Don't Be a Masochist

Don't be a masochist, unnecessarily punishing yourself by not awakening your dormant Krishna consciousness. Why should you cheat yourself out of eternity, knowledge, and bliss, and punish yourself by remaining a prisoner here in the repetition of birth, death old age, and disease? It just does not make any sense. Throw off your chains of lust, greed, anger, madness, illusion, and envy and come to the liberated platform of pure love God. Once you get the higher taste of Krishna bhakti, you will never dream of going back to the poisonous realm of material sense gratification ever again. Devotees of Krishna Share Their Bliss With Everyone Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Is Envy of Krishna the Only Cause of Coming Here? Respected Guru Maharaja, My obeisances at your lotus feet. I would like to humbly ask you: Is envy of Krishna the only reason for coming down to the material world? Is it also that sometimes Krishna sends a person here to perform some special wor...