
Showing posts from December, 2017

Another Year Gone By

Another year has gone by. 2017 is almost finished. We are now entering into 2018. So how much did we accomplish for Krishna in 2017? How much did we advance in our Krishna consciousness? And how much where we successful in spreading the Krishna consciousness movement? These are the sort of questions we should be asking ourselves if we are all al eager to become Krishna conscious and make the world Krishna conscious. The point is that our main aspiration in life should be the advancement of Krishna consciousness both within and without. Other things such as job and career are also important. But they must always be relegated to our secondary position if we want to actually be successful in realizing the real purpose of human life, which is to become fully qualified for going back to home, back to Godhead. The Divine Couple: Sri Sri Radha and Krishna Video for the Day Video for the Day 31 December 2017 Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: What is True Amrita? Wha...

How to Live in Vrindavan at Every Minute

We are all originally from the spiritual world. Thus no matter how much we may feel attached to our present place of residence here in this material world, this place is not our home. It is not really a very suitable place of residence for us, because here by the stringent laws of the material nature we are forced to get sick, to get old, and die repeatedly birth after birth after through 8,400,000 different species of life. But the good news is that we can get back to our original home in the spiritual world even at the present moment within our hearts by the process of bhakti yoga. This is described in detail in a lecture that I gave in Melbourne, Australia of the evening of 28 December 2017. To hear this lecture click on the link below. You'll be glad you did. The Divine Couple: Sri Sri Radha and Krishna Video for the Day Always Be Illuminated Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: How to Best Serve My Father? Respected Guru Maharaja, Please accept my...

Taste Unlimited Bliss at Every Minute

You can taste unlimited bliss at every minute. All you have to do is tune into your eternal higher nature as a servant of the Supreme Person. The bona fide spiritual master guides you how to fully enter that pure state of divine consciousness, which can be called Krishna consciousness, Christ consciousness, Allah consciousness, Buddha consciousness, etc. Therefore our main interest in life should be in reviving our dormant state of Krishna consciousness so we can regain our original, pure state of unlimited bliss instead of being constantly whipped by the three-fold miseries of material existence.​​​​​​​ The Divine Couple: Sri Sri Radha and Krishna Video for the Day Always Be Illuminated Answers According to the Vedas Question: Original Spiritual Form? Respected Srila Gurudeva, Please accept our humble obeisances unto your and Gurumataji's lotus feet. Srila Gurudeva, we learn that when we go back home we will get our original spiritual body. Also we read that all ...

Total Solution for Global Pollution

At the present moment our entire world is being devastated by ever-increasing pollution on both the subtle mental platform and the gross physical platform. Although it is not widely understood, it is a fact that the external pollution is 100% a product of the subtle pollution within. Therefore if we can clean up the pollution within, automatically the external pollution will be removed. Therefore we teach here in our ultimate self-realization system how to make one's inner self, his consciousness completely pure. Thus, if our course can be widely followed all over the world, the entire world atmosphere will become transformed.​​​​​​​ The Divine Couple: Sri Sri Radha and Krishna Video for the Day Sunrise Within at Every Minute Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: Why Deluded Only at the Time of Death? Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krishna! Please accept my pranams! Srila Prabhupada mentions that someone who is 'dhira' is not deluded by change of bodies. ...

Why Cheat Yourself?

Why cheat yourself out of unlimited bliss suffering instead in this material existence when unlimited bliss is your divine birthright? Wouldn't that be foolish? But unfortunately this is what 99.99% of the world's population is doing right now due to their complete total ignorance of what is the self. They are now foolishly now misidentifying their selves, which are factually eternal, with the their temporary material body, which is nothing than a virtual garment being worn by the body. Therefore we want to awaken the entire human population bringing them to the spiritual platform so that they can dive at every minute into an ocean of unlimited bliss.​​​​​​​ The Divine Couple: Sri Sri Radha and Krishna Video for the Day Make Things Happen or Watch Things Happen Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: How to Apply "We Are Not the Body"? Can you please explain me about how to apply the theory, ''we are soul and not the body" in our day...

Nothing to Lose Except for Your Anxiety

The path of Krishna bhakti is indeed unlimitedly sublime. By taking to it with full seriousness and dedication you've got nothing to lose except for your anxiety. Thus it is only due to foolishness and ignorance that the entire world is not now practicing Krishna bhakti. Therefore we must now enlighten the entire human population to save them from their unnecessary misery.​​ The Divine Couple: Sri Sri Radha and Krishna Video for the Day Why You Exist--Video for the Day 26 December 2017 Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: Solution for Gender Dysphoria? I have emailed you before, I am 26 years old male, but I identify myself as a woman. Since childhood I wanted to be a woman. This is not something mental problem. I don't know what to do. Which ashram do I belong to? I can't get married because I don't want to start a relationship with a lie, and also I don't have any attraction for women. I can't join the brahmacari ashram, because I...

Follow Christ or Krishna or Buddha?

Today is the day that Christians all over the world celebrate Christmas, the appearance day of Jesus Christ. Jesus is appreciated very much by devotees of Krishna because he is one of the greatest pure devotees of the Lord. Srila Prabhupada very much appreciates him and describes him as a powerful devotee who has done tremendous service of behalf of Krishna on the surface of the globe. Personally I am very much indebted to Jesus Christ because it is his perfect example of full surrender unto the will of God that inspired me to a devotee of Krishna. Sometimes people are confused about which pathway of spiritual awakening to follow. In this connection Srila Prabhupada stated, "Either you follow Lord Jesus Christ or Lord Buddha or Krishna, it doesn't matter much. But do it perfectly. That is our request." The whole idea is not to be a cheater. One must humbly submit oneself as a servant of the Supreme Person. The Divine Couple: Sri Sri Radha and Krishna Concert by...

Ecstatic Chanting in Downtown Melbourne, Australia

Friday evening on 22 December 2017 we had the most ecstatic experience of participating in public chanting of the Krishna's holy names in downtown Melbourne, Australia. The downtown was packed with thousands of people, and so many of them expressed their appreciation for our public chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. Our chanting and dancing in downtown Melbourne was greatly beneficial for the many devotees who participated because it strengthened our own Krishna consciousness. And it was also greatly beneficial for everyone in downtown Melbourne who heard and saw our transcendental sankirtana party because it planted the seed of Krishna bhakti within their hearts. In this way the holy names of the Lord should always be chanted and heard every day in every town and village all over the world. If this can be done, it will mark the beginning of a new amazingly wonderful era of peace and prosperity for our entire global society. May that day come soon, real soon! Super Ecstatic ...

In 18 Days We Can Conquer the World

Srila Prabhupada said, "If all my disciples will fully cooperate with me, then we can take over the whole world in eighteen days." So what are waiting for? Let us all now fully co-operate with Srila Prabhupada by strictly following his teachings. If we all do so, we will we see that in eighteen days the entire world will become Krishna conscious. ​​​​​​​ The Divine Couple: Sri Sri Radha and Krishna Video for the Day The Most Amazing Person, Krishna--Video for the Day 23 December 2017 Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: Why Deluded Only at the Time of Death? Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krishna! Please accept my pranams! Srila Prabhupada mentions that someone who is 'dhira' is not deluded by change of bodies. Why is it that we are deluded by the change of bodies only at the time of death, when we change our bodies every minute? Your aspiring servant, Bhargavi Answer: We Are Always Deluded We are deluded by false bodily designations at every m...

Revolutionaries In Spite of Defects

Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 4.18.5: "A conditioned soul is hampered by four defects: he is sure to commit mistakes, he is sure to become illusioned, he has a tendency to cheat others, and his senses are imperfect. Consequently we have to take direction from liberated persons. This Krishna consciousness movement directly receives instructions from the Supreme Personality of Godhead via persons who are strictly following His instructions. Although a follower may not be a liberated person, if he follows the supreme, liberated Personality of Godhead, his actions are naturally liberated from the contamination of the material nature. Lord Caitanya therefore says: 'By My order you may become a spiritual master.' One can immediately become a spiritual master by having full faith in the transcendental words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and by following His instructions." From Srila Prabhupada's wonderful words of wisdom we ca...

Turning Hell into Heaven

As I write this we are preparing to head out again on another intercontinental overnight flight. This time we are traveling from South Africa to Australia. The whole world is sleeping in the deep, dense ,dark depths of delusion. But we have been given the knowledge by which the entire world can be delivered from this chaotic madness, if they will only listen to us and accept our formula. Therefore our duty in service to the suffering humanity is to somehow or other induce the entire world population to hear and follow our instructions for turning this hell into heaven. The Dazzlingly Beautiful Radha and Krishna Video for the Day Unmotivated, Uninterrupted Devotional Service is the Perfection of Existence Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Why Come Down to Chant? Hare Krishna. When we see clearly that the mind is higher than the senses, the intelligence even higher, and the spirit the highest, why do we come all the way down to chant in order to go back up to...

You Can Taste Unlimited Bliss

You can taste unlimited bliss at every minute. All you have to do is wake up from the nightmare of bodily consciousness by coming back to your actual identity as an eternal spiritual being, servant of God, qualitatively one with Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So it's up to you whether you continue suffering birth after birth in the nightmarish material existence or whether you experience for all of eternity an ocean of ever-expanding bliss. If you prefer eternal bliss, you've come to right place because I am going to train you how to attain it. The Dazzlingly Beautiful Radha and Krishna Video for the Day Suffering is the the Pastime of Fools Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: What is Soul? Srila Gurudeva, what is soul? Please explain this to me fully. Sincerely Your Servant Arie Answer: It's You. The soul is you, the eternal person who dwells within the temporary body. The body is the car, and you,the soul, are the driv...

World Peace Initiative

Srila Prabhupada has blessed us with the perfect formula for world peace. Now all we have to do is follow his instructions dedicating our lives fully for bringing peace and harmony to today's most troubled disharmonious world. The formula is very easy and sublime. All we have to do is acknowledge that Lord Sri Krishna is the owner of everything, the enjoyer of everything, and the best friend of all living beings. If simply accept this and carry on with our lives in harmony with this, we have the most inconceivably sublime lives that you could ever imagine. And if we can educate the greatly distressed world population in this, we will experience the greatest era of peace and happiness that the world has ever known in thousands of years. So let's do it. Let's bring in a new age of global peace and prosperity by making the whole world Krishan conscious. The Dazzlingly Beautiful Radha and Krishna Video for the Day The Perfect Formula for World Peace Answers Acco...

Instant Nirvana

Today's "Thought for the Day" connects you with the lecture I gave in Lenasia, South Africa on Sunday 17 December 2017. As soon as you seriously take up the path of Krishna bhakti you are already liberated. In 1975 in New York a reporter asked Srila Prabhupada, "Swami, is there a chance that all your followers can realize the highest truth?" Srila Prabhupada replied, "They have already done. They have already done." So if you, my dear readers, will seriously embrace right now within your heart of hearts that my one goal in life is to become a pure devotee of Krishna, you will immediately enter into a state of transcendental bliss that will never go away and will go on increasing for all of eternity. So what are you waiting for? Do it night now and attain instant nirvana! Click on the link below to hear the lecture. The Amazingly Beautiful Krishna Video for the Day Video for the Day 18 ...

Don't Be Insane

Out of the 8,400,000 species of life the human form is the one chance we have to go back to our original home in the spiritual world. Therefore we should not foolishly waste our time in the maddened pursue of material senses gratification, which will force us to take birth again here in this miserable material world. The only intelligent course of action is to fully surrender ourselves unto Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, under the expert guidance of the bona fide spiritual master. This and only this makes sense. Anything else is complete total insanity.​​​​​​​ Video for the Day: Early Morning Bliss Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: Can Devotees Play Snooker? Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj I have just read this mornings “ Thought for the Day“ where you mention that we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by fully surrendering to Lord Krishna. I am so lost and ignorant so kindly explain if there are any steps involved...

Greatest Paradigm Shift in History

If all ISKCON devotees will sincerely follow ISKCON's Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada's divine instructions for removing the dirt from their hearts and replacing it with pure love of God, ISKCON will become so strongly united and infused with pure Krishna bhakti that it will then become fully empowered to lead the entire world out of chaos and thus be able to successfully bring about the greatest paradigm shift that has ever happened in the history of the universe, the deliverance of the entire world from the chaos and misery of godlessness. Therefore, out of compassion upon the suffering, fallen souls of this age we should all become pure devotees of Lord Sri Krishna so that the whole world can become awakened in Krishna consciousness. Video for the Day: Hell or Paradise Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: Am I Realized? Namaste, Gurudeva! ​​​​​​​ What is realization of Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagvan? I never fully understand when I ...

Anxiety Not Due to External Circumstances

Here is powerful quote from Srila Prabhupada to help us understand that whatever anxiety we are experiencing in our present circumstances is not due to those circumstances. Rather it is simply due to our lack of Krishna consciousness. Srila Prabhupada wrote from Bombay, India as follows to his disciple Madhukara Das on 4 January 1973: "One mistake of judgment often made by the neophyte devotees is that any time there is some disturbance or some difficulty they are considering that the conditions or the external circumstances under which the difficulty took place are the cause of the difficulty itself. That is not the fact. In this material world there is always some difficulty, no matter in this situation or that situation. Therefore simply by changing my status of occupation or my status of life, that will not help anything. Because the real fact is that if there is any difficulty with others, that is my lack of Krishna consciousness, not theirs. Is this clear?" Ther...

Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain

You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by fully surrendering to Krishna right now. So why not do it? Why hesitate? It sometimes said, "He who hesitates is lost." And it is also said, "If something is auspicious, do it immediately. And if something is not auspicious, postpone it." Surrendering to Krishna is the most auspicious thing we could ever do in millions and billions of lifetimes. Therefore the only intelligent thing to do is to fully surrender ourselves unto Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personalty of Godhead right here and right now. There is absolutely no reason at all that we should hesitate or postpone this. But yet we do, again and again. This is our foolishness. It is time to give up our foolishness and become truly wise. Video for the Day:Help Deliver the World Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: Can Devotees Play Snooker? Srila Gurudeva, can devotees play snooker? Arie Malaysia Answer: Devotees Do Not Waste T...

Krishna is the Origin of Everything

Everything that exists is the energy of Krishna because everything is emanating from HIm. Even Krishna emanates from Himself because He is the absolute origin of everything including Himself. Therefore nothing exists except that what is emanating from Krishna, and those who perfect their relationship with Krishna have a perfect relationship with everything and everyone all over the universe. What could be more amazing or wonderful than this? Video for the Day:Pure Bhakti--Daily Goal Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: Why Lifespan is Reducing? What is the reason behind the successive reduction in lifespan from satya yuga to kalyuga?. What has caused the gradual reduction in life span over the span of the yugas. Please enlighten me on this. Your servant, Avinash G. Answer: Ever-increasing Sinfulness It is due to ever-increasing sinfulness. In other words, the more one becomes sinful he suffers more sinful reactions such as a shorter life span, disea...

Steadiness in Happiness and Distress

Krishna's devotee possesses the wonderful quality of steadiness because he is in a steady state of mind by always taking complete shelter of his most beloved Lord Sri Krishna. For the devotee it is does not matter what may be happening out there in the material energy because He sees and tastes how Lord Sri Krishna is showering His causeless mercy upon him in all times places, and circumstances. What could be sweeter than this? Video for the Day Krishna Sunrise in the Heart Answers According to Vedic Knowledge Question: How to Associate with Devotees? Hare Krishna! We generally hear about the importance of association of devotees. In fact in your yesterday's thought for the day this is what you have quoted Lord saying “Those who are My direct devotees are actually not My devotees, but those who are the devotees of My servant are factually My devotees." I feel confused on this aspect. Does this mean spiritual master, acharyas or everyone? If we see now in I...

Nothing to Lose

We've got nothing to lose by fully surrendering ourselves to Krishna right now except for our anxiety. So why not do it right now? We have to kick out all hesitations and do what is actually intelligent right here, right now. Any other course of action is sheer madness. Prabhupada Wants Us to Fully Surrender For Our Own Benefit. Video for the Day Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Fully Surrender to Krishna? How can I fully surrender to Krishna? Karigouda, Answer: Become a Disciple of the Bona Fide Spiritual Master On the order of Lord Sri Krishna we fully surrender to Him by taking shelter of the bona fide spiritual master, becoming initiated by the bona fide spiritual master, and then being fully surrendered to following the spiritual master's orders, accepting them as our very life and soul for all of eternity. Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Love Krishna's Devotees

Sometimes neophyte devotees think that one should not love devotees, that one should only love Krishna. But this is not what Krishna says. Krishna clearly describes to Arjuna as follows as quoted in the Adi Purana: ye me bhakta-janāḥ pārtha na me bhaktāś ca te janāḥ mad-bhaktānāṁ ca ye bhaktās te me bhakta-tamā matāḥ “Those who are My direct devotees are actually not My devotees, but those who are the devotees of My servant are factually My devotees." This verse is so important that it was quoted by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His conversation with Ramananda Raya. Krishna is telling us that unless we have love and devotion for His devotees we have no love and devotion for Him. Therefore anyone who wants to awaken in their heart pure love for Lord Sri Krishna must necessarily master the art of purely loving Krishna's devotees. For without loving Krishna's devotees there is no question of loving Krishna. This is simply impossible. Lord Caitanya Enlightens Ramanand...

The Peace Formula in London

One Wednesday 6 December on our brief stopover in London I was asked to play and sing my song "The Peace Formula" at the Bhaktivedanta Manor, the estate donated to ISKCON George Harrison, who was famous as a member of the Beatles. The song, which was very much appreciated by former US President Barack Obama when he was in office, poetically presents Krishna's peace formula as presented by Lord Krishna ins Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 5, Text 29. Below is a short video clip presenting verse three of the song. You can stream and get a free copy of the studio version of "The Peace Formula" at: Krishna Reveals His Peace Formula to Arjuna Video For the Day: The Peace Formula In London Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Become a Pure Devotee I want to help other people by spreading this divine teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and I also want to become fully surrendered...

In God We Trust

We trust God and those who purely represent Him. Everyone else is self-motivated and cannot trusted. This is the reality of this material world. In this connection Shakespeare has written: One may smile, and smile, and be a villain. Therefore we must always be careful in this dangerous place that we are not cheated and exploited by others, even those who pose themselves as our friends. We Have Full Faith in Krishna Video For the Day: Know Who You Are Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Engage Talent in Krishna's Service Hare Krishna Gurudeva, I offer my humble obeisances. In today's Thought for the Day (7 December 2017) you have mentioned about utilizing your talent for Krishna consciousness. I have been thinking for a while now, how I could use my skills of project management and a business systems analyst, for Krishna consciousness. I work in the IT section of a logistic company and my projects are related to client implementations or enhancem...

Utilize Your Talent for Krishna

Srila Prabhupada very nicely explains that perfection is to utilize one's talent in the service of Krishna: "Krsna consciousness is so nice, if you apply it in any field of activities you will see it is perfect. Either you apply in industry or in politics or in sociology or in philosophy or in science. Therefore Bhagavata says that whatever capacity you may have, either you are a scientist or a lawyer or an engineer or a rich man, a capitalist, whatever you may be. Your duty is to utilize your talent for Krsna consciousness. That's all. That is perfection."--From a lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.19-25 -- given in Los Angeles on January 9, 1969. Therefore instead of denying our talents we use them in Krishna's service. Srila Prabhupada Engaged George Harrison's Talent in Krishna's Service Video For the Day: Realizations from London Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Perfection of My Life? Respected Srila Gurudeva, Please accept ...

The Disappearance Day of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati

Today is the disappearance day His Divine Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaja. Srila Prabhupada told us many things about his beloved Guru Maharaja. Here are two pastimes that he described in Los Angeles on December 9, 1968: When he was a child two, three years old, he ate one mango fruit which was kept for offering to the Deity. So his father mildly rebuked him, "Oh, you have done a very wrong thing. It was meant for Deity, and you have taken it. You should not have done it." The child was two or three years old. He took it so seriously that never after that he took mango. Whenever we offered him mango he said, "No, I am offender. I cannot take mango." He was thinking like that, you see. Never in his life he took a mango. He was thinking that "I offended in my childhood by taking the mango of the Deity." This is the characteristic of acarya. They teach by their life's action that one should be so much determined, that one should not ...

Bringing the Most Sublime Bliss to the World

Today Gurumata and I are heading out on another around-the-world lecture tour for spreading the most sublime bliss of Krishna consciousness. We will be traveling to the UK, to Mauritius, to South Africa, to Australia, to Argentina, to Chile, to Canada, and to Los Angeles. Something has to be done. The present world situation is intolerable. 66 thousand innocent babies and 156 million innocent animals are cruelly murdered every day. How can the world's leaders allow this to be going on? Just see how unqualified they are to lead the world! Therefore we want to educate the people in general to demand Krishna conscious leadership for all nations across the globe. This will bring about the restoration of the happy days of bhagavat-dharma all over the world. The Whole World Can Live in Peace Video For the Day: Course Promotion #3 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How May I Serve You? Respected Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. Is there s...

Course Promotion Initiative

Starting today we are launching a course promotion initiative to dynamically expand the number of subscribers for this e-course. At the present moment have 25,962 enrolled. We want to expand this initially to one hundred thousand, then to one million, and at last to at least 100 million. If this can be accomplished, this will have a highly significant uplifting impact on the present deluded state of the global consciousness. For this purpose we are now producing a series of promotional videos, one of which you will be seeing every day for a few days. And we have hired an internet promotions company to flood the social media with our Krishna conscious message. So let's see happens and hope for the very best. Kindly click every day on the YouTube and FaceBook links below and help promote our course through these social media. Srila Prabhupada Can Make Whole World Peaceful Video For the Day: Course Promotion #2 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: When I Can...