
Showing posts from June, 2013

Elevation to the 27th Floor and Beyond

29 June 2013--Last night I was invited to do kirtan and give a lecture at the home of Amit in a high rise 27th floor apartment in downtown Melbourne, Australia. After a brief smooth ride on the elevator from the ground floor to the 27th floor we then hopped into another elevator to carry us far, far beyond the stratosphere into the transcendental spiritual sky, situated far, far beyond the world of birth and death. This is the amazing power of kirtan and Krishna katha. It transports us out of this world into the inconceivably sweet transcendental realm of the Supreme Personality or Godhead where birth, death, old age, and disease and all other forms of misery are conspicuous by their absence. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Bliss on the 27th Floor Melbourne, Australia--28 June 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Simply Chanting Will Save Us? I read your daily thoughts and answers. Thank you so much for your enlightenment. Your faith and conviction in Gur...

Mindless Idiot Leaders Spoiling the World

Now more than ever we see how much the world leaders have become mindless idiots who are completely spoiling the human civilization taking it down to a level that is lower than the animal kingdom. They are polluting the air, rivers and oceans and also polluting our brains by promoting the disgraceful degradation of the human society as progress. Yes, it is certainly progress. But progress towards what? Progress towards hell. Someone may object that such criticism of the world leaders is not Krishna consciousness. But the Srimad Bhagavatam is making such criticism. teṣāṁ kupatha-deṣṭṝṇāṁ patatāṁ tamasi hy adhaḥ ye śraddadhyur vacas te vai majjanty aśma-plavā iva "Leaders who have fallen into ignorance and who mislead people by directing them to the path of destruction are, in effect, boarding a stone boat, and so too are those who blindly follow them. A stone boat would be unable to float and would sink in the water with its passengers. Similarly, those who mislead people go ...

Fighting the Decadence of the Kali Yuga

The personality of Kali (not to be confused with the Goddess Kāli, who is a pure devotee of Krishna) is having a field day as his influence becomes more and more prominent on this planet. Seeing the ascendency of the Kali-inspired moral decadence, saintly persons mourn within their hearts as the population in general is becomes more and more and helplessly ensnared in sense gratification. Angered by the gross abuses of the so-called leaders, the saintly teachers become even more determined in their endeavor to counteract the influence of the age of Kali by the wide scale introduction of Vedic knowledge and its practical manifestation, the congregational chanting of the holy names of God. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Fighting the Influence of Kali Yuga 26 June 2013--Melbourne, Australia Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: What is Niskāma Karma? Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Recently I have been asked by one of my colleague this...

Tolerance While Hopping the Equator

Our current trip began in the pleasant spring in Texas, USA. From there we went to a mild winter in Mauritius, a cold winter in South Africa, a hot summer in Malaysia and China, and now a cold winter in Melbourne, Australia. One day we are in the summer heat and the next day we are in the winter cold. Sometimes our living facilities and are nice, and sometimes they are not so nice. This is a good opportunity to cultivate tolerance as described by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita: mātrā-sparśās tu kaunteya śītoṣṇa-sukha-duḥkha-dāḥ āgamāpāyino 'nityās tāṁs titikṣasva bhārata "O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed." --Bhagavad-gita 2.14 What keeps us steady in all circumstances is chanting Hare Krishna and remembering...

Krishna Consciousness is Practical

One of our readers objected when we mentioned how Krishna consciousness can have an uplifting impact on the world political situation. This reader was thinking that such concepts are mundane. It should be understood in this connection that the Vedic teachings are fully practical and applicable in all spheres of human activity both on the personal level and the societal level. Krishna consciousness can remedy all difficulties of humanity both individually and collectively. We read in the Vedic literatures how auspicious the world atmosphere was for everyone when there were Krishna conscious rulers such as Parikshit Maharaja and Yudhisithira Maharaja. Therefore it is certainly not mundane to advocate the return to God consciousness for the USA or any other country on this planet. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Krishna Enlightens Arjuna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Too Much Reading Has Made Me Stiff I have a serious query. Too much reading of books has made me a stiff p...

Finding Unlimited Happiness Within

The external world, the material world, in which we find ourselves situated at the present, is a world of misery. Even if one has the topmost position in this material world of being Brahma, the predominating demigod of this universe, he will find that he is still trapped in the miserable world of birth and death. Therefore if one is looking for genuine happiness, he must look within himself to the unlimitedly wonderful spiritual existence of devotional service to the Supreme Lord. In this way he will discover unlimited peace and happiness as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita 5.24: yo 'ntaḥ-sukho 'ntar-ārāmas tathāntar-jyotir eva yaḥ sa yogī brahma-nirvāṇaṁ brahma-bhūto 'dhigacchati "One whose happiness is within, who is active and rejoices within, and whose aim is inward is actually the perfect mystic. He is liberated in the Supreme, and ultimately he attains the Supreme." The easiest and most effective method of entering and remain in the sublime internal wor...

Relief for a World in Turmoil

It's natural that today's godless world should be in such a state of turmoil. This is to be expected for any society which does not put God in the center. The world's Ravana-like population wants to have the kingdom of God without God, but they cannot have it. Any society which wants to flourish without God is doomed to eventual disintegration as soon as whatever pious assets it possesses are exhausted. Formerly the entire planet earth was united under the enlightened guidance of great saintly kings such as Parikshit Maharaja and Yudhisithira Maharaja. Under such auspicious rulers everybody was happy and the material miseries became reduced almost to nil. The world desperately needs such enlightened leadership again today. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Unprecedented Turmoil in Brazil Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Understand Guru's Illness? Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you! All glories to your unimpede...

Will America Rise Again?

The United States of America was founded on the basis of religious freedom. Its motto as described by Francis Scott Key, the author the national anthem, was "In God We Trust." The first Europeans who settled in America were called pilgrims because they came to the new land as on a pilgrimage seeking to practice religion free from the persecution they had been experiencing in England. The early days in America were so much surcharged with God consciousness that all the literature from that period was spiritual. It was this solid God consciousness foundation which empowered the USA to become the most powerful, wealthy, and prestigious nation in the world. Now however the USA is turning away from its spiritual roots and is becoming more and more secular. Running parallel with the secularization of America is its gradual withdrawal from being the world's leading power. If the American people want to keep their leadership in the world, they need to put God back in the center ...

On the Road Again with Improved Health

21 June 2013--After I reported the setback I experienced with my hearing due to my already damaged ears being within several feet of a super loud blast of feedback from a sound amplifier, I received a tremendous outpouring of love from so many disciples and well-wishers all over the world. My thanks to all of you who were concerned, especially for your sweet words of compassion. By Krishna's grace after many days my hearing is gradually improving. Just as one when gets cut, in course of time the wound slowly heals, in a similar way gradually my ears are gaining strength. By the Lord's sweet mercy I will be able to continue travelling and spreading the message of Krishna around the globe. Tonight we are heading out after midnight on a red-eye overnight flight for several days of lecturing in an undisclosed location before we head on to Melbourne, Australia. The bliss of Krishna consciousness remains in the same through all the ups and downs of material existence. There is noth...

Stay Connected with Krishna Always

There is no permanent shelter here in this material world. Even those things which give us a sense of exhilaration and upliftment can only do so temporarily and can provide no long lasting or permanent relief from the gnawing anxieties of life in the material world, namely birth, death, old age, and disease. There is indeed only one permanent solution for the tribulations that vex the soul of man: to stay connected with Krishna always. And there is no better way to do that than chanting Hare Krishna. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Connects with Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Can We Pray for Health? Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances In this material world there are dangers everywhere. One of the difficulties we have to face is disease. When the body is suffering from any type of illness we should go to the doctor. Can I read the Nrsimha Kavacha to ask the Lord for his protection? To be able to carry out our daily sadha...

How to Feel Good When You Feel Bad

Here in Malaysia my health has suffered one of its greatest setbacks since my ears were seriously damaged when I was a boy. At a preaching program on 16 June 2013 there was a devastatingly loud blast of feedback from a speaker that was very near to me. I have experienced days of nonstop earaches and even worse, substantial loss of clarity from ears that were already partially deaf. I am hoping that after some days my ears will come back to the condition they were in before this shock. But I am not sure that they ever will. From the material point of view it is a most depressing and unhappy situation to be in. But I have been practically experiencing what I have been preaching for years that just by absorbing oneself in Krishna consciousness one can be situated beyond the miseries of material existence. Especially by preaching Krishna consciousness to others I am tasting the sweet bliss of reviving my eternal, unlimitedly ecstatic loving relationship with Lord Sri Krishna in spite of a...

Spiritual Perfection in Householder Life

Here in Malaysia I am doing a two day seminar on how grihasthas, householders, can utilize there situation as married devotees to become perfect in Krishna consciousness. This seminar is based on research I did from the teachings of Srila Prabhupada regarding household life. The result of that research is an article I wrote for ISKCON Pune entitled "Spiritual Perfection in Householder Life." If you would like to read and/or save yourself a copy of this article, you can do so at: Sankarshan Das Adhikari Spiritual Perfection in Householder Life Seminar Jagannatha Mandir--Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 17 June 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Experience Krishna in His Name? Krishna and His name are non-different from each other. How can we can experience this? Your Servant, Santosh Kenjale Answer: Chant His Name with Love You can experience this by chanting Krishna’s names with love. Doing so is tantamount to pers...

How to Always Remain Very Inspired

It is not easy to always remain inspired in Krishna consciousness when one is living in the midst of a non-Krishna conscious society. But if one will take advantage of the Krishna consciousness movement by always associating with the devotees of Krishna as much as possible, it becomes very easy to always remain enthused and inspired for advancing in Krishna consciousness. Currently we are here in Malaysia where Islam is the state religion. But still the Hare Krishna devotees remain inspired and enthused because of the strong loving relationships they have with each other. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Bhagavad-gita Lecture at Jagannatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur Malaysia--16 June 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Help Me to Get a Government Job Dear Sir, I have attained the age of 35 and am not able to get a government job till date. I am working in a private organization. Help me to get a government job. R. Sharma Answer: This is Not the Guru's Business This is n...

Is Suicide a Viable Option?

In today's overly stressed society suicide, taking one's own life, is very common. When people become completely devastated by too much misery they foolishly think they can free themselves from misery by committing suicide. They do not realize that the karma for suicide is to take birth as a ghost and become even more miserable than they were in this lifetime. Therefore instead of killing one's body to get free from suffering it is advised that one should kill one's false conception of being the body by awakening one's spiritual consciousness within. It is a fact that on the bodily plane we are tortured by the miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease. But when you realize that you are not your body, that you are instead the eternal, spirit-soul, servant of Krishna you will become completely ecstatic regardless of what your body is going through. Therefore when the Krishna consciousness movement completely inundates this planet there will be no more suicides h...

Another Day, Another Adventure

In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Sri Krishna declares that He is adventure. What this means for his devotee is that his every day is another thrilling adventure. There is no question of hum drum or boredom for the devotee because He is associating with Lord Sri Krishna at every minute. He wakes up with great excitement each morning knowing that a wonderfully new and unique adventurous day awaits him. And he is not at all fearful at the time of death. For him the time of death is simply another day, another adventure as he dives ever deeper into the unlimitedly sweet mellows of the ocean of Krishna consciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Revealing the Goal of Life-Laksmi Narayana Temple Kuala Lumpur Malaysia--14 June 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Get Free From Lust? I have noticed that how much ever I try to get free from my lusty desire at moments I seem to fail. I am practicing Krishna consciousness and yet sometimes I have lusty urges. Probably due to my ...

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Sometimes in traveling the globe for spreading the wonderful message of Krishna we face what appears to be great difficulties. In such circumstances one may wonder how it will be possible to carry on with this mission. But we are consoled by Srila Prabhupada's words in this regard, "The practice of yoga, especially bhakti-yoga in Krishna consciousness, may appear to be a very difficult job. But if anyone follows the principles with great determination, the Lord will surely help, for God helps those who help themselves." Therefore in all circumstances, both the apparently easy and the apparently difficult we should always push on with great determination with full confidence that the Lord will give us all help to remain fully absorbed in serving His mission in spite of all varieties of circumstances. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Traveling the Globe Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Develop Love for Guru? Thank you for your won...

Standard Procedures at the Time of Death

13 June 2013--This morning after we woke up from an overnight flight from Johannesburg, South Africa to Hong Kong the flight attendants were serving breakfast as usual. (We did not accept the breakfast because it was not Krishna prasadam. After landing we will take the prasadam breakfast that we brought with us.) Surprisingly when a flight attendant was serving a nearby gentleman she dropped his breakfast plate on the floor breaking it into many pieces and scattering food everywhere. She was not even slightly flustered. After assuring the gentleman not to worry she immediately began cleaning up the mess as if nothing at all went wrong. She was just acting according to the standard procedures she learned in flight attendant's school. Another flight attendant showed up on the scene to assist her, the gentleman was served his breakfast, and everything went on as normal. I was thinking that for a devotee death is like that. When the catastrophe of death comes it is not a big deal. Th...

Our Mission is to Save the World

Our mission given to us by our spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, is to save the world from the ignorance which is compelling everyone to remain caught up in the miserable cycle of birth and death. Someone or other we must induce everyone to take up the process of self-realization. Even if we are not successful in saving the world, by fully dedicating ourselves to this mission of compassion our own personal salvation is guaranteed. Therefore we remain staunchly, enthusiastically dedicated to this global deliverance mission no matter whether we succeed or fail in our mission. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Teaching the Science of Self Realization Pretoria, South Africa--11 June 2013 Absorbed Listeners Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Lustfully Looking at Women is Illicit? I'd like to know: Is it a violation of the illicit sex regulative principle if I look at women with lust? Sincerely, Janis Answer: Yes, So See All Women as ...

You Can Personally Meet God

Just imagine if you could personally meet God, how absolutely ecstatic that would be, how you would become completely free from all kinds of fears and anxieties. But how to meet Him? The answer is very simple. The Supreme Lord, the source of all existence, has fully manifested Himself in the form of the Hare Krishna mahamantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama, Hare Hare Especially when this mantra is sung in the company of Krishna's pure devotees the Lord becomes easily accessible and showers sweet mercy on all who participate in the kirtan, the ecstatic transcendental chanting session. So make your appointment to meet God today. Participate in a Hare Krishna kirtan at your first available opportunity. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Leads Kirtan in Vrindavan Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Is Radhe Shyama Kirtan Bona Fide? In a kirtan at a recent festival in South Africa a devotee who sings ve...

You Are Changing Bodies at Every Moment

We foolishly identity ourselves with these material bodies even though they are changing at every moment. Just as there is a constant flow of water molecules through the river bed, in a similar way there is a constant flow of chemicals through the lump of matter which is clustered around the spirit-soul, the conscious being who has awareness that he exists and is empowered as the driver-controller of the ever-changing material body. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Describing the Constant Change of Bodies Pretoria, South Africa--9 June 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How the Existence of "I" Proves Soul? How does the existence of "I" prove that the soul exists? I do understand that we need a driver for our bodily vehicle. But how can we say that it exists? How can we see it for ourselves? How can we see it in every other living entity? Hitesh Answer: The "I" is the Soul The "I" is the soul. It is a simple understanding. Why ...

Whatever Srila Prabhupada Wants

I have fully surrendered my eternal existence to my most beloved spiritual master, His Divine A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This means that I am prepared to do whatever he wants to do for all of eternity. If he wants me to come back to Krishnaloka, Lord Krishna's planet in the spiritual world, after I leave my present body, I am ready. And if he wants me to take birth after birth in this material world for giving Krishna consciousness to the suffering souls here who are painfully caught up in the cycle of birth and death, I am ready. This is my ecstatic eternal existence to go on forever serving my spiritual master's mission whether I am heaven or I am in hell. My only desire is that I may never forget that I am the eternal disciple/servant of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Revealing the Bliss of Transcendental Knowledge Lenasia, South Africa--9 June 2013 The Devotees Were in Bliss to Hear the Nectar Answers by Citing...

Nothing More Wonderful and Nectarean

There is no person more wonderful than Krishna and no experience more nectarean than connecting with Krishna. Connecting with Krishna is very sublime and easy. Anyone can do it anywhere, whether on a beautiful mountain top or in a hellish city. All you have to do is to chant the holy names of the Lord with love and devotion: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama, Hare Hare Sankarshan Das Adhikari Connecting with Krishna in Mauritius By Chanting Hare Krishna Japa Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Avoid Succumbing to Material Desires? How should one approach the desires of the mind and avoid succumbing to them? Your servant Srikanth Answer: Fill Your Mind With Spiritual Desires Fill your mind with the desire to please Krishna. This will automatically drive out all material desires. Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Stresslessness at Enterprise Mauritius

On 6 June 2013, I was invited to give a seminar on stresslessness to an agency of the Mauritian government known as Enterprise Mauritius. This is the governmental agency charged with the responsibility to promote a strong export industry for Mauritian goods. I explained to them that stresslessness is automatically achieved when we put God back in the center of our lives, back where He belongs. As long as we try to keep ourselves in the center, which is an artificial position, no matter how successful we may be, we will ultimately find ourselves in a distressful situation. it is only when we fully dovetail all of our thoughts, words, and deeds with the pleasure of the Lord that we can regain our original natural consciousness of pure unadulterated blissfulness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Introduction by Mr. Dev Chamroo Chief Executive Officer of Enterprise Mauritius Enterprise Mauritius Staff Revealing the Secret of Stresslessness at Enterprise Mauritius Answers by Citing the Vedi...

The Passing of a Great Vaishnava Hero

Today, 6 June 2013, I received the sad news from my Godbrother, Indradyumna Swami, that the great stalwart Vaishnava hero, Sriman Ananta Shanti Prabhu, has just left his body. This is a moment of great mourning for me. This amazingly brave hero who risked everything for pushing forward this movement has been very nicely eulogized by Indradyumna Swami as follows in the form of a letter he addressed to Ananta Shanti Prabhu: Dear Ananta-Shanti Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. It was with great sadness that I learned of your recent departure. I rarely, if ever, express any deep emotion, but upon hearing of your demise I broke down and cried, for you have always been a true hero to me. By the Lord’s arrangement, you met our spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, on his first visit to the former Soviet Union in June, 1971. Knowing your heart, he initiated you after only a few days and instructed you to spread Lord Caitanya’s movement throughout yo...

Do You Want Unlimited Happiness?

Do you want to be happy, fully happy, unlimitedly happy? Do want to have a heart that is completely free from lust, anger, greed, madness, illusion, and envy? If so, you should try chanting Hare Krishna because this is the ultimate mantra for awakening the divine, unlimitedly blissful consciousness within you. All you have to do is chant this sublime mantra every day with faith, and you will then witness the most amazing transcendental metamorphosis of your consciousness as it becomes gradually more and more Krishnized: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Sankarshan Das Adhikari Super Ecstatic Home Program Rose-Hill, Mauritius--4 June 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Doubt About Selfishness Hare Krishna, Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories unto you and Guru Mataji. I was just reading Lesson C131 when I got this doubt. Though I understand that pure bhakti means selfless ...

When Topics of God Become Taboo

Human life means that God must be in the center. When topics of God become taboo in a society, that society is finished. It is an animal society, not a human society. This is the status of our modern day godless global civilization. Therefore the only hope for peace and prosperity for our planet is to put God back in the center, not in a sectarian way, but in a scientific, philosophically sound way, which satisfies both the hearts and the intellects of the people., Sankarshan Das Adhikari Revealing the Path of Pure Krishna Bhakti Glenpark, Mauritius--3 June 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Best Way to Become Self-Realized? As per your own practical spiritual experience as a human being what is the best away to become self-realized, i.e. to attain the Brahman platform? Is is possible to become self-realized when one is attached to satisfying his bodily demands? Your servant, V.Kumaran Answer: Take Shelter of Bona fide Spiritual Master There is no harm ...

He Who Hesitates is Lost

He who hesitates is lost. So when you get the opportunity to surrender to Krishna you should take advantage of it immediately. You may not get such an opportunity again for millions and millions of lifetimes. So do not waste the valuable opportunity of having come into contact with a bona fide spiritual master and a bona fide spiritual movement by continuing a life of sense gratification madness, which will do nothing except drag you down into the animal kingdom in your next birth. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Stressing the Necessity of Krishna Consciousness Phoenix, Mauritius--2 June 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Difference Between Ego and False Ego? Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada What is the difference between ego and false ego? Your servant Noopur Answer: The Actual Self and the Pseudo Self The ego is the actual self: the eternal, spirit-soul, servant of Krishna. The false ego or pseudo self is the mistaken conceptio...

Do You Want to Be Animal or Human Being?

Human life begins when we inquire about the Absolute Truth. As long as we remain on the platform of sense gratification: eating, sleeping, mating, and defending, we are no better than animals. Such a position will never satisfy us because constitutionally we are all the eternal servants of Krishna. Therefore to come to the platform of true happiness one must seek out the Absolute Truth and learn how to live in that truth from the bona fide spiritual master. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Warning Against Animalism Surinam, Mauritius--1 June 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Sometimes I've No Taste for Chanting? Respected Sir, Some of the days I do not get the mood to chant. Why it happens? How to improve my Krishna consciousness and develop love for Krishna? Geetha Rao Answer: Your Heart is Still Polluted The reason a neophyte devotee does not always have a taste for chanting is that his heart is still polluted with material desires. If he will keep chanti...