We Need One World Religion

What the world needs now more than ever is one religion that is intellectually powerful enough to convince even the atheists that there is God and broad enough in its perspective to acknowledge God's presence in all religious traditions. The problem with religions nowadays is that they lack sufficient intellectual strength and they also lack broadminded perspective. Therefore people are taking more and more to atheism.

Such a world religion cannot be something manufactured by a human being. It must be the original pure form that religion had when it was originally given by God to mankind before it was tampered with by politically minded individuals who decided to use the power of religion for exploiting others.

So how we will find that pure essential teaching that is the actual world religion? For that we must look to God Himself. Where has He spoken directly to mankind in full detail in a broad inclusive way that applies to everyone in all times, places, and circumstances? This He has done in the Bhagavad-gita. What He has presented in the Bhagavad-gita does not exclude anyone who is sincerely trying to awake the dormant love of God within their heart. The science of God as presented in the Bhagavad-gita includes all genuine lovers of God on the highest platform of human evolution. Therefore we request that all those who are seeking one world religion that will unify the entire world into one peaceful and happy global family should look to the Bhagavad-gita. They should carefully study, understand, and implement its sublime teachings. The entire planet will be transformed into a paradise.

Answers According to the Vedic Version

Question: Absent-Minded or Focused Japa?...

Can japa be chanted absent-mindedly (such as when doing other work) or must it be with one-pointed mindfulness in order "to count"?

What is authentic japa....silent or aloud?

your Catholic devotee

Answer: Focused is More Beneficial...

Although highly focused japa is more beneficial than absent-minded japa, whether japa is absent-minded or a highly focused meditation, in either form it is beneficial. It is simply a matter of degrees of benefit.

Those who take initiation vows commit themselves to 16 rounds of highly focused japa every day on their japa beads. (Each round is 108 repetitions of the Hare Krishna mantra.) This minimal amount of focused japa is necessary for one who wants to completely purify his consciousness from all the dirt accumulated over millions of lifetimes.

Japa means to chant aloud but softly.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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