Killing the Six Enemies

Lord Krishna is already seated within our hearts, but because our hearts have been conquered by six different enemies we cannot perceive Him. The intelligent person therefore adopts a process of killing off these six enemies so that he can fully re-establish his lost loving relationship with the Lord. The six different enemies are as follows: Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (illusion), Mada (madness), and Matsarya (envy).

When a devotee of the Lord becomes disinterested in and aloof from material association, his real position of bhakti is manifested, and he naturally becomes uninterested in material enjoyment. When the six enemies are killed by such aloofness one is freed from material contamination, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears within the heart. In other words, when one awakens his natural Krishna consciousness, Lord Krishna appears.

Answers According to the Vedic Version

Question: How to Get Free From Anarthas?...

What are the types of anarthas we have in our heart? How do we recognize them? And how to get rid of them fast and completely?

Your servant,


Answer: Take Shelter of Guru...

Anarthas are classified as thirst for material objects (asat-trsna), miserliness of the heart (hrdaya-daurbalya) and offense (aparadha).

The category of thirst for material objects is divided thus:
craving for material objects in this world (such as illict sex, meat eating, intoxication, and gambling), craving for heavenly sense pleasures in the next life, desire for mystic yoga powers, and the desire for liberation in Brahman.

Miserliness of the heart may be analyzed as attachment to trifling things unrelated to Krishna, deceit, envy of someone else's progress, and longing for position and fame.

Offense may be divided into offenses to the holy name, offenses to Krishna Himself (sevaparadha), offenses to Krishna's devotees, and offenses to other living entities. By these anarthas, the influence of the holy name becomes obstructed and the full transcendental nature of the name is not manifested.

The way to cleanse the heart of all anarthas is take shelter of the bona fide spiritual master by initiation and under his guidance strictly abide by the following principles:

1. No illicit sex (sex other than for procreation)
2. No meat eating (including fish and eggs)
3. No intoxication (including coffee, tea, and cigarettes)
4. No gambling
5. Chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krishna mantra every day on chanting beads
6. Only eat Krishna prasadam (food which has been first offered to Lord Krishna)
7. Regularly study the Bhagavad-gita As It Is and the Srimad Bhagavatam

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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