Inspired Listener
I was so much encouraged by the following words of appreciation from a women named Laya Lavender, who heard my songs on my music website, ( ) that I wanted to share what she wrote with all of you. Here's what she said: I pray that this greets you in health and bliss. I came across your music online and it felt like some divine providence ---that I was meant to hear it. Your songs have a simple delightfulness. Upon listening additional times--a true potency is discovered. Yes! Peace is possible and worthy of pursuing. Your music is the sweet soundtrack of looking inward,loving outward and humanity progressing forward and upward. So beautiful. Your vocals have the warmth and sincerity of a home-coming. Your lyrics resonates as ocean deep. Laya Lavender Thanks to Laya for her encouraging words. Our mission is to somehow or other attract the whole world to Krishna consciousness. We are begging Sri Sri Radha and Krishna that we can be successful in our mis...