The Unlimited Glories of Krishna Prasadam

In this world we are very fond of serving dog. So many people are keeping dogs and serving them very nicely. By such service they become qualified by the law of karma to become dogs in their next birth, and thus remain entangled in the cycle of birth, death, old age, and disease. However, if one will take his tendency to serve dog and apply it to God, he will return to the spiritual world to enjoy an eternal life full of bliss and knowledge, never to take birth again in this most miserable material world. So now it your choice: Serve God or serve dog.

Of course, it is not by serving God that our dogs are neglected or that anyone or anything is neglected. Just as when you water the root of the tree all the leaves and branches are nourished, when you serve God, the root of all existence, you automatically render the best service to all living beings.

So what you are waiting for? Do it today. Fully dedicate your every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances to the loving service of Krishna or God. You will be living in paradise and you will turn the whole world into paradise.

Nothing More Wonderful than Krishna Prasadam

Nothing More Wonderful than Krishna Prasadam

Video for the Day

Come Back to Your Original Identity

Answers According to Vedic Wisdom

Question: Which Gita Verse?

Which Bhagavad-gita verse do you read at your tough time?

Sharad Gupta

Answer: Whole Gita

My Dear Sharad,
Please accept my blessings.

Because I am a strict follower of the Bhagavad-gita I do not have any tough times. If you would like to be able to do the same as I am doing, check out my free e-course at:

Hoping this meets you well,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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