You Hold the Key to Unlimited Eternal Bliss
You hold the key to a life of unlimited eternal bliss in your hands. So you have a choice whether you want to use this key or not. You can unlock the door to eternal bliss or you can remain in the realm of eternal misery. By your very nature you are meant to experience the joy of eternal bliss. Therefore to remain in a suffering condition is an unnatural state. So do you want to be natural or do you want to remain in an unnatural condition? If you choose bliss, we will teach you how to use the key to unlock the door. If you are not interested, we will go to someone else. We will not waste our time and your time.

Devotee Relationships Seminar Melbourne, Australia--30 December 2013

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version
Question: How to Revive My Chanting?
Up until a month ago I was chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra two rounds every day without fail for four months continuously. Of late, I have been suffering from financial crisis very badly and am unable to concentrate on chanting. Please suggest me how to revive my chanting in this situation and how can I come out of this material difficulty.
Yours sincerely
Answer: Dive Deeply Into the Nectar of the Name
While the quality of your chanting is most important, quantity is also very important because the more you chant, the more the purifying effect of the holy name will naturally improve the quality of your chanting. Because you were chanting only two rounds per day you were not able to get deep enough into the chanting to transcend the unavoidable dualities of material existence. Therefore when a disturbance came you were not able to handle it. The solution is that you must increase the quantity of your chanting, which will increase the quality of your chanting so that you can better cope with the dualities of the material nature. You should not allow yourself to be psychologically thrown off balance by these dualities, which naturally come and go like the changes of the seasons. It is natural that sometimes we are prosperous and sometimes we are impoverished. If you will dive deeply into the chanting, these dualities will no longer disturb your mind.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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