The Keenest, Most Desirable Pleasure
Considering those things that are held to be the most desirable by the human society, there is no one who is in a more desirable, keener position than Krishna. Since He is God, He owns everything and everything exists simply for His enjoyment. Unparalleled in His magnanimity, He is the topmost friend of all living beings. This most inconceivably amazing person possesses unlimited power, matchless beauty, infinite knowledge, boundless riches, and immeasurable fame. And in spite of all this there is no one more renounced than He. For someone such as Krishna who certainly has it all, it would not seem possible that He could feel lacking in any way. But yet when Krishna considers Radharani He feels Himself to lacking because He sees that she is tasting more enjoyment by being His servant than He is tasting by being the Supreme Enjoyer. Therefore not to be outdone He adopts the mood and complexion of Srimati Radharani to becomes His own devotee and thus tastes the keenest, most desirable pleasure of them all, to be a devotee of Krishna. Krishna becomes a Hare Krishna, He becomes Lord Caitanya in order to experience happiness exponentially.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Dear Readers,
Vishnupriya Mataji is now recuperating from a subarachnoidal hemorrhage, a ruptured blood vessel in her brain, in Denmark's National Hospital in Copenhagen. Although currently feeling headache, weakness, and nausea, she is in her normal good Krishna conscious spirits. It appears from the testing done so far that she may be free to leave the hospital on Monday 13 October. Our heartfelt thanks to all of those who offered their prayers, well-wishes, and contributions to help her in this time of great need.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
What is the purpose of life?
Why should there be a purpose at all to live?
I did have happiness in this life. So what if I am going to die? I know I am going to be born again, and I will get some happiness in my next life too. Please clarify as to why should I make any effort to go back to Krishna?
Happiness has value only if there are difficulties.
Brigadier N S S Krishna VSM ( Retired )
It is a fact that if you don't go back to Krishna, you will take birth again. And it is also a fact that just as in this life you had some enjoyment, in your next life you will also get some enjoyment. So one could ask, "Why is it necessary to go back to Krishna if I can get enjoyment in this material world?" The answer is that there is no real enjoyment in this world. The only enjoyment experienced here is a shadow of enjoyment. And even that shadow is in the middle of so much suffering that we are constantly undergoing. So why settle for life only of illusory happiness? If I offered you a job that did not pay real money that only paid illusory money, would you take it?
Your statement that happiness only has value if there are difficulties is like saying that food only has nutritional value for those who have experienced starvation. I have never experienced starvation in my entire life, but still I find food to be very valuable both in regards to taste and nutrition. So why do I have to experience difficulties to feel happy? This is not at all necessary. This sort of happiness which you describe is known as relative happiness. It is not real happiness. Real happiness is absolute happiness. It does not depend upon the experience of difficulties for its existence. One who has never tasted absolute happiness can only conceive of relative happiness. Only a transcendentalist can experience absolute happiness. One who wants to taste absolute happiness simply requires the merciful instructions of a bona fide transcendentalist. If he will follow those instructions, he will also experience transcendental absolute happiness.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Hopeful News! Vishnupriya Mataji Health Update
Dear Readers,
Vishnupriya Mataji is now recuperating from a subarachnoidal hemorrhage, a ruptured blood vessel in her brain, in Denmark's National Hospital in Copenhagen. Although currently feeling headache, weakness, and nausea, she is in her normal good Krishna conscious spirits. It appears from the testing done so far that she may be free to leave the hospital on Monday 13 October. Our heartfelt thanks to all of those who offered their prayers, well-wishes, and contributions to help her in this time of great need.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Answers According to the Vedic Version:
Challenge: Happiness Has Value Only If There Are Difficulties
Respected Sir,What is the purpose of life?
Why should there be a purpose at all to live?
I did have happiness in this life. So what if I am going to die? I know I am going to be born again, and I will get some happiness in my next life too. Please clarify as to why should I make any effort to go back to Krishna?
Happiness has value only if there are difficulties.
Brigadier N S S Krishna VSM ( Retired )
Answer: You Have Not Tasted Absolute Happiness
The purpose of life is re-establish our lost loving relationship with the Supreme Person. If there was no purpose, we wouldn't even exist to enquire about the purpose of life. Just like the thirst for water indicates the existence of water, the fact that you are inquiring about the purpose of life indicates that life has a purpose. If life had no purpose, you would not be inquiring about what is life's purpose.It is a fact that if you don't go back to Krishna, you will take birth again. And it is also a fact that just as in this life you had some enjoyment, in your next life you will also get some enjoyment. So one could ask, "Why is it necessary to go back to Krishna if I can get enjoyment in this material world?" The answer is that there is no real enjoyment in this world. The only enjoyment experienced here is a shadow of enjoyment. And even that shadow is in the middle of so much suffering that we are constantly undergoing. So why settle for life only of illusory happiness? If I offered you a job that did not pay real money that only paid illusory money, would you take it?
Your statement that happiness only has value if there are difficulties is like saying that food only has nutritional value for those who have experienced starvation. I have never experienced starvation in my entire life, but still I find food to be very valuable both in regards to taste and nutrition. So why do I have to experience difficulties to feel happy? This is not at all necessary. This sort of happiness which you describe is known as relative happiness. It is not real happiness. Real happiness is absolute happiness. It does not depend upon the experience of difficulties for its existence. One who has never tasted absolute happiness can only conceive of relative happiness. Only a transcendentalist can experience absolute happiness. One who wants to taste absolute happiness simply requires the merciful instructions of a bona fide transcendentalist. If he will follow those instructions, he will also experience transcendental absolute happiness.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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