We Don't Know Who We Are

Do not cheat yourself for one minute longer by remaining in material consciousness. For you, the eternal, all-blissful, fully cognizant living being to identify yourself with that which is temporary, full of ignorance, and full of misery would indeed be the greatest tragedy. Unfortunately this is how we are all being trained from our very infancy by this modern-day so-called civilization. The reason I describe it as a so-called civilization is that despite all of our advancement in material technology when it comes to spiritual advancement we are still very much in the dark ages because we have no idea who we are. We are totally bereft of self knowledge. We foolishly misidentifying with our material bodies like a foolish driver of a car who thinks that he is his car. Thus it is no longer that everyone is so much lost and confused regarding their actual, factual identities. If you have any questions, please write me at: sda@backtohome.com Who Am I? I Am this Car! Answers A...