Tasting the Nectar of Vrindavana

Vrindavana is a wonderful place to dive deep into the unlimited ocean of Krishna bhakti. This is the place where Lord Sri Krishna displayed His most intimate pastimes 5,000 years ago. Just by being here in this holiest of all places, one can become greatly inspired in one's spiritual life. Every square inch of this land is sacred. It is blessed unlimitedly by inconceivable pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna and His pure devotees. Therefore one gains benefit and can relish the sweetest nectar by visiting this most holy land or even by remembering it, no matter where one may be in this material world.

At Madan Mohan Temple
Vrindavana, India-11 March 2010

Sankarshan Das At Madan Mohan Temple, Vrindavana, India

Answers According to the Vedic Version

Question: What Motivates You to Carry the Torch of Knowledge?

After your practicing Krishna consciousness for 39 years what now motivates you to carry the transcendental torchlight of knowledge for your Gurudeva, Srila Prabhupada?


Answer: The Mercy of Srila Prabhupada

I personally have no good qualifications. My only qualification is that somehow or other I was most fortunate to get the unlimited mercy of Krishna's pure devotee, which very deeply touched and transformed my heart. I was blessed with an unlimited ocean of knowledge and bliss, and at the same time I could see all around me a world that is becoming more and more miserable all the time. I joined this movement motivated by a desire to purely serve the will of God and to bring about a spiritual revolution on this planet. And it is these two desires that have kept me active in ISKCON for the last 39 years and will keep me active in ISKCON for the rest of my life. Srila Prabhupada has indeed blessed us with the key to personal and global perfection. Now all we have to do is take that key in our hands and unlock the door.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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