Don't Get Your Priorities Wrong

You are not a citizen of this material world. Your actual identity is that you are citizen of the spiritual world. That's where you came from, and that's where you will return once your reawaken your original natural consciousness, your Krishna consciousness. Therefore there is nothing more essential or important that you can dedicate your life to than awakening your Krishna consciousness. This is why you should always keep Krishna consciousness in the number one position on your list of priorities. Everything else pales away into insignificance.

If you have any questions, please write me at:

Keep Your Priorities Straight

Keep Your Priorities Straight

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom

Question: Suffering For Spiritual Awakening?

Is suffering the only path to awakening?

Oscar Saldain

Answer: Hearing from Guru is the Way

Dear Oscar,
Please accept my blessings.

Suffering is path of non-awakening. Hearing from a bona fide spiritual master and following his sublime instructions is the path of awakening.

Hoping this meets you well.
Sankarshan Das

P.S. For a super ecstatic awakening of your dormant, original divine consciousness check out my free e-course at: Ultimate Self Realization

Disciples Hear from Srila Prabhupada

Disciples Hear from Srila Prabhupada


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