What is Real Independence?
Today is a big holiday in the USA, known as the 4th of July or Independence Day. This is the day in 1776 that the British colonies in what is now the USA declared their independence from Great Britain. We are very fond of celebrating such independence here in this material world, but is this real independence? The actual fact is that we as long as we forced to repeatedly go through birth, death, old age, and disease here in this material world we are not actually free or independent. True freedom or independence comes when we fully surrender to Krishna and regain our original, eternal, youthful forms in the deathless spiritual sky.

Jodi Baabdaty
Sankarshan Das
Americans Celebrating the 4th of July
Video for the Day
Let Us All Work Together Now to Make the Whole World Happy
Answers According to Vedic Wisdom
Question: Best Advice that Changed Your Life?
What is the best advice you’ve ever received that changed your life?Jodi Baabdaty
Answer: Do What God Wants, Not What You Want.
Jesus taught me that my life should be based on doing what God wants instead of what I want when he prayed, “Father, not my will, but Thy will be done.”Sankarshan Das
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