Sublime Govardhana Parikrama

Today, 28 September 2010, was an especially sweet and memorable day because today we did Govardhana Parikrama, the circumambulation of Govardhana Hill. This king of all mountains is an incarnation of Krishna and is thus very, very dear to Krishna's devotees. To do circumambulation of it is very spiritually rewarding because the devotee becomes empowered to absorb his consciousness more deeply in remembrance of the Lord.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Glorifying Sri Vrindavana Dhama
At Govinda Kunda--28 September 2010
(Govardhana Hill is in the Background.)
Sankarshan Das Glorifying Sri Vrindavana Dhama

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: Am I Not that Strongly Devoted?

Am I born to accomplish an important task? If yes then why do I (though very rarely) often lose my confidence? Why Krishna does not respond to my cries? Why does He give me so many tests? Is there something wrong with my devotion? Is my love of Krishna not as strong as of that of Mirabai or Radharani?


Answer: Our Neophyte Devotion is Deficient.

The important task that we are all born to accomplish is to fully surrender ourselves unto Lord Sri Krishna. In this world of dualities it is natural that sometimes we will feel confident and sometime lose our confidence. The only place where we can always feel confident is in the spiritual world.

Krishna is speaking to us at every minute, but because we are covered by lust, anger, greed, madness, illusion, and envy, we cannot hear Him.

We experience many tests because only because we are still clinging tightly to our material attachments. As soon as we let go and fully surrender to Krishna we will not experience any more obstacles.

In our present neophyte stage so there are so many things wrong with our devotion because we our tendency is to approach God to fulfill our desires instead of to fulfill His desires. This is why we are far, far away from the level of devotion found in Mirabai and Srimati Radharani.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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