
Showing posts from April, 2020

We Don't Know Who We Are

Do not cheat yourself for one minute longer by remaining in material consciousness. For you, the eternal, all-blissful, fully cognizant living being to identify yourself with that which is temporary, full of ignorance, and full of misery would indeed be the greatest tragedy. Unfortunately this is how we are all being trained from our very infancy by this modern-day so-called civilization. The reason I describe it as a so-called civilization is that despite all of our advancement in material technology when it comes to spiritual advancement we are still very much in the dark ages because we have no idea who we are. We are totally bereft of self knowledge. We foolishly misidentifying with our material bodies like a foolish driver of a car who thinks that he is his car. Thus it is no longer that everyone is so much lost and confused regarding their actual, factual identities. If you have any questions, please write me at: Who Am I? I Am this Car! Answers A...

The Source of All Existence Must Possess Personality

It is brilliantly written in the purport to the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust's edition of the Srimad Bhagavatam, Twelth Canto, Chapter 3, Text 43 as follows: "The impulse to find the Absolute Truth, the source of all existence, has motivated philosophers, theologians and other intellectuals of various persuasions since time immemorial, and continues to do so today. However, soberly analyzing the ever-increasing plurality of so-called philosophies, religions, paths, ways of life and so on, we find that in almost all cases the ultimate objective is something impersonal or formless. But this idea of an impersonal or formlessure Absolute Truth has serious logical flaws. According to ordinary rules of logic, a particular effect should directly or indirectly embody the attributes, or nature, of its own cause. Thus that which has no personality or activity could hardly be the source of all personality and all activity." A simple example of this is the ocean and the drop of ocea...

How to Become Blessed with Bliss

Just as the natural constitutional position of a fish is to be in the water, our natural constitutional position is to be blessed with bliss at every minute by our being fully absorbed in loving service to the Supreme Lord with our every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances. But just as when the fish is removed from the water no matter what arrangement are made for him on the land he can never be happy, in a similar way no matter what facilities we may get for being happy in this material world we can never be factually happy, even though we may sometimes foolishly imagine ourselves to be. So why should we punish ourselves unnecessarily by trying to enjoy separately from Krishna. We should do ourselves the ultimate favor right now of fully surrendering ourselves unto Lord Sri Krishna. When we do so we will blessed with unlimited bliss. If you have any questions, please write me at: A Fish Out of the Water Can Never Be Happy Ans...

Theism is Science--Atheism is Fanaticism

Atheists put forward the argument that there is no Supreme Person. But yet we see that all persons are not equal. In the matter of such opulences as power, beauty, renunciation, knowledge, wealth, and fame we see that everyone possesses different quantities of these various opulences. Thus it is fully logical and scientific to deduce that somewhere there is a person who possesses more of these opulences than anyone else. That person is the Supreme Person. Thus it is fully scientific to deduce the existence of a  Supreme Person and mere fanaticism to presume the non-existence of a Supreme Person. If you have any questions, please write me at: Denying God is Very Popular in Today's Deluded World Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: How to Always Be Connected to Krishna? Hare Krishna. I always want to be connected to Lord Krishna. So what should I do? Vel Murugan Answer: Follow These Guidelines From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA ...

Deep Sea Diving in the Ocean of Unlimited Bliss

There is no need for anyone to suffer any longer in the cycle of birth, death, old age, and disease when all they have to do to achieve an eternal youthful existence is dive into the ocean of unlimited transcendental bliss by chanting: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare It does not cost anything. It's fun. And it gives you good health and increases your life span. (I'm 72 and feel like a young man.). What could be more wonderful than this? I predict that very soon the whole world is going to realize what they have been missing and everybody in every town, village, city, hamlet and home is going to dive into this ocean of unlimited bliss by chanting Hare Krishna. If you have any questions, please write me at: Flooding Planet Earth with an Ocean of Bliss Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Why Are Spiritualists So Sure? Why are spiritual folks so assured of having ...

Which Side of the Bars Are You On?

Back in the mid 70's when I was a young monk in Florida one day I was distributing our ISKCON society's Back to Godhead Magazine at a parking lot in Leesburg, Florida. The police came and arrested me and locked in a solitary cell in the city jail. I spent 36 hours in that jail cell before I got bailed out. These were some of the most glorious hours of my entire life. To go to jail in the service of my spiritual master was actually the greatest blessing. It was my extreme good fortune to be able to serve my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, in this way. I chanted my daily quota of 16 rounds of Hare Krishna mantra japa using the sections on my fingers to keep count of how many mantras I was chanting. I refused to eat any of the food that the jailers offered me. And I wrote an essay entitled "Which Side of the Bars Are You On?" because from my perspective, because I was chanting Hare Krishna, I was on the liberated side of the bars,...

Are You Plugged In or Unplugged?

What is your position? Are you plugged into the source of all existence or are unplugged from that original source? In other words, are you connected with that Supreme Person from everything is emanating, or are you disconnected from Him? Or as a third option are you sometimes connected with Him and sometimes disconnected from Him? Those who are factually wise and self-intelligent exercise the utmost care to always be unflinchingly, tightly connected with that Supreme Person in all times, places, and circumstances without any deviation. By doing so they experience unlimited bliss within their hearts at every minute and they are fully illuminated and thus empowered to flood this darkened world with the unlimited light of God's inconceivably sublime divine love. So now you decide where you want to be and do the needful to always remain in the position of you choice. If you have any questions, please write me at: Are You Plugged In... Or Unplugged? Answers A...

My Challenge to the Scientists

The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today. In other words, there was a gigantic explosion from a small lump of primordial matter. My question is: Where do we see in our practical experience that an explosion creates order? We can demonstrate with thousands and millions of experiments that explosions break down order. I challenge the scientists to do a controlled experiment in which an explosion creates order out of disorder. Until then I will hold to my reasonable conclusion that order creates order. If you have any questions, please write me at: The Most Beautiful Peacock... Was Created by an Explosion? Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Soul Purification? How do I know my love for Krishna is pure enough to get His love back? I’m hi...

Using Anger in the Service of the Lord

In Hawaii on 23 March 1969 Srila Prabhupada was asked the following question: Don't followers of Krishna consciousness ever get angry? Srila Prabhupada answered as follows: Yes. They can get angry. Why not? They're very much angry to the nondevotees: "You rascal! Why you have not, are not surrendering yourself to God? You rascal." Yes. We are angry. This anger is service of Krishna. How can I give up anger? But we use anger in a different way, not for our sense gratification: "Why you have not paid me such and such money?" No, we don't say like that. "Why you are not Krishna conscious?" That is our anger. So the anger can be utilized in Krishna consciousness. Everything can be utilized in Krishna consciousness. Why should I give up anger? Krishna is also angry, and I am son of Krishna. So anger is in me because I have got the qualities of my father. So how can I give up anger? But I use anger only for Krishna. So we do not leave anything...

Are You God?

"I'm God, you're God, and we're all God" is a very popular philosophy nowadays amongst those who are in a state of complete, total ignorance regarding the self and the origin of the self. This is because people are completely ignorant regarding what is the actual definition of God. The most authoritative definition of God has given to us by great sage, Parasara Muni. He has defined God as that person who surpasses all in the possession of power, beauty, renunciation, knowledge, wealth, and fame. So God must be that person who is richer than anyone else. On this planet we see the example of the world's richest man, centi-billionaire Jeff Bezos. But at the time of death he will not be able to take even one penny of his accumulated wealth with him. The actual topmost wealthy person is Lord Sri Krishna because in truth it is He who owns everything because everything that exists is His emanated energy, even us. Therefore any fool or rascal who declares, "...

Prayer for World Deliverance

The whole world is suffering like anything now due to a lack of Krishna consciousness. Therefore, Lord Krishna, we are praying to you, begging that you please bless all of us, your ISKCON devotees, that we may now become 100% pure and perfect in our chanting and our loving service to you so that we can now become fully empowered for making the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible to relieve these poor suffering souls from their endless misery. In this regard you explain in your purport to Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila, Chapter 7, Text 83 as follows. "A sincere student aurally receives the holy name from the spiritual master, and after being initiated he follows the regulative principles given by the spiritual master. When the holy name is properly served in this way, automatically the spiritual nature of the holy name spreads; in other words, the devotee becomes qualified in offenselessly chanting the holy name. When one is completely fit to chant the holy n...

The Thief Who Saw Krishna

Srila Prabhupada tells a wonderful story about a thief who saw Krishna. Here it is: One professional reciter was publicly reciting the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, and he was describing that Kṛṣṇa is very highly decorated with all kinds of jewels when He goes to tend the cows in the forest. So, there was a thief in that meeting, and he thought, "Why not go to Vṛndāvana and plunder this boy? He's in the forest with so many valuable jewels. I can go there and catch the child and take all the jewels." This was his intention. So he was serious. "I must find that boy," he thought. "Then in one night I shall become a millionaire." The thief's qualification was his feeling: "I must see Kṛṣṇa! I must see Kṛṣṇa!" That anxiety, that eagerness, made it possible for him to actually see Kṛṣṇa in Vṛndāvana. He saw Kṛṣṇa in just the same way as the Bhāgavatam reader had described. Then the thief said, "Oh, You are such a nice boy, Kṛṣṇa." He began ...

Krishna's Unlimited Kindness

Love cannot be forced, it must be voluntary. Therefore in the spiritual world, where there is nothing but pure love in unlimited varieties of loving relationships, the inhabitants always have the option to love Krishna or to leave Krishna. In other words, they have free will. This free will can be properly used to serve Krishna with love or it can be abused by trying enjoy separately from Krishna. Krishna could simply fully destroy those who want to try to enjoy separately from Him. But because He loves us and want to regain that original loving relationship He was enjoying with us He does not do so. He gives us through His external energy this material world where we can try our level best to enjoy without Him. But because He, as our loving father, misses us likely any thing He comes here personally and also sends many of His representatives to try to convince us to come back to our original pure loving relationship with Him. Thus, if we are intelligent we will take of His unlimited...