
Showing posts from March, 2020

Whatever Krishna Does is All Right

In this time of great global tribulation we should never forget that whatever Krishna does is all right. In the short term things sometimes seem really bad. But when you see the big picture you can see things from a different perspective. The video below, which is rerun of a video we posted in 2018, gives a very nice example of how whatever Krishna does is all right. If you have any questions, please write me at: Whatever Krishna Does is All Right--Video for the Day--21 July 2018 Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Spiritual Poverty Which countries suffer from spiritual poverty? Anish Thomas Answer: See Photo Below

The Total Absurdity of Atheism

The atheists are very proud of their philosophy. That consider that all those accept the existence of God are nothing more than a bunch of fools deluded by blind faith. But by careful analysis we can see that it is actually they are the blind faith fools. Why is that? The philosophical foundation of atheism is that everything has come from nothing, that therefore nothingness is the source of all existence. But where do we have any experience or scientific evidence of anything come from nothing? The scientific fact is that nothing comes from nothing. Everything comes from something. Therefore real science and philosophy means to find out that original source from which everything has sprung. This original source is described as follows in the Vedanta Sutra: janmādy asya yataḥ "The Absolute Truth is that from which everything emanates." Thus we see that theism is based on science while atheism is based on nescience. If you have any questions, please write me at:...

Unlimited Nectar in Krishna's Name

We learn the science of Krishna consciousness from the great self-realized spiritual masters who are qualified to see Krishna face to face. One of the most amazing teachings in all of the Vedic literature has been very wonderfully given to us by Srila Rupa Goswami, the foremost teacher of the science of bhakti. He has blessed us with the following verse in the Vidagdha-mādhava (1.15), a seven-act play that he has written describing the pastimes of Sri Krishna in Vrindavan: tuṇḍe tāṇḍavinī ratiṁ vitanute tuṇḍāvalī-labdhaye karṇa-kroḍa-kaḍambinī ghaṭayate karṇārbudebhyaḥ spṛhām cetaḥ-prāṅgaṇa-saṅginī vijayate sarvendriyāṇāṁ kṛtiṁ no jāne janitā kiyadbhir amṛtaiḥ kṛṣṇeti varṇa-dvayī TRANSLATION “I do not know how much nectar the two syllables ‘Krish-na’ have produced. When the holy name of Krishna is chanted, it appears to dance within the mouth. We then desire many, many mouths. When that name enters the holes of the ears, we desire many millions of ears. And when the holy name...

The Deliverance of All the Fallen Souls

Srila Prabhupada most wonderfully enlightens us in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, Second Canto, Chapter 8, Text 25 as follows: "It is said that a single pure devotee of the Lord can deliver all the fallen souls of the world. Thus one who is actually in the confidence of a pure devotee like Nārada or Śukadeva Gosvāmī and thus is empowered by one's spiritual master, as Nārada was by Brahmājī, can not only deliver himself from the clutches of māyā, or illusion, but can deliver the whole world by his pure and empowered devotional strength. The comparison to the autumnal rain that falls on muddy reservoirs of water is very appropriate. During the rainy season, all the waters of the rivers become muddy, but in the month of July-August, the autumn season, when there is a slight rainfall, the muddy waters of the rivers all over the world become at once clear. By addition of some chemical, a small reservoir of water like that of a metropolitan waterworks tank can be cleared, but ...

Taste the Supreme Nectar

Taste the supreme nectar of devotion by intelligently studying the sublime teachings of the Bhagavad-gita. By thoughtful analysis you will clearly see that this science of Krishna consciousness is not dogmatism or sentimentalism. Just as " H0 equals water" is a scientific principle, which when properly applied will yield the liquid known as water, when you carefully apply the principles of Krishna consciousness, you will personally realize the Supreme Truth and advance further and further to the point of personally meeting God, face to face, eye to eye. Do not think that Krishna consciousness lacks depth. It the deepest possible understanding of the Absolute Truth. On this pathway you will go deeper and deeper into the ocean of transcendental bliss and knowledge for all of eternity. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: When Problems Disturb Sadhana It is said that one can be completely in Krishna Consciousness under all circu...

May the Whole World Now Become Krishna Conscious

At the present moment due to this global coronavirus the entire planet has been cast into great turmoil. There is humongous unemployment and a devastating lack of income. Ever-increasing numbers of people are infected and dying. Currently there is no vaccine available to keep one from catching this sometimes fatal disease. Thus people are in great fear. All over the world millions of people are keeping themselves in self-quarantine for protection. If one identifies oneself with one's material body taking the material world to be the all in all, naturally such things as this pandemic are very, very fearful. But if one realizes that he is not his body, that he is an eternal spiritual being, the eternal servant of Krishna or God, he has no anxiety because he places himself fully in the hands of his unlimitedly loving Lord Sri Krishna. Thus we are now begging Lord Sri Krishna that we can now awaken the entire world to Krishna consciousness so that everyone can be peaceful and hap...

Human Life Begins When We Ask "Who Am I?"

A thoughtful person inquires about his actual nature and identity. In this regard Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, Seventh Canto, Chapter 13, Text 33, "The real business of life is to ask 'Who am I?' and to understand one's self. One should understand the position of the living entity in this material world and understand how to return home, back to Godhead." In this human form of life we are meant to cultivate self knowledge. It is not that we should simply remain on the animal platform of eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. In the modern day world society nobody is happy because they are keeping themselves only this animal platform. Therefore our mission is to educate them how to come to human platform in which they can become self-realized and attain unlimited peace, love, and bliss. If you have any questions, please write me at: Who Am I? Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Kris...

A Little Less Miserable Every Day

When you are sick you feel miserable. But you become happy when you start to recover, even though you are still ill. What's happening is that you are feeling a little less ill every day. This is a wonderful feeling. The process of spiritual awakening is similar. Material consciousness is miserable. and spiritual consciousness is pure bliss. As you begin to awaken your spiritual consciousness you are very happy and enthused to experience how your material miseries are dwindling, even though they are still there to a certain extent. Since even one percent progress in spiritual consciousness blesses us with a great feeling of happiness, just image what 2 per cent, 50 per cent, or 100 per cent must feel like! If you have any questions, please write me at: The Bliss of Spiritual Awakening (George Harrison with London Devotees) Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Spiritual Guide Required? Do any enlightened beings have spirit guides? ...

Kindly Help Me Broadcast Krishna Consciousness

Our ISKCON Founder:Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has given us the duty of making the entire world Krishna conscious. Therefore we have to take full advantage of every available opportunity to educate the suffering world population in the teachings of Krishna consciousness. This is our duty to share the mercy of Krishna with the suffering souls of this world so that they can also become happy One such opportunity is what is known as the "Ted Talks." This organization is looking for qualified speakers which they then then promote. Since we have been ordered to deliver the world in pursuance of this order I would like to become a recognized speaker whose is promoted by the Ted organization. Thus I am asking you to go the following website and nominate me by giving them the following information. Here is the website: Your First Name: Your Last Name: Your Email Address: Your Telephone: First Name of...

The Solution for Coronavirus

Coronavirus is a karmic reaction ravaging the earth because we are not acting in harmony with the laws, the governing principles of the universe. The only real cure for this madness and all other disturbances is that we as a global society get back in sync, in harmony with the Supreme, which is ultimately the Supreme Person, the source of all existence. Sadly our modern day leaders do not realize this. This is why they are not qualified to lead us. The world desperately needs now a new class of enlightened leaders who can bring true lasting peace and happiness to every city, town, village, and hamlet all over the world by being personally connected with the Supreme and guiding everyone else how to re-harmonize themselves with the Supreme. If you have any questions, please write me at: Coronavirus Can Be Defeated Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Coronavirus Lesson? What is the spiritual lesson of the coronavirus? Raleigh Kleeb Answer: ...

Interview on Radio Station KBPK

On my last visit to Los Angels back in January of this year I was interviewed by Nancy Pearlman on behalf of radio station KBPK regarding solutions for our environmental problems. This was an ideal opportunity to educate the public in the science of Krishna consciousness because Krishna consciousness is indeed the only solution for myriad of problems which are now besieging the human civilization in so many ways all over the world. Click Here to Hear the Interview If you have any questions, please write me at: They Want the Kingdom of God Without God and They Cannot Have It. Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Mantras and Initiation? Do all mantras need initiation? Which mantra does not need initiation to be recited? Lisa Noyb  Answer: Hare Krishna Mantra Dear Lisa, Please accept my greetings. The Hare Krishna Mantra, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare can ...

First Worship of Radha and Krishna

In the fall of 1968 in Denver, Colorado USA when a friend of mine named Patrick Dolan introduced me to the Hare Krishna mahamantra I became so inspired that I set up a altar with a poster of Radha Krishna (as seen below) in my apartment and began chanting Hare Krishna every day to them and offering them all of my food (vegetarian only) before eating. At the time I had not yet came into contact with the Hare Krishna movement. So to have such a strong inclination towards. Radha and Krishna before even having met the devotees indicates that I had a connection with them in a previous lifetime and it was now becoming revived. If you have any questions, please write me at: My First Radha and Krishna Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Meaning of Surrender? What is the actual meaning of surrender? How the process of surrender starts? Mayur Patel Answer: Obedience From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Mayur, Please accept my blessings. Al...

Fearlessness Through Spiritual Vision

When we see the spiritual basis of this material existence we become immediately free from all anxiety because we then are able to understand how everything is working in all times, places, and circumstances under the direction of the Supreme Person for the ultimate good. When, however, we do not see this spiritual basis we become caught up in the material dualities of heat and cold, pain and pleasure, wealth and poverty, sickness and health, birth and death, honor and dishonor, etc. Thus we suffer unnecessarily in so many ways. The way to develop that spiritual vision is to hear submissively from a person who is self-realized. Thus those who are self-realized compassionately broadcast the teachings of spiritual consciousness all over the world to relieve the suffering humanity from their countless anxieties. Unfortunately all too few people take advantage of their teachings. If you have any questions, please write me at: The Perfection of Vision Answers ...

Whatever Krishna Does is All Right

In this time of great global anxiety it is important for us to remember what Srila Prabhupada teaches us in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, Tenth Canto, Chapter 13, Text 53 as follows: "...everything is part and parcel of Krishna and is acting and moving by the supreme desire of Krishna. This understanding, this consciousness, is Krishna consciousness." So Krishna consciousness means to understand that everything is acting and moving under the direction of Krishna. Here's a rerun from 2018 from the Video for the Day series. It's a wonderful story to help us remember in this stressful time of great world wide anxiety that whatever Krishna does is all right. If we always remember this, we can remain totally joyful at every minute in all circumstances. If you have any questions, please write me at: Whatever Krishna Does is All Right Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Which Disciple Pleases You the Most? My dear Srila ...

How to Be Totally Free from All Anxiety

Krishna consciousness is most amazingly because it absolutely frees us from all anxieties. For a Krishna conscious person even death is a piece of cake. And to be Krishna conscious is not that difficult. All you have to do is train yourself to always remember Krishna and never forget Him. This art is easily mastered if you take shelter of bona fide spiritual master as far as possible always remain in the association devotees. So why punish yourself? Take advantage of this most sublime, divine process of Krishna consciousness and relish unlimited happiness within your heart at every minute. If you have any questions, please write me at: Another Ecstatic Krishna Conscious Interview Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Spirituality and Psychotherapy Why should you integrate spirituality into psychotherapy? Maria Hernandez Answer: Psychotherapy or Psycho-Death Dear Maria, Please accept my blessings. Unless you spiritualize psychotherap...

Coronavirus Pandemic Interview

The whole world is in great anxiety over the current coronavirus pandemic. This is a golden opportunity to enlighten them regarding the ultimate science of Krishna consciousness. On 15 March 2020 I was interviewed on my perspective on how this pandemic is impacting the human society. My host is very favorable to our Krishna consciousness teachings, thus it was a nice interview. You can hear it by clicking on the image below. Let us all take advantage of this opportunity to free the world from all anxiety by enlightening them in the science of Krishna consciousness. If you have any questions, please write me at: Beyond Coronavirus Video Interview My Video Host: Firebreathin' Rob Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Origin of Soul? Who created the soul? Andreas Badi Answer: God Dear Andreas, Please accept my blessings. The souls are being emanated by the Supreme Person, i.e. God, for the purpose of enjoying loving relationships...

Take Full Advantage of the Human Form of Life

After transmigrating through eight million different forms in lower species such as plants, animals, insects, and germs, we have now arrived in the human form of life. This is the one form that gives us the option of getting out of the cycle of birth and death. Unfortunately 99.99% of the human beings are misusing this human form simply taking it as an opportunity to live a more polished form of animal life. While the animal are running on four legs, the humans are running on four wheels in their car feeling very proud of their nonsense so-called civilization, which is based on nothing more than the principle of material sense gratification. The animals base their lives on sense gratification, and the so-called humans are doing the same thing. Krishna conscious people have actual intelligence. They know what is the real purpose of human life. This they focus themselves of becoming qualified to get out of this hellish material existence by going back home, back to Godhead. If you ha...