
Showing posts from July, 2011

Thank God I'm Not God

One of our readers related to us recently that previously he had been misguided by a spiritual master who taught him that he is God. Our reader wondered, "If I am God, why can't I fix all the problems of the world." He was frustrated by his lack of power to change the world and also by his lack of power to give up his bad habits. When he became blessed by the realization that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his life became wonderfully and completely transformed. Now he feels happy to be in a loving relationship with Krishna. This the greatest good news. We are absolutely delighted by his profound realization that he is not God, that He is instead the eternal servant of Krishna or God, and we wish him the very best on his pathway to spiritual perfection. Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Is Krishna the Lord of Jesus Christ? If Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, does that mean that He is the lord of all, including, for example, J...

What is Science? Why the World is a Jungle?

The real meaning of science is to know things as they are, to separate truth from untruth. The tendency to be scientific is the unique quality of the human being. This distinguishes him from the animals, who have no consciousness beyond eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. However, when, as at the present moment, non-verifiable, fanciful speculations are marketed as science, we've got a serious problem in the human society. As a result of this situation where nescience is being masqueraded as science we've ended up with an animalistic human civilization which bears more similarity to the jungle than it does to an actual human civilization. Srila Prabhupada Exposes Fallacy of Modern Science Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Do You Ever Feel Despondent & Helpless? In your recent "Thought for the Day" I cannot help but reflect on the advice that Dhritarashtra had been given from souls like Vidura, Bhisma, Drona and ending with the good Lord H...

Your Japa Creates Your Day

Our daily chanting of the Hare Krishna mahamantra on japa beads is the most significant event of our day. It is our daily opportunity to have a personal, private meeting with God. Therefore the mood in which we chant is of the utmost importance. If our minds are wandering somewhere else during our japa, it will be difficult to remember Krishna throughout the day, and our day will be a struggle. But if we fix our minds nicely on on the mahamantra during our japa meditation, it will be easy to remember Krishna throughout the day, and we'll have a really blissful day. So the essential point is that you create what sort of day you will have every day by how you chant your rounds first thing in the morning. Chanting one's rounds later in the day makes it more difficult to feel connected because one is beginning his day without tuning in to Krishna. Srila Prabhupada Deeply Absorbed in Japa Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question:  Can I Chant a Shorter Version of Hare Kri...

Salvation from Economic Collapse

At the present moment the United States of America is tottering on the edge of economic collapse. That nation which has long led the world in power and wealth is now experiencing great difficulty. America's leaders are not able to solve the crisis because they are too much caught up in fulfilling their own greedy desires. What they do not know is that Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune, always remains where Lord Narayana or Krishna is being purely worshipped and does not permanently remain where her Lord Narayana is not being purely worshipped. If the leaders of the USA want their country to remain strong and influential in the world, they must now engage themselves and their country in the service of Lord Narayana or Krishna. Then wealth, power, and influence will remain with their nation and never go away. Lakshmi Always Remains with Her Lord Narayana Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How Krishna is Not a Hindu God? Gurudeva: Please accept my humble obeisances. ...

Solution for a World Consumed by Greed

We live in a world consumed by greed. And the more the greed increases, the more the world civilization breaks down. We are seeing practical evidence of this every day. If we are going to ever have peace and prosperity for everyone on this planet, we must transcend the platform of greed and come to the enlightened platform of Krishna consciousness, where everything is seen as the property of God and everything is utilized fully in His service. Until then all attempts for solving the world's problems will prove to be utterly ineffective and a useless waste of time. What can the rascal self-serving politicians do? They only increase the problems. Srila Prabhupada Trains Enlightened Leaders Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How Can I Start Chanting Again? I have recently stopped chanting my rounds because I no longer have an attraction for doing so. I am very unhappy about this, but I don't know how to solve it. How can I solve this problem? Bhakta B. from...

The Supreme Mellifluousness

If you want to really connect with your true identity as an eternal, all-blissful, all-knowing, all-loving spiritual being, you should rise early every morning before dawn and dive deeply into the sweet, ambrosial ocean of hearing and chanting the glories of the unlimitedly splendorous Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna. Then you will experience the supreme mellifluousness, the topmost ambrosial sweetness, of reviving your original loving relationship with that supreme superstar, the ultimate magician, Krishna or Govinda. The atheists say that He is a myth, but the real fact is that their philosophy is a myth. In the vast span of the history of the universe there has never been such a thing as something coming out of nothing. Therefore we do not buy their farcical atheistic dogma. Relishing the Mellifluousness of Krishna Kirtan 3 May 2011--Tallinn, Estonia Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Is Lord Krishna Partial? Dear Gurudeva I have one doubt in my ...

Lesson from the Utøya Island Massacre

If we simply treat the symptoms of a disease but do not treat its cause, we will never cure the disease. Ignorance of this principle is the deficiency of the world's modern day leaders. Even though they see so many symptoms of the ever-increasing global crisis, such as crime, terrorism, drought, hunger, and disease, they are in complete ignorance regarding the root cause of the global crisis and are therefore not able to save the planet from disaster. They do not have scientific knowledge of the Supreme Person who is the source of our existence, and thus they do not know how to live in a state of perfect harmony with Him. Indeed, many of them even deny His very existence. It's no wonder then that this planet is become more and more of hell every day as evidenced by the recent shootings in Norway on Utøya island. We are therefore urgently appealing to the world's leaders that they now take advantage of the sublime Vedic science for bringing a new age of peace and prosperity...

Krishna Consciousness Means Deathlessness

At every moment in this world of dangers we are on the verge of death. Death can come at any moment, even when we least expect it. So we must be always prepared for life's ultimate test by always being fully surrendered to Krishna with all of our thoughts, words, and deeds. In this way, if we are always absorbed in Krishna consciousness, we will be impervious to death. In other words, death will never be able to touch us. We will be deathless. Srila Prabhupada Bestows Deathlessness San Francisco Ratha Yatra Festival Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Krishna Disappeared Due to His Karma? Respected Sir, I am an insignificant individual and can not dare to question your answer regarding the disappearance of Lord Krishna. But to clarify my doubt I am asking you for proper guidance. Was it under the law of karma that Krishna disappeared from this world? A.S.T. Answer: Krishna Does Not Have Any Karma Krishna is the Supreme Controller. Therefore everything is actin...

Our Degrading Consumeristic Mentality

Instead of living in harmony in a symbiotic loving relationship with Mother Earth, and our father, the Supreme Lord, we are not accepting our father's existence, disobeying His instructions, and mercilessly raping Mother Earth. Foolishly denying the law of karma, action and reaction, we continue as frenzied marauders plundering the earth's resources turning this planet into more and more of a hell every day. In spite of all environmental propaganda to the contrary, being impelled by an passionate consumeristic spirit, the human society forges foolishly forward into ever-increasing degradation. The difficulty is that we have forgotten that true happiness comes from giving, not from taking. We must now wake up and change our attitude before it's too late. If we can learn the art of perfectly serving all by serving the Supreme, there will the dawning of a new age of peace, happiness, and prosperity for all. Selfish Consumerism is Dismantling Our Civilization Answers by ...

Fly Your Airplane to the Land of Eternal Bliss

We have all been blessed with an airplane with which we can escape the miseries of this material existence by flying to Krishnaloka, the land of eternal bliss. That airplane is consciousness. The spiritual master is our fight instructor and the scriptures are our flight manuals. If you are tired of the material miseries, you should take full advantage of the airplane that Krishna or God has given you and get trained up how to fly your airplane. Otherwise you will remain grounded here perpetually in the cycle of birth and death. Hare Krishna Kirtan Airplane Takes Off Riga, Latvia-15 April 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Why Did I Not Become Self-Realized? A few years ago I was meditating without any goal and to my surprise my thinking stopped completely and there was only the feeling of existence, without any body or anything else. When I returned from this state I felt a great euphoria and love for everything. But it didn't last long. I am still identif...

Ecstasy Will Overflood Your Heart

Do you want to always feel inspired and enlivened? To do so is not difficult. All you have to do is reconnect with the eternal brilliant reality, which is always splendorously shining far beyond the dense, dark clouds of illusion. Beyond the delusional quagmire of this miserable material existence resides the most beautiful, wondrous, all-powerful, all-loving person named Krishna, who is beckoning you to return to your original, all-blissful, all-knowing identity in His eternal pastimes. To regain your identity all you have to do is call out to Krishna with this amazing mantra in a mood of sincere devotion: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Do so and you will feel the most amazing ecstasy overflooding your heart. You will become completely inundated with divine bliss. Hare Krishna Chanting Bliss Sofia, Bulgaria Airport-26 May 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Why Chanting Does Not Make Me Happy? ...

Attuned to the Underlying Divinity of Existence

Life is not based on an empty, meaningless void. If it were how, could there be so many beautiful, wondrous things to experience in this world? The splendor we sometimes experience gives us a hint or an indication of the underlying marvelous divine essence which pervades this experience that we call life. Those who are thoughtful do not dedicate their lives in the vain pursuit of temporary sense gratification. They instead focus their energies on attaining the beatitude which comes from being fully attuned to the divine in all times, places, and circumstances. This divine state of consciousness is known as Krishna consciousness. Srila Prabhupada Connects with Krishna By Chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra Japa Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Importance of Full Moon in July? Every day I read your letters posted online. I believe that what you do is great. People like you are more than just a devotee, more than gurus. Someone told me that in the month of July the ful...

Spiritual Seekers Beware

Unfortunately many people nowadays who are seeking spiritual enlightenment by taking shelter of a spiritual master end up being grossly cheated by charlatans who use the position of guru for sense gratification. Due to the absence of spiritually enlightened governments these cheaters are allowed to continue with their nonsense without any restriction. Thus it is very easy to find a guru who will take away your money and very difficult to find a guru who will take away your anxiety. Therefore all spiritual seekers should be very cautious before accepting a spiritual master. They should make sure that he is bona fide. How does one tell? Here are some essential guidelines: 1. He must be coming in an unbroken line of disciplic succession from the original spiritual master. Lord Sri Krishna. 2. He must present the teachings of his predecessor gurus without any addition or subtraction. 3. He must be solidly fixed in the Absolute Truth and thus be fully absorbed in Krishna consciousness 24...

Enjoy by Serving the Supreme Enjoyer

Here in this material world we are trying to be the enjoyers of all that we survey. But the actual enjoyer of a particular thing is its owner, not others. Because we are unlawfully trying to enjoy what belongs to somebody else, we are criminals and are thus bound to remain imprisoned in the cycle of birth and death. How can we claim to be the owners of anything when we come into this world with nothing, and we also leave with nothing? It is Lord Krishna who is the real proprietor. Instead of trying to enjoy His property as our own, if we will instead engage everything in His service, we will give Him unlimited satisfaction. And then when He is satisfied, because He is the root of everything, we will become unlimitedly satisfied, just as when we water the root of a tree all the leaves and branches become watered. Krishna's Devotees Enjoy Equally With Him Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Can a Devotee Make a Difference? I am someone who is interested in being...

Life Did Not Explode Out of Nothing

There is no doubt that we've been given the most challenging assignment imaginable. Our spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has ordered us to deliver everyone from illusion by teaching them what is their origin and how to perfect their relationship with that origin. At the present moment the popular theory is that life has evolved from a random combination of chemicals, which originally exploded out of nothing. It's no wonder that people are so bewildered and frustrated when such an empty, meaningless and dogmatic cosmology is being crammed down their throats. Therefore out of compassion upon these poor suffering fellows we must constantly tax our brains to how to drive away this cosmological cloud of illusion with the brilliant sun of transcendental knowledge so that everyone will understand who they are and how to be who they are and thus become unlimitedly happy. So-Called Big Bang Is NOT the Origin of the Universe This IS the Origin o...

The Pivotal Day in World History

There is no question of global peace, happiness, and prosperity when the world leaders are not enlightened with knowledge of the foundational truths of reality. Sadly, due to such a leadership vacuum, at the present moment the world has been plunged into an ever-increasingly chaotic quagmire. The Krishna consciousness movement can create a class of leaders to bring about a sublime golden era of universal peace and happiness on this planet, but unfortunately no one is listening to its spokesmen. The world population and its leaders are totally caught in the maddened pursuit of wanton sense gratification practically on the level of wild animals. We pray for that day when they will decide to start listening to the enlightened spiritual masters who purely represent the Krishna consciousness movement. That day will be the pivotal day in world history. Krishna Can Make the Whole World Happy Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Replace Bogus Guru With Bona Fide Guru Dear Spi...

If They Awaken, Whole World Will Be Saved.

If the world population will wake up to their actual identities, the entire world will be saved from chaos and degradation. It is simply due to ignorance of the self and it relationship with the Supreme Self that there is so much suffering going on all over the world. There is no reason for everyone to remain suffering in the cycle of birth and death. Therefore it's time for everyone wake up to know who they are and to truly be who they are by hearing from the enlightened sages of Vedic wisdom. Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Difference Between Gita & Vedas? Gurudeva, What is the difference between Vedic knowledge and Bhagavad-gita knowledge? The Bhagavad-gita says that Krishna is God. But the Vedas say that God is not a person, that He is nirakara, not possessing a form. I'm confused. Ashi Answer: Gita is the Perfection of Vedic Wisdom Bhagavad-gita knowledge describing the form and personality of God is the perfection of Vedic knowledge. Although th...

Defeat the Sun and Become Immortal

With every rising and setting of the sun we are being robbed of our duration of life. But we can defeat the influence of the sun if we are always engaged in hearing, chanting, and remembering the transcendental glories of Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Simply by absorption in Krishna consciousness we become immortal and undefeatable by the sun. Attaining Immortality By Talking About Krishna Bhaktivedanta Ashram, Austin, Texas-13 July 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Choose My Spiritual Master? There are so many bona fide spiritual masters coming in disciplic succession after Srila Prabhupada. I am confused to whom should I approach for initiation (diksha). Please let me know how to decide which guru I should accept as my spiritual master. thanking you Rajesh Answer: He Who Helps You Most to Be Krishna Conscious I appreciate very much your thoughtfulness and careful consideration. This is the sort of spiritual intelligenc...

Stranger at Home

12 July 2011. We have just returned to our home base, Bhaktivedanta Ashram in Austin, Texas USA, after completing another around-the-world lecture tour. When I woke up this morning I could not figure out where I was. This was quite strange because when I am on the road I always know where I am immediately upon awakening. This reminded that this world is not my actual home. If it were, I would feel at home when I returned to my home. That I did not feel at home at home reminded me that my real home is somewhere else, the transcendental abode of Lord Sri Krishna in that unlimitedly splendorous spiritual sky. Our Real Home-Goloka Vrindavana Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How Can Krishna Not Know His Potency? Gurudeva, I request you to enlighten me on this phrase: "The wonderful potency of the Supreme Lord Krishna is bewildering even to the jugglers. That potential power is unknown even to the self-sufficient Lord, so it is certainly unknown to others."...

Become An Acharya

On Sunday 10 July 2011 in Honolulu, Hawaii I gave a lecture on Bhagavad-gita 3.21. This is verse is most profound because it describes how someone who is an ideal example of Krishna consciousness can inspire the world to take up Krishna consciousness. From this verse we can understand, that if we have any genuine love for our planetary brothers and sisters, we will constantly strive to the best of our abilities to be pure devotees of Krishna so that our examples will have a delivering impact on these poor souls who are suffering so much in the cycle of birth and death. "Become an Acharya" Sunday Feast Lecture Honolulu, Hawaii-10 July 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Request: Bless Me with Missionary Spirit I am very inspired by your mails every day, which I have been following for the last six months. I see that you have so much vigor and missionary spirit for spreading Krishna consciousness. Please bless me that I will also be able to develop that same mi...

Stranded in the Middle of Nowhere

This material world is millions and billions of light years away from our original home in the spiritual sky. Having severed our relationship with the Supreme Lord due to our foolishly envying Him, we have stranded ourselves here in this desolate place in the middle of nowhere, the material world. The good news is that in spite of our rebellious attitude the Lord is so forgiving and so kind that He is giving us all facility to return to our original Home if we are willing to call out His names with love. Srimad Bhagavatam Class Via Skype Volcano, Hawaii-8 July 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Hear God's Instructions? While going through the introduction of the Bhagavad-gita, I read that we should follow what the Supreme God tells us to do because in this way our activities will be on path of goodness. Can you please tell how to listen to what God is saying? I am very confused at present and things are becoming more and more complicated in perso...

Attaining the Supreme Nirvana in Hawaii

On Friday 8 July 2011 I lectured on attaining the supreme nirvana at the Volcano Garden Arts Gallery in Volcano, Hawaii. The term nirvana is usually associated with Buddhism. Nirvana means to become free from sufferings of material existence. The Buddhist nirvana takes one to a marginal position on the border between the material world and the spiritual world. This border is sometimes referred to as the Causal Ocean and sometimes referred to as Mahesh Dhama. Although this nirvana gives relief from the sufferings of material existence, it does not take one into the awakening of unlimited spiritual bliss and knowledge in a loving relationship with the Supreme Person. The supreme nirvana, in which one awakens the feelings of pure love of God within one's heart, takes one into a solid permanent identity in the spiritual world as an eternal association of the Lord. Because our nature as living beings is to be absorbed in loving relationships, the Buddhist nirvana does not permanently ...

Praying for the Volcanic Eruption of Bhakti

We are staying currently here in Volcano, Hawaii on top of Kilauea (pronounced "kill-awaya") Volcano in the home of my beloved Godbrother, Sriman Ramananda Prabhu and his wonderful devotee wife, Srimati Yugala Rasa Devi Dasi. Being here on top of a volcano, which is fortunately not currently active at the place we are staying, reminds me of the wonderful song of the great Vaisnava acharya, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur in which he prays for that day when he will have the eruption of pure bhakti within his heart. Even though such great acharyas already have bhakti fully manifested within their hearts, they teach us by their exemplary songs and prayers what should be our mood for advancing nicely in Krishna consciousness. In other words, we get what we desire. If we desire sense gratification, we will get sense gratification birth after birth. And if we desire the supreme perfectional consciousness of pure love of God, that's what we will get in an eternal life, full of bliss...

Finding the Real Heaven in Hawaii

No matter where one may go within this vast material existence, he will find that every place is predominated by the unavoidable and inescapable fourfold miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease. Now we have arrived in Hawaii where I am giving a series of lectures on the transcendental science of Krishna consciousness. Even though this place is famous for its heavenly atmosphere, we still see that the hellish material miseries reign supreme here, just like they do everywhere else. Everybody in Hawaii is born, gets sick, gets old, and dies. But by the mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Krishna one can live here or anywhere in real heaven by reconnecting with Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus conquering over these miseries. The Fourfold Material Miseries Rule Supreme Even in Heavenly Hawaii Answers According to the Vedic Version Question: Enlightening Others With Krishna Consciousness Thank you so much for sacrificing so much of yourself in helpin...

Travelling to Make World Krishna Conscious

On 6 July 2011 when we were checking in for our Qantas Airlines flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles the friendly, helpful check-in agent noted that we were traveling on an around-the-world itinerary. She curiously inquired why we were traveling. I told her that we are doing so for the purpose of telling everyone about Krishna. I then asked her if she had heard of Krishna and she said, "Yes." I was very happy to hear this. The more that people have heard about Krishna, the more our movement is progressing. This was the most auspicious way to begin our 14 hour flight across the Pacific Ocean. It is fact that simply by hearing about Krishna from a devotee everyone becomes blessed with the seed of the revival of their original enlightened consciousness. Therefore as much as possible all the devotees should always be telling everyone about Krishna as per the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Telling People About Krishna on WYN Radio Melbourne, Australia-2 July 2011 Answer...

Jesus Christ Teaches Bhagavad-gita Principle

A Christian does not have to abandon Christianity to become Krishna conscious because Krishna consciousness is the perfection of Christianity. Christ expresses that perfection in Luke 22:42 when he prays, "Father, not my will, but thy will be done." So if we can lay aside what we want to do and simply do what God wants us to do, we become perfect in spiritual life. This is exactly the same teaching that Krishna gives in the Bhagavad-gita when He tells Arjuna to abandon all other considerations and simply do what Krishna wants him to do. Christ was a perfect Vaisnava, a pure devotee of the Lord. He taught the principles of bhakti in a very elementary way suited to those to whom he was teaching. The way of Jesus is the only way: the way of complete, total surrender unto the will of God as taught by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita. Explaining the Perfection of Christianity Hoppers Crossing, Australia-4 July 2011 Answers According to the Vedic Version Question: Meaning of...

Don't Be an Animal

If we simply eat, sleep, mate, and defend, we are on the animal platform. Human life begins when we inquire about the nature of the Absolute Truth. A human being is meant for higher consciousness. Therefore he can never be happy as long as he remains on the animal platform. The final conclusion is that everyone must come to Krishna consciousness as soon as possible for achieving their much desired peace, happiness, love, and success. Srimad Bhagavatam Class ISKCON Melbourne-3 July 2011 Distributing Radha Damodar Mahaprasadam after the Srimad Bhagavatama Class Answers According to the Vedic Version Question: Can I Ask You When I Need Answers? I'd have many questions for you but with this first e-mail I would just to say you thanks for everything you gave me, to have given me the spark to light the fire of my self realization, thanks! If you allow me to ask you when I feel lost, when I need the answers to my questions, I'd be very happy. I apologize if sometimes I'...

A Day in the Life

On Saturday 2 July 2011 I was interviewed on the radio. My interviewer, Caitanya Caru Prabhu, asked me about my typical day. So I thought to share a sample day with you all, my readers. On the day of the radio interview I rose at 2:30am and took a shower. Between 3:00am and 7:00am I did 16 rounds of Hare Krishna mantra meditation chanting on my japa mala beads, attended mangala arati and Tulasi worship in the temple room, and worshipped Sri Sri Radha Damodar. I also composed and uploaded "Thought for the Day." Then at 7:00am I was driven to the radio station for the interview. After that it was back to the temple for breakfast. Since I had only gotten three-and-a-half hours of sleep the night before, after breakfast I took a nap. Then I was driven to a home where I led kirtan and lectured on the science of Krishna consciousness. Even though it was winter in Australia, the afternoon warmed up a little bit. So my disciples served me a picnic lunch in a park. Then we returned...