
Showing posts from August, 2018

Inspired Listener

I was so much encouraged by the following words of appreciation from a women named Laya Lavender, who heard my songs on my music website, ( ) that I wanted to share what she wrote with all of you. Here's what she said: I pray that this greets you in health and bliss. I came across your music online and it felt like some divine providence ---that I was meant to hear it. Your songs have a simple delightfulness. Upon listening additional times--a true potency is discovered. Yes! Peace is possible and worthy of pursuing. Your music is the sweet soundtrack of looking inward,loving outward and humanity progressing forward and upward. So beautiful. Your vocals have the warmth and sincerity of a home-coming. Your lyrics resonates as ocean deep. Laya Lavender Thanks to Laya for her encouraging words. Our mission is to somehow or other attract the whole world to Krishna consciousness. We are begging Sri Sri Radha and Krishna that we can be successful in our mis...

New Temple for ISKCON Austin

By Lord Sri Krishna's grace we have a new temple building now here in Austin to worship Him and to educate the world how to achieve the ultimate perfection of consciousness, a loving, serving relationship with Him, that Supreme Person, Who is the source of all existence. In that loving mental state one achieves boundless transcendental happiness and realizes practically that there is no happiness of this material world that can compete with even an insignificant fragment of the happiness derived by reviving one's original loving relationship with Krishna or God. Our mission is to enlighten the entire human population of this planet in this topmost of all sciences and thus bless them with the supreme happiness which never diminishes but goes on increasing unlimitedly forever. If you are in the Austin area, our temple is at 12012 North Interstate Highway 35, at the corner of Wren and North Interstate Highway 35. The temple is open every Sunday from 4:30pm to 7:30pm for kirtan,...

Greatest Adventure in the History of the Universe

Lord Caitanya's movement is truly the greatest adventure in the history of the universe, and we are the most fortunate people in the whole world because we have been blessed with the most inconceivably sublime opportunity to participate in it. Srila Prabhupada has taught us that one who is totally fixed in Krishna consciousness can attract the whole world to Krishna. So this is our mission. We want to take this Krishna consciousness movement to next level and factually establish it as the world religion recognized by everyone in the world. This requires that we must now become pure devotees, which means that we must now become completely free from any material motivations. Our only desire must now to become pure devotees and save the suffering people of this world from their delusion. When that day comes when we can manifest such intense devotion the whole world will be attracted to join Lord Caitanya's movement. Lord Caitanya's Movement Blesses the Universe Video...

Now is the Most Ecstatic Moment

For one who is properly attuned to reality as it is, now is the most ecstatic moment of his entire eternal existence, and it remains so ever-increasingly moment after moment after moment into never-ending eternity. What could be more ecstatic than this? This is the perfection of existence. It is called Krishna consciousness. We simply have to understand that at every moment there is nothing more important than being the totally sold out servant of Lord Sri Krishna and intensely begging Him to help us to be perfectly situated both theoretically and practically in this realization.​​​​​​​ Devotees Relish the Bliss of Every Moment Video for the Day The Supra-Cosmogonal Nature of Krishna Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: When Encountering Demoniac People? My dear Srila Gurudeva, What to do when encountering demoniac people? Your servant, Göran Answer: Turn Them Into Devotees From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Göran, Please accept my blessings. All...

Conquer Your Mind/ Conquer the World

Srila Prabhupada explained in a lecture as follows: "My Guru Maharaja used to say that 'When you get up, your first business is to beat the mind with shoes. And when you go to bed, you have to beat the mind with broomstick.' [laughter] Then you will be able to control the mind. So all catastrophes are happening on account of this rascal mind. Mind is not rascal; I am rascal. I am using my mind in a different way. So this can be stopped. You can control the mind if you place your mind always at the lotus feet of Krishna. Then it is possible." The uncontrolled mind is our worst enemy. But when we fix our minds on Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they becomes our best friend. And if then with our minds fixed on Krishna we will simply repeat this philosophy exactly as it is, without any misrepresentation or adulteration, this Krishna consciousness movement will never be checked, and we will conquer the world. The Whole World is Waiting for Krishna Con...

Hare Krishna Was the Hippie Religion

Back in the beginning days of ISKCON it was the hippies who joined ISKCON en masse to help Srila Prabhupada get his movement started. In fact, in those days it was practically only the hippies (with a a few exceptions) who joined. In this regard on 29 April 1969 in Boston Srila Prabhupada was talking with a reporter and his disciple Hansaduta. Here's what Srila Prabhupada said: Prabhupada: And also it is a fact that many of our students have come from the hippies. [chuckling] Hansaduta: Almost all of them. [laughter] Prabhupada: [laughs] So they are our best candidates. So you can advertise that "We are not hippies, but we are converting many hippies to the sane condition of life." That's a fact. They are searching after something better, but they have no leader. I was also one of the most fortunate hippies who became a "happy" by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and his followers. I've a written a song that tells about my most fortunate transition. ...

Lord Balarama's Appearance Day

Today is the most auspicious appearance of Lord Balarama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krishna expands Balarama from Himself for the purpose of enjoying a loving relationship with Him. When Krishna appears, all His plenary expansions appear with Him. Krishna appeared along with Balarama, who is known as His elder brother. Balarama is the origin of Sankarshan, of the quadruple expansion. Balarama is also the plenary expansion of Krishna. Here is one of the pastimes of Krishna along with Balarama: After the two wrestlers were killed, a wrestler named Kuta came forward. Lord Balarama immediately caught him with His left hand and killed him nonchalantly. A wrestler of the name Sala came forward, and Krishna immediately cracked his head with a kick. A wrestler named Tosala came forward and was killed in the same way. Thus all the great wrestlers were killed by Krishna and Balarama, and the remaining wrestlers fled from the assembly out of fear for their lives. All the cowherd ...

Jhulan Yatra Bliss

This is the time of year when ISKCON temples all over the world celebrate Jhulan Yatra, which is an ecstatic festival in which everyone gets the most auspicious opportunity to swing the deities of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. It goes on for several evenings. Friday 24 August is the last night of this glorious festival. So make sure to go to your nearest ISKCON temple tonight to catch at least the last day of this super ecstatic celebration. While swinging Radha and Krishna we can remember Their most delightful swinging pastimes that go on eternally in that most extraordinarily wondrous Spiritual Sky. (If you are in or near Austin, Texas USA, the festival is from 6pm to 7pm at 10700 Jonwood Way.) Radha and Krishna Enjoy Swinging Pastimes Video for the Day Sri Krishna So Mercifully Enlightens Us Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Why Is Negative Energy Bothering Me? Does Bhagavan Krishna know to speak all languages? Why is Bhagavan Krishna a wonderful linguist th...

Deliver the World From Ignorance

Srila Prabhupada instructed, "I simply want to present this great philosophy to serious students who will understand it and deliver the world from the present-day ignorance of misinformation, so if you can help me in this way I shall very much appreciate." So this is my prayer, that I can successfully fulfill this desire of Srila Prabhupada to be his serious student who can understand properly his philosophy and preach it sincerely and expertly to deliver the suffering people of the modern day world from their misery. Our World Is In Chaos Video for the Day Global Spiritual Revolution Now Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Stop Smoking How to stop smoking? Goran Holm Answer: Smoke One Less Cigarette Each Day From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Goram, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Smoke one less cigarette each day until your reach the point of zero. I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecs...

Remembering His Holiness Vishnujana Swami

I was unlimitedly blessed in 1971 to get the association of His Holiness Vishnujana Swami, who convinced me to give my life to Srila Prabhupada. His kirtan was so attractive that Srila Prabhupada said, "My Vishnujana Maharaja can get the whole world to chant Hare Krishna.” He challenged to become a serious devotee. When I first told him that I wanted to become a devotee he said, "What I am afraid is easy come, easy go." So I had to prove it to him that I was serious. My Krishna's grace I was able to do that. Vishnujana Swami then recommended me to Srila Prabhupada for initiation.​​​​​​​ Vishnujana Swami Brings Krishna Consciousness to Austin--1971 Video for the Day Remembering His Holiness Vishnujana Swami Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Why God Created Pain? I practice chanting. I read the Bhagavad-gita every day. I follow Gour Gopal Prabhu (ISKCON Mumbai, India). But I cannot understand what is the cause of birth? If we feel pain at eve...

Radha and Krishna's Swinging Pastimes

One of the unlimited pleasure pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna is to swing together. The devotees of the Lord take great pleasure in serving the swinging pastimes of Radha and Krishna by every year swinging the deities of their beloved Radha and Krishna at the Jhulan Yatra festival. Here in Austin we are having a celebrating Jhulan Yatra every evening from Tuesday 21 August through Friday 24 August from 6pm to 7pm at our center at 10700 Jonwood Way. Everyone is invited. Check with your local ISKCON center to find out the timings for Jhulan Yatra at your location. This is a great opportunity for everyone to swing Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. Radha and Krishna Enjoy Swinging Together Video for the Day Awaken Your Divine Consciousness Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: How to Get Spiritualism? How can I get spiritualism, Sir? Kamran Kami Answer: Follow These Guidelines From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Kamran, Please accept my blessings. All glori...

The Most Powerful Meditation

This present age of Kali, which began 5,000 years ago, is the most materialistic of all the ages. In this age we are short-lived and we have very meager intelligence. Although this is the most degraded of all ages, it is also the most auspicious of all ages beause in this age one can achieve the topmost level of spiritual perfection simply by chanting the holy names of God. This chanting is the most powerful means of meditation. Any name of God from the revealed scriptures can be chanted. But especially these names from the Vedic scripture are very powerful and effective: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Anyone who gives up sinful activities and regularly chants these names with love and devotion every day will quickly achieve the supreme perfection of awakening pure love of God within their heart. The Ecstasy of Chanting Hare Krishna Japa Video for the Day We Will Change the World Answers According to ...

Why You Need a Guru

I tried for some time to become self-realized on my own without taking shelter of a bona fide spiritual master, but I could not do so. Why is that? Krishna, Who is God, the Supreme Source of all existence and thus the Supreme Authority, tells us clearly that if we want to become self-realized, we absolutely must take guidance and shelter from the bona fide spiritual master and become his initiated disciple. Therefore if you are at all serious about getting out of the vicious cycle of birth and death and returning to your original position in that most wondrous spiritual sky, you need to follow Lord Sri Krishna's order and accept a bona fide spiritual master, not a charlatan who will simply bluff you and cheat you. Then you must fully surrender to the bona fide spiritual master. This will be the perfection of your existence. Srila Prabhupada Initiates a Disciple Video for the Day Why is Having Guru Required? Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: How May I S...

Kick Out All Anxieties​​ Except One

Anxiety is mental disease. Someone who is actually sane has no anxiety. This means that the entire world population which at the present time is completely entangled in the anxieties of birth, death, old age, and disease, it quite insane. There is a saying: 'Tis folly to be wise in that place where ignorance is bliss. Although being a wise man, a spiritually realized person, in today's totally materialistic society is quite a hefty challenge because of having to deal constantly with those whose mentality is completely the opposite, it is truly unlimitedly rewarding to see the underlying problem of the human society and how to solve it. By keeping this vision always burning brightly in his heart the Lord's devotee is able to easily kick out all anxiety from within his heart. However, he keeps one anxiety. And that is the anxiety of how to make the entire Krishna conscious as soon as possible. This anxiety is transcendental because it pleases Lord Krishna unlimitedly and...

Stick to Your Guns​​

In today's modern day totally materialistic society practically the whole world is opposed to our movement of pure bhakti. Therefore when we accept the duty given to us by Lord Caitanya to make the whole world Krishna conscious we are in for a humongous uphill battle. This means that we must always boldly stick to our guns. In other words, we have to stick unflinching to presenting the teachings of the Bhagavd-gita as they are to a world population which is completely against them. Of course, one who is expert knows the art of when to speak and when not to speak. But within his heart he is always unflinchingly convinced that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that all living beings are His eternal servants. And when he does speak he speaks with such great authority and conviction for the deliverance of these poor fallen souls who are trapped in the cycle of birth and death that he is able to successfully rescue many of them. Presenting Krishna Consciousness at a...

Leaving the Land of Idiocy

Material pleasure is an illusion because it does not satisfy the actual self, the soul within. Just as polishing his cage does not satisfy the bird within the cage, when we simply gratify our material senses we do not become satisfied. But, just as the hand only becomes satisfied or nourished when it gives food to the belly, our real satisfaction is to give loving service to Krishna or God. It is this devotional service to the Supreme Person that facilitates our entering into a state of unlimited bliss because the more we satisfy God, the more we become satisfied. Therefore those who actually intelligent fully surrender themselves unto God right now. They do not continue living in the land of idiocy. Material Pleasure is an Illusion Video for the Day Put God Back in the Center Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: What is Determination? What is determination? Thank you, our dear master Reynus Frimpong Answer: Absolute Conviction to Fully Surrender to God Fr...

Krishna Consciousness is the World Religion

There can be only one God, the source of all existence. There cannot be many. However, since that one God is unlimited He has unlimited names such as Allah, Jehovah, Krishna, and Rama. To fully surrender unto that Supreme Person is the universal religion for all. Indeed it is the world religion. The Krishna consciousness movement teaches this principle of the universality of religion and is thus establishing in a real, practical sense the world religion. In this regard Srila Prabhupada wrote in a letter to his disciple, Vamanadeva: "So stick very strictly to these principles and chant regularly daily sixteen rounds and you will always remain the topmost position. Have nice deity program, always have lots of Kirtana, serve ample prasadam very sumptuously and speak something from my books. If this is done in every center our movement will very soon become the world religion as has now been predicted by one prominent Japanese philosopher in a newspaper here." When we can th...

Be Strong in Your Determination​​

If you want to teach God consciousness to the materialistic and pseudo spiritualistic global society in which you find yourself, you must be strong and unflinching in your determination because you will face so many opposing elements. In this connection Srila Prabhupada has stated in a morning walk conversation in LosAngeles on 11 December 1973: "You must know that everybody will disagree with you, and it is your preaching work that you will make him agree with you. That is your preaching work." Srila Prabhupada Preaches Strongly Video for the Day From ISKCON Austin's Sunday Love Feast Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Why Other Names? Dear Guru Maharaj, Please pardon me for any of my fault. A question came to my mind that if Krishna is the Supreme, why shouldn't we take only His name in the Japa and prayer.? Why and what is the necessity of the name of Rama and Hare(Radha) in Japa? Please be kind enough to enlighten me. Your obedie...

Using Time to Attain Timelessness​​

Time is the great destroyer. In this material world everyone, no matter how big and powerful they may be, is forced to bow down to time. No one, even the big big scientists, can escape time's clutches. In world history so many big, big empires have come and gone. Each one of them have destroyed by time. So what is time? It is the manifested energy of Krishna, who declares in the Bhagavad-gita 11.32, " Time I am, the great destroyer of the worlds." But one who surrenders fully unto Krishna becomes the conquerer of time because he utilizes his time to master the art of how to enter into timelessness, the transcendental existence beyond birth and death. Goloka Vrindavan, the Supreme Timeless Abode Video for the Day Automatically Give Up All Material Attachments Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Secret of Success? Our dear master, my question is what is the secret of success in life. Thank you. Reynus Answer: Surrender to Krishna From: ISKCON Aus...

Make the Whole World Krishna Conscious Now​​

Srila Prabhupada writes in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 5th Canto, Chapter 18, Verse 9 as follows: "...we should pray to Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva to sit in our hearts. We should pray, bahir nṛsiṁho hṛdaye nṛsiṁhaḥ: 'Let Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva sit in the core of my heart, killing all my bad propensities. Let my mind become clean so that I may peacefully worship the Lord and bring peace to the entire world.'" This prayer is so wonderful. In it we are begging Krishna to make us pure devotees and to empower us that we can make the entire world Krishna conscious. Everyone is suffering greatly without Krishna consciousness so now let us do our duty to Krishnize ourselves and the entire world.​​​​​​​ Srila Prabhupada's Heart is Full of Love Video for the Day Filled with Krishna: Within and Without Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Power to Perform Miracles? Can I receive power to perform miracles? Prince Shalom Answer: Chant Hare Krishna From: ISK...

Make Your Mind Your Best Friend​​

The mind is either our best friend or our worst enemy. If it is filled up with rubbish, it is our worst enemy. And if it is pure, it is our best friend. Therefore we should alway be very careful to immediately weed out any thoughts that are based on lust, greed, anger, madness, illusion or envy. This will enable us to live wonderful, happy lives free from all kinds of unnecessary disturbances, allowing us to quickly and easily advance along that most wondrous pathway which takes us back to home, back to Godhead. Krishna Consciousness Fills Your Heart With Bliss Video for the Day The Perfection of Existence Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Why No Japa With Index Finger? Guru Maharaja, Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I beg pardon for any offense. Can you tell me why we do not hold japa beads with the index finger? Many thanks for your patience. Jane Answer: It Should Protrude from the Bead Bag From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dea...

Celebrate the Most Awesome Reality

You owe to yourself to be the unlimitedly compassionate and ecstatic eternal spiritual person who you actually are instead of the greedy, miserable pseudo self that we all tend to be due to our misidentifying ourselves with temporary material bodies for thousands and millions of lifetimes. Come out of your slumber and celebrate the awesome reality of your beautiful relationship that you have with Krishna or God as His eternal servant and with His devotees. Devotees Relish Ecstatic Relationships Video for the Day The Most Thrilling, Exciting Adventure at Every Minute Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Who is Rama? Dear Guru Maharaja, Why do we chant Hare Rama along with Hare Krishana? Who is this Rama? Thank you for your precious time in answering our questions. Pooja Seh​​​​​​​ Answer: Krishna, Balarama, Ramacandra, or Parasurama From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Pooja, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Rama means ...