your eternal servant, Gabriele Answer: Prabhupada's Mir...

My Life's Mission

In this hellish material world it is indeed very rare to come into contact with a pure devotee of Krishna. Opportunities like this don't come along very often. I am most fortunate to have met such a pure devotee and even more fortunate to have been accepted by him as his disciple. I am speaking of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the jagad-guru or spiritual master of the entire universe. Srila Prabhupada is blessing our ever-increasingly troubled world with the true formula for world peace. His formula, taken from the ancient wisdom of India, specifically the Bhagavad-gita, defines how we can turn this entire planet into a wonderful, peaceful, happy paradise. This peace formula should become universally accepted and followed by all the world's leaders. When that wonderful day comes it will be the dawning of a new era of unparalleled peace and prosperity on our despondent planet earth, the like of which has not been manifested for thousands of years. May tha...

World Desperately Needs Krishna Consciousness

People are suffering like anything without Krishna consciousness. They are futilely trying to squeeze whatever pleasure they can out of their temporary material senses with the end result of being demoted in their next lives to the animal kingdom. What a tragic waste! Therefore we must try to save them. We must inspire them and guide them how to awaken their dormant Krishna consciousness. We are living in epidemic area, and we have the medicine to save all the dying people. Therefore we must fully dedicate our lives for distributing the medicine of Lord Krishna's unlimitedly nectarean holy name to bring them back to life. Devotees Relish the Association of Srila Prabhupada Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $33,524.82 collected with $2,466,475.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: If I Cannot Follow Guru's Orders? What should I do if I find ...

No More Depression

There is no reason to be depressed ever again. All you have to do is awaken your dormant, all-blissful original state of consciousness, which is known as Krishna consciousness. It has been sleeping within your heart for the thousands and millions of lifetimes of your sojourn within this material existence. Simply by associating with someone who has awakened their Krishna consciousness you can get yours awakened too. So find someone who is Krishna conscious and ask them what to do. You will discover a most amazing reality that you could never have even dreamed could exist. Srila Prabhupada Ecstatically Absorbed in Devotion Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $33,524.82 collected with $2,466,475.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: What is Sense Gratification? Dear Gurudeva, Kindly explain the term "sense gratification" fully by an inclusive...

We Can Easily Solve All the World's Problems

We can easily solve all of the world's problems because actually there is only problem in the world, a lack of Krishna consciousness. All of the other problems are simply derivatives of this one problem. Unfortunately because this simple fact is not understood or accepted by the world's leaders the world has been plunged into ever-increasing chaos and devastation. Therefore we hanker for day that when ISKCON's leaders will be accepted and honored by all the world's leaders as the leading spiritual authorities on this planet. When that day comes a new epoch of unparalled peace and prosperity will dawn on this planet. Happy Hare Krishnas in Bratislava, Slovakia Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $33,524.82 collected with $2,466,475.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: If One Cannot Fast Due to Health Problems? If a devotee is unable t...

We Can Accept or Reject Anything

In this human form of life there is only one necessity, and that is to awaken our dormant Krishna consciousness. But for Krishna's service we an accept anything, even the whole world, if Krishna wants to give it to us to engage in His service. And we can also reject anything, if Krishna wants us to reject it. In this way, the devotee of Krishna is totally detached from material sense gratification and is totally attached to Krishna. Happy Hare Krishnas in Burgas, Bulgaria--21 September 2015 Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $33,524.82 collected with $2,466,475.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: What is Love? What is love and what does it mean to love? Gintare Answer: To Serve Without Any Thought of Return Love means to serve without any thought about getting something in exchange. In other words the taste derived from the service is the pa...

Peace Formula Video Exceeds 10,000 Views

The Peace Formula video, which I posted only one week ago on , has already exceeded 10,000 views. In fact as I am getting ready to post Thought for the Day it has reached 11,667 views. This is very encouraging because this video is presenting Krishna's formula for world peace as given in Bhagavad-gita 5.29. Our next goal is to reach 100,000 views. From there we want to go to 1 million, ten million, with the ultimate goal of at least one billion. The more that the world becomes aware of Krishna's peace formula, the more the world will change. So I am requesting you all to do everything you can to help to popularize this video. Here Is Where You Can See the Latest View Count: Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $33,524.82 collected with $2,466,475.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Plea for Help: I Do Not Fe...

Radhastami--the Appearance Day of Srimati Radharani

On today, Monday 21 September, here in Bulgaria we are blessed with the most auspicious holy day, the appearance day of Srimati Radharani. Radharani is famous for being more merciful than even Krishna Himself. If someone approaches Radharani and begs for her mercy to become accepted by Krishna, she will tell her beloved Krishna to take notice of this devotee who is a better devotee than her. When Krishna gets this recommendation from Radharani that here is a devotee who is better than Radharani, He immediately takes note and bestows His causeless mercy upon this devotee who is recognized by His beloved Srimati Radharani. So if you want Krishna's mercy, first beg for Radharani's mercy. That is why in the Hare Krishna mahamantra we first chant "Hare," which addresses Radharani, before we call out to Krishna. Radharani Serves Her Most Beloved Krishna Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $33,524.82 collected with $2,466,475.18 still to go. Contribu...

Ratha Yatra Bliss in Sofia

On Friday 18 September the people of Sofia, Bulgaria were blessed by the divine presence of a Ratha Yatra festival in their city. The huge throng of over two hundred devotees and chanted and danced in ecstasy in the streets of Sofia causing surprise and joy in the hearts of hundreds and thousands of fortunate bystanders. I noticed that even one of our somber police escorts cracked a smile from being connected with the delightful festivities. Who could not help to swept away by the tidal wave of spiritual bliss which swept through downtown Sofia? I did notice one girl who was totally absorbed in smoking a cigarette, with glazed eyes like a zombie, who did not appear to be moved by the ecstatic festival. But most of the people were affected in a very positive and wonderful way by the merciful festival of Lord Jagannatha. Even our cigarette smoking girl was blessed and purified by the liberating sound of Krishna's holy name. Sofia, Bulgaria Ratha Yatra--18 September 2015 People Alo...

Entire World is Maddened by Sense Gratification

It's painful to see the human race so much maddened by material senses gratification. It has become totally entangled in the clutches of material senses. For example upon arriving in Bulgaria I noticed how it is considered very fashionable for women to wear high heeled shoes, even though it is most unhealthy practice that health professionals area always warning against. But being mad after sense gratification, health considerations are placed aside replaced by the desire to be sexually appealing. What is good for one's health no longer matters. Overindulgence in material sense is not only bad for one's physically health. It is even more detrimental for one's spiritual health because it obliges one to give up the human form of life and go down to the animal kingdom in one next life. Materially and Spiritually Unhealthy Material Sense Gratification Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $33,524.82 collected with $2,466,475.18 still to go. Contributi...

Request to All of My Students and Disciples

My request to all of my students and disciples all over the world is that first of all you should always very humbly consider yourself to be a fallen soul and always be begging the mercy of Guru and Krishna to save you from your fallen condition. And secondly you must always remember that your spiritual master has given you the order to deliver all the fallen souls of this material world back to home, back to Godhead. This must be your constant meditation and endeavor. By absorbing yourself in this way, your spiritual perfection is guaranteed, and anyone who follows you will also achieve the supreme perfection of going back to home, back to Godhead. Srila Prabhupada Intensely Chants for the Deliverance of All Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $33,024.82 collected with $2,466,975.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Finding Fault or Not Finding Faul...

How to Bring Balance Back to Nature

In California there is severe drought and forest fires. In Utah there was a heavy flood that killed sixteen people. Why are such things going on? By God's arrangement there is sufficient facility to provide everyone nicely with their necessities of life. But due to an imbalance in nature there are so many difficulties. Why there is an imbalance in nature, nobody knows. Nowadays global warming is blamed as being the cause of imbalance. However, those who are enlightened with knowledge of the inner workings of the universe understand that this imbalance is actually being caused by the increase of Godlessness on this planet along with it accompanying sinfulness. Stated simply, it is karma. If you disobey the laws of God, nature will slap you in the face. And this is exactly what is now happening. So if we want to solve the problems of the world, it's time for us to hear and learn from those who are enlightened with transcendental knowledge, because it is only such visionaries who ...

Heading Out On the Road Again

Today we are heading out on the road again. We are traveling to Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and India in our humble attempt to serve the order of our spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, to spread the Krishna consciousness movement all over the world. Feeling ourselves most incompetent for this mighty task, all we can do is fall down at the lotus feet of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada begging his mercy that by his grace we can somehow be successful in awakening the fallen, conditioned souls of this world to their original constitutional position as servants of Krishna. Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $26,503.82 collected with $2,473,496.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Our First Stop is Bulgaria Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Be Humble? How to think myself lower than a blade of grass? Your servant, Bhakta Shashank Answer: Honor All Give honor to all ...

The Entire World Will Become Krishna Conscious

There is a prediction in the Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila, Chapter 7, Verse 26: "The Krishna consciousness movement will inundate the entire world and drown everyone, whether one be a gentleman, a rogue or even lame, invalid or blind." Therefore we should make a Herculean effort during our lifetimes to see that this prediction comes true as soon as possible to relieve the suffering souls of this world from their horrific miseries. Even if we are not successful in making the entire world Krishna consciousness during our lifetimes, by such an effort our spiritual perfection will be guaranteed, and anyone who follows us will also attain the supreme perfection of going back to home, back to Godhead. Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $26,503.82 collected with $2,473,496.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: New ISKCON Temple in Mayapur Will Attract the Entire World Answers by Citing the Ved...

The Whole World is Dying to Be Born

The entire human population is entrapped in a downward spiraling whirlpool of material sense gratification, which is taking them to the animal kingdom in their next lives. It is indeed a most pitiable situation. And what makes it even worse is that they are completely oblivious about their impending doom. They have no idea what they are doing and where they are going. If we try to save them, they become offended that we are trying to impose something on them. But deep down within their hearts they are hankering for spiritual awakening. Therefore somehow or other we must now help them to revive their innermost consciousness, their original Krishna consciousness, so that they can be relieved from their unending suffering. Most dear Lord Krishna, please bless us that we can successful in saving the world. Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $25,503.82 collected with $2,474496.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at:

Help The Peace Formula Movie To Go Viral

My newly released single "The Peace Formula" is rated on I Tunes with the highest level of popularity. For the sake of the spreading of Krishna consciousness for world peace, please help it to become even more popular by viewing the newly release "The Peace Formula Movie" on YouTube. Here is the link for watching the movie: Please share this link with everyone that you know. Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $25,503.82 collected with $2,474496.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: The Peace Formula Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How Many Hours a Night Should We Sleep? You mentioned in Thought for the Day, "The first thing to do is to make sure that you are getting enough rest. If you are not sleeping enough, you may be feeling sleepy." But how many hours we should sleep in a day? Sanket Answer: Six Hours Prabhupada r...

The Happiest Person in the Whole World

Unhappiness is caused by selfishness. Therefore the more you can dedicate your life for serving others, the more you will be happy. Since the perfection of serving others is to awaken their dormant Krishna consciousness, that person who dedicates his life to awakening the Krishna consciousness within the hearts of all is the happiest person in the whole world. Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $25,503.82 collected with $2,474496.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: He Who Distributes Krishna Possesses Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: If We Cannot Concentrate or Meditate? What to do if we are not able to concentrate during puja (worship) and we can't even meditate? How to start? How to ignite our consciousness? How to enhance our intelligence? Abhishek Answer: Chant Focused Hare Krishna Japa If you will focus on chanting 16 focused rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra ...

The Only Real Cure for Depression

This material world by its very nature is a most depressing, miserable place. The only happiness you can get here is imaginary happiness, i.e. fooling yourself into thinking that you are happy. But through the process of reconnecting yourself with your actual non-material eternal identity as the servant of Lord Sri Krishna you regain your original all-blissful, all-compassionate nature. This all-blissful nature is realized in proportion to how much you manifest compassion within your heart. The pure devotee's nature is that he feels unlimited compassion for the suffering souls of this world and thus dedicates himself birth after birth for delivering them from their unending misery. Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $25,503.82 collected with $2,474496.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Krishna Consciousness is Unlimited Bliss Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: If We Do Not Feel...

Krishna's Devotee is an Ocean of Mercy

Because Krishna's devotee is an ocean of mercy he manifests sweet loving kindness towards all living beings. He is greatly pained to see the countless living beings captured within the clutches of birth, death, old age, and disease. Therefore he fully dedicates his life for delivering them from their suffering condition. For this purpose he pushes forward the Krishna consciousness movement to the full extent of his capabilities all over the world. Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $25,503.82 collected with $2,474496.18 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Srila Prabhupada's Heart Overflows With Compassion Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Prove the Truth of Our Teachings? Please accept my humble obeisances. Yesterday I was distributing books, and I met a scientist. I started to argue with him. So he spread some doubts in my mind, and this showed for me that I don't...

What Makes a Guru Bona Fide?

If a guru’s only desire is to accumulate followers for name and fame, he is after a personality cult, and he is not a bona fide guru. The bona fide guru’s only desire is save as many people as possible from the sufferings of this material world. Therefore he compassionately preaches all over the world for saving as many people as possible from the cycle of birth and death without any interest whatsoever in name and fame. The scriptures order us that we must worship our spiritual master. Therefore it is our spiritual master’s duty to teach us how to worship him and to encourage us to worship him. Some critics argue that the spiritual master is not bona fide if he teaches his disciples to worship him. But nothing could be further from the truth. It is his duty to teach his disciples how to faithfully follow the instructions given in the scriptures. Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $25,000 collected with $2,475,000 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted ...

Entering the Dimension of Deathlessness

In this world everyone is harassed by death. It is an unavoidable horror that everyone must face. As it is said, "Death is as sure as death," it is therefore ordinarily completely unavoidable. However there is way to escape death. One can do so by entering into the dimension of deathlessness. Through the process of Krishna consciousness you can learn and master of the art of how to situate yourself beyond death even now at the present moment. This process is learned under the guidance of an expert spiritual master, who is already situated in the dimension beyond death, through the process known as initiation. When you take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master through this process your deathlessness begins from the very day of your initiation as long as you strictly follow your initiation vows. Update: Fund Raising For New Temple in Austin, Texas USA $25,000 collected with $2,475,000 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: