Relishing the Eternal Spring

Our Saturday 28 April 2012 was very well spent. We took a two hour drive from Kaunas to a remote small town on named Telsiai nicely situated on the bank of a big lake. It was a beautiful drive through forests and small villages just as spring with it's newly blossomed flowers was just starting to appear. Along the way there were storks sitting high in their huge nests. There were many lakes both big and small. One small village had a creek of crystal clear water profusely flowing through the center of town. In one remote forest pond I spotted a swan majestically gliding through the water. So the countryside journey was quite pleasant. But what was even more pleasant was arriving in Telsiai to find a meeting room packed full of people interested to learn about Krishna consciousness. We started off with a magic carpet Hare Krishna kirtan ride and then came in for landing with a mantra yoga lecture followed by questions and answers. As usual many people purchased our hard bound books...