Dealing with Pain

How does one deal in an enlightened Krishna conscious way with chronic pain? The first thing is that one should never panic in any circumstance, no matter how extreme. One should always remember that Lord Krishna ins fully in control and that He has a plan and a purpose for everything. If we find ourselves in a condition of extreme pain, we should try to alleviate it by all available means and at the same time we have to be tolerant of that which cannot be relieved by remedial measures without allowing our minds to become disturbed. By cultivating such a peaceful spirit of equanimity we will able to take complete shelter of Lord Sri Krishna's holy names even under the more dire circumstances. This taking shelter of Krishna's names will be our ultimate deliverance from all anxieties of this material existence.

Answers According to the Vedic Version

Question: The Anti-Christ...

Please help me to understand your intent. I am split because of what I have been taught thus far in my life. On the one side I have been taught that in the end we will have a new world order or one world order with one religion and one ruler (the anti-Christ). The anti-Christ will be charming. He will talk of peace and love. Then the anti-Christ will kill many.

Are you helping him to come about?

If so, are you on the side of evil?

I am not trying to accuse or insult, I truly want to understand your organization's intent for the world. Do you think the anti-Christ might be using you without your knowledge? I do not want to help the evil one in anyway.

On the other side of my thoughts, I can see how beautiful and wonderful it would be to have world peace and unity. However, because God created all peoples, one must respect all of our diversities He created. Life would be so boring if we all were the same. Peace is on the inside of each of us because Jesus left His peace within us individually. He taught that it was not in this world. We will always have pain and suffering but with His peace and promise we can overcome.

Please know that I love all living things and I love peace and goodness. I just truly need to know the answers to my questions.

Peace be with you

Answer: Bringing Christ's Principles Back to the Center...

Thank you very much for your sincere inquiry. I wish everyone would be willing to make a sincere inquiry before they pass judgment.

We want to bring the principles taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ, i.e. pure love for God, back to the center of the human society.

If we are accused of being anti-Christ for doing this, our accusers are anti-Christ.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Response: Good Feelings...

Thank you for your response and for not getting defensive to my sincere questioning.

I do receive good feelings from the messages and lessons from you and yours. I have always wanted to help others find peace. I have never understood war and the cruelty I see all around me.

Thank you for your answer.

Your Friend


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