Nothing More Ecstatic than Hare Krishna Kirtan

There is truly nothing more ecstatic than Hare Krishna kirtan because when one absorbs himself fully in such kirtan he is directly associating with Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all existence. In such a state of divine rapture one naturally reconnects with his eternal all-blissful, all-knowing nature, which although quantitatively different is qualitatively one with the Lord. When one is deeply immersed in kirtan all anxiety, confusion, and delusion becomes conspicuous by its absence. That day when the world discovers the magic of Hare Krishna kirtan will the day when world peace dawns on this planet. Super Ecstatic Kirtan Led by His Holiness Vishnujana Swami Artist's Concept of Our Completed Project in Austin, Texas USA $43,541.83 collected with $2,456,458.17 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Do You Have a Prayer for Invoking ...