
Showing posts from November, 2018

Relishing Krishna's Most Amazing Pastimes

Relishing Krishna's Most Amazing Pastimes In all of history no one can equal or excel Krishna in the most incredibly pastimes that he performed. Who else can be 90 years old with great grandchildren while manifesting the body of 16 years old youth? Who else can lift a mountain on his little finger and hold it like an umbrella for seven days? The list of His unbelievably amazing pastimes goes on endlessly. Of course for Krishna none of these pastimes is at all difficult because He is God. He is the source of all existence and the supreme controller of absolutely everything. And the most wonderfully amazing thing of all is that that supreme controller of everything agrees to come under the control of all those who love Him purely. What could be more astoundingly amazing than this? Krishna Lifting Govardhana Hill Video for the Day Don't Cheat Yourself Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Is Krishna Aware of My Chanting? I am chanting, but what is happening?...

Expert Time Management

The perfection of time management is to see that every moment of time belongs to Krishna and hence should be fully engaged in His service. If one has this fixity of mind, Krishna will give him the intelligence how to balance of all his material and spiritual duties in such a way that he will successfully awaken his dormant Krishna consciousness and triumphantly push forward the Krishna consciousness movement for the deliverance of the fallen, conditioned souls from their entanglement in the cycle of repeated birth, death, old age, and disease. Krishna Says "Time I Am." Video for the Day Make the Whole World Krishna Conscious Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: How to Deal with Materialists? How to deal with highly egoistic people in our day-to-day life, with whom we have to interact? Should wed avoid them, correct them, or tolerate them? Thank You. With Regards, Golok Das Answer: Here's How From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Golok, P...

The Perfection of Meditation

Chanting the holy names of God is the perfection of meditation. There is no system of spiritual wakening which is simultaneously both this powerful and this easy. It is so easy that even a small child can do it. And it is so powerful that it the best of all spiritual awakening systems even for the most powerful yogi. So who is that fool who would not take advantage of this most sublime process, which is especially recommended in the scriptures for this age? Here it is: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare If one chants these sacred syllables on chanting beads at least sixteen times around the beads every day while simultaneously avoiding illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication and gambling, he can be initiated by the bona fide spiritual master and can thus become qualified to go back to home, back to Godhead at the time of leaving his present material body. This is the perfection of the human form of life. May the whole world ...

You Can Be a Great Hero

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada describes in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, Fourth Canto, Chapter Nine, Text 50 that a devotee is a great hero because he conquers the influence of maya. He writes there, "When Lord Caitanya inquired from Ramananda Raya about the most famous man in this world, the latter replied that anyone who is known as a great devotee of the Lord is to be accepted as the most famous." So the true heroes in this world are those who conquer over the influence of maya or illusion by fully absorbing their thoughts, words, and deeds in all times, places, and circumstances in the loving service of Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The so-called famous people of this world come and go like the passing of the seasons and are soon forgotten. But those who become awakened in pure love of God achieve a fame which never goes away and continues to expand and expand forever. His Fame is Spread All Over the Three Worlds ...

I Want You to Be Happy

I want you to be happy. That's why I am taking so much time and trouble to produce Thought for the Day and Video for the Day every day, even though it is sometimes with great difficulty that I do so.There is no reason for anyone in any corner of the world to be unhappy because the state of pure unadulterated bliss is the natural constitutional position of every living being. It is only due to foolish misidentification with matter that anyone is unhappy. Therefore our goal in this Krishna consciousness movement is that by the higher education of Vedic knowledge we can elevate the entire world population to the spiritual platform so that everyone is fully, completely happy in all times, places, and circumstances. Super Ecstatic Krishna Consciousness Video for the Day Cure for Depression Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Personal Relationship with Guru Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, to You and all IS...

Killing Cows Turns Our World into a Slaughterhouse

When we are little babies we start off getting our much needed nutrition by drinking our mother's breast milk. Then when we grow up a little bit we get nourished by drinking the breast milk our second mother, the cow. Just as we would never think of killing our mother, we should also not think of killing our second mother, the cow. But yet in our modern day civilization this is what is going on, wholesale slaughter of our mother, the cow. This must now be stopped! The karmic reaction of cow killing is producing so much war and violence. When we send our mother to the slaughterhouse, we turn the whole world into a slaughterhouse. Just like now we see in the news that there are many ghastly shootings every day in which many people are being killed. This is a direct karmic reaction because of cow killing. If these foolish rascals will simply stop killing the cows, the entire atmosphere on this planet will wonderfully change. Make that day come soon! May that day come soon! The P...

Turn On Your Soul

I was very happy to learn from my disciple, Mahabhagavat Das, that a young devotee named Krishnakumar Mani has posted a YouTube video of himself singing my song "Turn On Your Soul." He has made a very nice arrangement, which you can hear in Video for the Day below. Our goal is to train everyone in the world how to turn on their soul because right now everyone's soul is covered by material consciousness. Thus the world is in a horrible state of complete darkness. If we can induce everyone to turn on their soul, the whole world will become peaceful and happy, and everyone will go back to home, back to Godhead when they leave their present bodies. Srila Prabhupada Teaches How Turn On Our Soul and Attain Unlimited Bliss Video for the Day Krishnakumar Mani Sings "Turn on Your Soul" Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: How to Make Money? Teach me how to make spiritual money. Omorogbe Answer: Chant with Love and You Can Purchase God From...

Have a Super Pleasant Journey

May you have a pleasant Krishna conscious journey through this amazing experience called life. If you keep your mind always focused on life's ultimate goal, self-realization, you will be able to fully capitalize on every moment's experience, no matter what it's nature, and triumphantly enter into the realm of eternity, and bliss. As the Lotus is Not Saturated by Water the Transcendentalist is Not Saturated by the Material Energy Although Within It Video for the Day I Want You to Be Happy Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: I'm in Trouble. How to Connect with God? Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. Recently I went through a serious problems due to some conflict with my in-law relatives. After those conflicts there has been a legal agreement signed between myself and my in-laws that we both parties will never interact with each other from today onwards till lifelong, otherwise it would be a violation of law. So my question ...

The Science of Love

In this world everyone is looking for love. Everyone wants to be loved. But they are not satisfied because they not tasting or experiencing the pure love that they desire. This is so because they have not properly educated in the science of love. So what is the science of love? When you water the root of a a tree all the leaves and branches are nourished. Similarly when you give food to your belly all of your bodily parts get the energy they need. So when you give your love to that Supreme Person, who is the source of all existence, your love is automatically distributed to all living beings throughout all of existence. And here's where it gets even more exciting. The more you give love, the more you get, experience, or taste love. So when you master the science of love by total absorption in love of the Supreme Person you relish the bliss rain of being in a shower of unlimited love. One may try to figure out what this would like through mental speculation and never be able ...

Real Religion is the Perfection of Psychology

Recently one of our subscribers cancelled his subscription to our e-course stating that he was looking for a psychological approach to self-realization rather than a religious approach. Our reader failed to comprehend that genuine religion is the perfection of psychology. While we can understand someone's being disgusted with the multitude of pseudo religions being forced upon the ignorant people of the world, rejecting genuine religion is just as ignorant as accepting pseudo religion. So how is it that genuine religion is the perfection of psychology? This I will now explain. Actual religion means to reconnect with the source of one's existence. Just as an electrical appliance must be plugged into the electrical power house in order to function, we psychologically require to be connected with the source of our existence in order the properly function. That connecting process is love. It is a psychological fact that without love no one can be happy. The perfection of psych...

The Most Powerful Person in the World

In his purport to Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila, Chapter 7, Text 83 my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada writes: "A sincere student aurally receives the holy name from the spiritual master, and after being initiated he follows the regulative principles given by the spiritual master. When the holy name is properly served in this way, automatically the spiritual nature of the holy name spreads; in other words, the devotee becomes qualified in offenselessly chanting the holy name. When one is completely fit to chant the holy name in this way, he is eligible to make disciples all over the world, and he actually becomes jagad-guru. Then the entire world, under his influence, begins to chant the holy names of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra." Just see the great power of purely chanting Hare Krishna! By this pure chanting one becomes the most powerful person in the world, a person who influences the entire world to dive into the unlimited...

Stressless Ultimate Success

In this material world everyone wants to be successful, and they undergo so much stress in their attempt to achieve this goal. The pitiable thing is that even though those who achieve some success find some temporary happiness, they are ultimately miserable failures because of their being defeated by old age, disease, and death. But it does not have to be this way. Under the proper guidance of the bona fide spiritual master anyone can achieve stressless ultimate success, which can never be defeated even by old age and death. I was most fortunate half a century ago to be educated in this way by bona fide spiritual master. And now on his order, if you are willing to learn, I am passing the same training on to you. I hope that you will be able to understand and implement this unlimitedly valuable system of spiritual awakening and make your life unlimitedly successful, stress free, and sublime. Attain Stressless Ultimate Success by Regularly, Meditatively Chanting the Holy Names of Go...

Perseverance Furthers

It is very wisely stated in the ancient Chinese wisdom, "Perseverance furthers." The same principle is taught in the even more ancient Vedic wisdom. The bhakti yogi or Krishna consciousness practitioner should be determined and should patiently prosecute the practice of devotion without deviation. One should be sure of success at the end and pursue this course with great perseverance, not becoming discouraged if there is any delay in the attainment of success. Success is sure for the rigid practitioner. In this regard Rūpa Gosvāmī states: utsāhān niścayād dhairyāt tat-tat-karma-pravartanāt saṅga-tyāgāt sato vṛtteḥ ṣaḍbhir bhaktiḥ prasidhyati "One can execute the process of bhakti-yoga successfully with full-hearted enthusiasm, perseverance, and determination, by following the prescribed duties in the association of devotees and by engaging completely in activities of goodness." (Upadeśāmṛta 3) So let us all take advantage of this wisdom and attain the ulti...

Become Guru and Deliver the Whole World

On 17 December 1973, in a lecture on the Srimad Bhagavatam given in Los Angeles, California USA, Srila Prabhupada requested that those persons who have taken to Krishna consciousness should become perfect in their understanding of this science and should become guru and deliver the whole world. Thus we, his followers, are obliged to carry out this order and make the whole world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. To become empowered to do this we must chant Krishna's holy names the prescribed minimum of at least sixteen rounds of japa daily without offense and we must understand and repeat the teachings of Krishna exactly as Srila Prabhupada has given them to us without any misrepresentation or adulteration. In this way our movement will never be checked and we will be successful in making the whole world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. The Suffering World Awaits Being Awakened Video for the Day Take the Spiritual Master's Order as Your Very Life and Soul ...

I Have a Dream

I have a dream of a world: where everybody is Krishna conscious, where all women are honored as mothers not as sex objects, where cows are milked but not slaughered, where everyone wears Vaisnava tilka and all religions are cherished and adored by everyone, where everyone joyfully chants the holy names of God according to their religious tradition, and where nobody is disturbed by birth, death, old age, and disease because they have all realized that they are are not their bodies, having fully absorbed their every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances in the loving service of that Supreme Person with unlimited names who is the source of everyone and in the loving service of all those who are dedicated to Him. I pray that this dream may come true before I leave my present body or if Krishna desires that I may take birth after birth in this material existence until this dream comes true. Ecstatic Hare Krishna Chanting in New York City, USA Video ...

Why Hare Krishna's Love Jesus

Lord Krishna says that unless we love those who perfectly represent Him we have no love for Him. This means to whatever extent we have learned to love His representatives to that extent our love for Him is awakened. Therefore those who are serious about awakening their dormant love for Krishna actively cultivate loving relationships with those, such as Lord Jesus Christ, who purely represent God, Our Christian friends say that Jesus is the only way, and we agree with them because the way that He teaches, the way of total surrender to the will of God, is indeed the only way. This is confirmed by my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, who has stated as follows: "Yes, he is the only way. We also admit. Because he is the representative of God. So if you want to approach God, you must approach through His representative." My proposal is that since there is common thread of total surrender to the will of God running through all varieties of religions, all religious people...

Back from the Road, Hankering for a Krishnized World

We're back now at our world headquarters in Austin, Texas. I am begging Lord Sri Krishna that as soon as possible the entire world can be awakened to Krishna consciousness. I am not very happy to see everyone suffering in the cycle of birth and death. Because of maya's influence they think that there is some enjoyment to be had in this material existence when factually there is none. If somehow or other we can attract them to this sublime process of Krishna consciousness, everyone will be happy. Then there will be the most sublime era of world peace, the like of which the world has not know for thousands of years. Writing on the Airplane Video for the Day Suffer No More! Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: How to Conquer Sex Desire? My Dear Respected Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. How to control the mind and senses, when wave of lust comes and I want sex? I have somehow restricted from illicit sex (mas...

For Unlimited Bliss We Have to Be Who We Are

As long as we keep endeavoring to find genuine happiness and satisfaction on a false platform of the self we are sure to be baffled. This is why we should take help from those who have realized the actual nature of the self in our pursuit of fulfillment. The false platform that I am referring to is the material body. As long as we consider ourselves to be these material bodies, which are destined to get sick, get old, and die, there is no way that we can be genuinely happy. This is so because any happiness which is limited or restricted is not real happiness. Even while we are enjoying it we are experiencing the anxiety of knowing that it will sooner or later be finished. This is why material happiness is call maya-sukhaya, illusory happiness. Real happiness must be completely free from the even slightest tinge of anxiety. This pure happiness is only available on the spiritual platform. It is tasted when we know and realize our factual identities as the eternal servants of Krishna or ...

Celebrating Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance

As I write these words on 11 November 2018 it is the disappearance day of my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. How can I say that we are celebrating his disappearance? Normally when a person dies it is not a time of celebration unless everybody hates him. When our loved ones die it is a time of great mourning, not a time of celebration. So how can I be writing about celebrating the disappearance of my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, from this world? The answer is that such great personalities do not die like ordinary people who are dragged by their karma to suffer the reactions of their sinful activities into another material body. Great souls do not really die. They are transferred to directly to the spiritual world where they revive their eternal, youthful spiritual bodies. And simultaneously they remain here with us within our hearts blessing us with their divine instructions and transformational association. Bhaktivinoda Thakura wrote ...

The Whole World is Hankering

Everyone in the world is hankering for a state of uninterrupted happiness. And they are struggling for it every day in so many different futile attempts like fools with their heads in the sand. The difficulty is that they are trying to find this happiness on the level of identifying themselves with their material bodies, which is a big mistake. This is why they never are able to achieve that uninterrupted happiness for which they always hanker. This true happiness can only be experienced on the spiritual platform when one realizes that he is a spiritual being who is qualitatively one with God and whose duty is serve God twenty-four hours daily with his every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances. The science of devotion has been taught all the great spiritual teachers throughout the ages. And it can be learned now from the bona fide spiritual master. There is Unlimited Bliss on the Spiritual Platform, But the General Population Has Got Their Heads in the Sa...

Riding the Waves on the Ocean of Bliss

Nowadays surfing is a very popular sport. But such surfers are surfing in the ocean of birth, death, old age, and disease. Those who have been blessed with higher knowledge are surfing in a different ocean. They are surfing in the ocean of eternity, knowledge, and bliss in which there is no birth, no death, no old age, and no disease. By giving one's heart to that Supreme Person who is the source of all the oceans one is able to enter the spiritual world, the that transcendental world, where all miseries are conspicuous by their absence. This is the kind of surfing that I love like anything. It is unlimitedly ecstatic. I am always riding a super fantastic wave at every moment. On Which Ocean Should I Surf? Video for the Day Watch This. You'll Love It! Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: ​​​​​​​Balance of Births and Deaths?​​​ Hare Krishna, Sir, Nowadays, more births take place than deaths. How is the balance maintained? After reading your writings I g...

From Krishna With Love

I hope you are enjoying the program called "Reality" brought to you with love by our sponsor, Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Because of His having the power the enjoy unlimitedly along with the power to do anything He wants Lord Sri Krishna is manifesting from Himself an unlimited number of living beings with each of whom He can enjoy a unique type of loving relationship. So this is why exist, to have our own completely unique personal loving relationship with God, not a carbon copy relationship, a totally unique loving relationship. Sorry, Charlie Darwin. You had it wrong. Your theory was based on blind faith, not scientific facts. (To see how Darwin is refuted click here.) We exist simply for the purpose of having a loving relationship with Krishna. This is our natural position, just like a fish in the water. If the fish tries to enjoy on the land, he cannot do so because that is not his natural environment. Similarly, we cannot enjoy at all o...

We Can Conquer the World in Eighteen Days

My spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, said that if we simply co-operate with him, we can make the whole world Krishna conscious in 18 days. Krishna conscious means a state of perfect peace and prosperity for all by being perfectly in harmony with the Supreme Person, Who is the source of all existence. Therefore out of compassion on the millions and billions of people who are in suffering conditions on this planet those who are wise and compassionate follow the directions of this great spiritual master for the ultimate benefit of all living beings. I have been. personally molding my life according to his sublime instructions for the last 47 years, and I can confirm from my own multi-decades experience how valid and uplifting his divine instructions are for me and for all those who have the made the wise decision of following them. The Whole World Can Be Made Peaceful and Happy Video for the Day Don't Miss This One! Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: ​​​​​​​...

Be Kind to Yourself

Our advice to everyone in the world is "Be kind to yourself." In this connection it is also said, "Charity begins at home." The beginning of kindness is to be merciful to yourself by putting yourself in the most advantageous position for becoming totally, completely satisfied in your life. In other words, why torture yourself unnecessarily when you could be tasting unlimited bliss at every minute? To do so would make absolutely no sense. But yet due to ignorance of the science of the self the whole world is suffering like anything on the roller coaster ride of happiness and distress, sometimes miserable, sometimes better, sometimes miserable, etc. Therefore those who are enlightened with transcendental knowledge, feeling compassion for those who are so tightly entangled in birth, death, old age, and disease, fully dedicate their lives for enlightening as many souls as possible in the science of the self so that they can also taste the transcendental bliss of being ...

This Material World is a Dangerous Place

It is sometimes said that this material world is not a fit place for gentleman's living. This is because there is danger here at every step. Anybody can be killed unexpectedly at any mount without any warning. Just like recently some girl scouts were picking up garbage on the side of the road when a car accidentally veered off of the road and killed them. Such a dangerous atmosphere is not our actual home. We are like fish out of the water here. We are meant to live in an atmosphere where death and all forms of material misery are conspicuous by their absence. The bona fide spiritual master is our travel agent to guide us how to return to that original, natural, all-blissful atmosphere. We should therefore take full advantage of his directions and make our lives unlimitedly happy and successful. This is what I have done, and I advise the same for you. I would like for you to also experience the peace and happiness that I am experiencing every day in all situations. The All Bli...