
Showing posts from March, 2013

When the Krishna Sun Arises in Your Heart

While in South Padre Island, Texas to have some mastering work done to give the final touch to some kirtan recordings which will soon be released I took advantage of the sattvic atmosphere of the isolated morning beach to chant my Gayatri mantras at sunrise. Seeing the magnificent beauty of the rising sun I was reminded of this wonderful verse from the Srimad Bhagavatam: kṛṣṇe sva-dhāmopagate dharma-jñānādibhiḥ saha kalau naṣṭa-dṛśām eṣa purāṇārko 'dhunoditaḥ "This Bhagavata Purana is as brilliant as the sun, and it has arisen just after the departure of Lord Krishna to His own abode, accompanied by religion, knowledge, etc. Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the age of Kali shall get light from this Purana."--SB 1.3.43 If we take complete shelter of Krishna, He will appear within our hearts like a splendorous sunrise on a sublime spring morning. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Magnificent Sunrise Reminds Us of Krishna South Padre...

Leading the World Out of Chaos

The world situation is becoming progressively more and more chaotic with each passing year. Instead of solving the problems, the world leaders are accelerating and aggravating the world's problems by legitimatizing sinful activities that were previously considered taboo. In other words, these rascal so-called leaders are taking us further and further away from God. Thus the misery of the world population is increasing like anything with so many people every year losing their cool and going on crazy killing rampages. Previously this sort of madness was not happening because people were more connected with God. The ever-increasing chaos is the result of ever-increasing godlessness. It is not possible for people to be happy when they become disconnected from God. Therefore the Krishna consciousness movement is the ultimate benediction for the human society because it is giving the most practical and easy means for everyone in every corner of the world to become perfectly connected wi...

Entire Universe Will Become Krishna Conscious

Srila Prabhupada states in his purport to Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 13.32: "Since the sankirtana movement was first set in motion five hundred years ago by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's desire that it spread all over the universe, the Krishna consciousness movement, in continuity of that same motion, is now spreading all over the world, and in this way it will gradually spread all over the universe. With the spread of the Krishna consciousness movement, everyone will merge in an ocean of love of Krishna." Therefore we have full confidence that if we simply continue purely practicing and presenting the science of Krishna consciousness for the benefit of all, the people all over the universe will some day become absorbed in Krishna consciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari By Prabhupada's Mercy Everyone Will Become Krishna Conscious Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Comment: Why I Dropped Your Course In my opinion Hare Krishna is like any other religion, spiritual ...

An Aggressive Save-the-World Attitude

Although mild and tender hearted by nature, the devotee of the Lord possesses an aggressive save-the-world attitude because it is absolutely intolerable for him to see a world where 99.99% of the people are being dragged by their uncontrolled senses into the animal kingdom in their next births. Out of intense compassion he adopts any and all means to save the ignorant karmic workers from their impending doom. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Defeats the Material Civilization Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: What is the Origin of Krishna? Ever since I was a child I have had a question inside me, that even till date I never found an answer to it! Well, I know you can enlighten me with it. Each and very living being has his origin, that is their parents. My parents gave birth to me, yours gave birth to you. Every being has his origin. I understand that Krishna is the origin of everything and that we are all parts and parcels of Him. I also know that He contro...

The Original Home of the Living Beings

Sometimes we are asked what is the original home of the living beings. This question is clearly answered by Srila Prabhupada in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 4.28.54: "The original home of the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the spiritual world. In the spiritual world both the Lord and the living entities live together very peacefully. Since the living entity remains engaged in the service of the Lord, they both share a blissful life in the spiritual world. However, when the living entity wants to enjoy himself, he falls down into the material world. Even while he is in that position, the Lord remains with him as the Supersoul, his intimate friend. Because of his forgetfulness, the living entity does not know that the Supreme Lord is accompanying him as the Supersoul. In this way the living entity remains conditioned in each and every millennium. Although the Lord follows him as a friend, the living entity, because of forgetful material existence, does...

The Chanting and Dancing Supreme Lord Appears

In 1486 in Mayapur, India the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, appeared in His most merciful of all forms, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He was absorbed in ecstatically chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra and dancing in ecstasy, and spread this sublime process throughout the Indian sub-continent. Srila Rupa Goswami recognized Lord Caitanya as the Supreme Lord and prayed to Him as follows: namo mahā-vadānyāya kṛṣṇa-prema-pradāya te kṛṣṇāya kṛṣṇa-caitanya- nāmne gaura-tviṣe namaḥ “O most munificent incarnation! You are Krishna Himself appearing as Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You have assumed the golden color of Srimati Radharani, and You are widely distributing pure love of Krishna. We offer our respectful obeisances unto You." On this most auspicious appearance day of Lord Caitanya we should beg for His special mercy that we can dive deeply into chanting and dancing as He taught us and thus attain to the platform of pure love of God. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Lor...

Making the Whole World Krishna Conscious

Srila Prabhupada told us in Mayapur on 1 April, 1975: "By spreading this Krishna consciousness movement, you can make the whole world Krishna conscious, and then it will be Vaikuntha (the spiritual world)." And then just days before his departure from this world on 9 October 1977 the following conversation between Srila Prabhupada and his disciples ensued in Vrindavana: Brahmananda: Actually we can make this whole world Krishna consciousness. Prabhupada: Yes. It is not difficult. Tamal Krishna: You say that you still want to see the world over flooded with Krishna consciousness. You said you wanted to see that happen. Prabhupada: We can do that. So according to Srila Prabhupada it is possible to make the entire world Krishna conscious. And it is predicted in the Caitanya Caritamrita that this indeed will happen: saj-jana, durjana, paṅgu, jaḍa, andha-gaṇa prema-vanyāya ḍubāila jagatera jana "The Krishna consciousness movement will inundate the entire world and d...

Lord Caitanya's Spiritual Renaissance

At the same time of the so called Renaissance in Europe the real renaissance of Lord Caitanya was taking place in India. Lord Caitanya taught that simply by chanting the holy names of God, dancing in ecstasy, and feasting on sumptuous Krishna prasadam one can achieve the supreme perfection of going back to home, back to Godhead. He completely revolutionized the India sub-continent with the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. His spiritual renaissance was then distributed all over the world by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada through the medium of ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, which is now the process of completely revolutionizing the entire human society. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Lord Caitanya's Revolutionary Sankirtana Movement Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Do Innocent People Suffer? I understand that Lord Krishna is all-powerful, and I have absolute faith in Him. Why does the Lord not stop all the tor...

Filter Out the Poison and Taste Only Nectar

To become Krishna conscious means to relish the sweetest happiness at every moment. Such happiness is inconceivable to the materialists, who subscribe to the philosophy that one must take the good with the bad. Just as a swan has the ability to extract milk from a mixture of milk and water, in a similar way the pure devotee of the Lord is able to extract the nectar of pure Krishna bhakti from his every experience in the poisoned atmosphere of this miserable, ignorant material world. In other words, he only takes the good. He filters out the bad. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Beautiful Swan at New Vrindavana Swanlike Srila Prabhupada Enlightens His Disciples Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Can We Be Happy Materially & Spiritually? All glories to Prabhupada. My humble obeisances to you. Can we become happy both materially and spiritually in our present life if we adopt the process of devotional service? Or is only one type of happiness possible? S.N. Answer: If ...

The Meaning of Self-Realization

In his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 1.4.1 Srila Prabhupada very nicely explains the meaning of self-realization: "Personal realization does not mean that one should, out of vanity, attempt to show one's own learning by trying to surpass the previous acharya. He must have full confidence in the previous acharya, and at the same time he must realize the subject matter so nicely that he can present the matter for the particular circumstances in a suitable manner. The original purpose of the text must be maintained. No obscure meaning should be screwed out of it, yet it should be presented in an interesting manner for the understanding of the audience. This is called realization." So, how does one become realized? This question is answered in the Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.23: yasya deve parā bhaktir yathā-deve tathā gurau tasyaite kathitā hy arthāḥ prakāsante mahātmanaḥ “Only unto those great souls who have unflinching, implicit faith in both the Lord and the spiritu...

Every Dog Has His Day

It is sometimes said that every dog has his day, and that is a fact. According to the law of karma everyone gets a chance to take their turn being a powerful, successful materialist either in this lifetime or in one of many millions of other lifetimes. But that success is always fleeting and temporary. Therefore instead of hankering for success and happiness in this material world we should focus instead on attaining the supreme platform of success and happiness from which having attained no one ever falls down again to material existence. I am speaking of the transcendental platform of pure devotional service, which qualifies us to enter Lord Krishna's transcendental abode, Krishnaloka. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Krishna is Inviting Us to Return to Krishnaloka Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: What Do Krishnaloka's Inhabitants Look Like? My obeisances to Gurudeva! Here are a some queries I want you to kindly clarify: What does a liberated soul look like in ...

The Ruthless Pursuit of Spiritual Perfection

Krishna reciprocates with us according to the degree of our surrender to Him. Therefore to achieve the topmost perfection of Krishna consciousness we must relentlessly, unwaveringly dedicate ourselves to achieving this ultimate goal, relegating everything else in our lives to an inferior, less important status. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Blissful Devotees Dedicated to the Path of Perfection Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Does the Material World Ever End? Dear Gurudeva, I was wondering, because everything in the material world has an end, does that also mean the material world/universes have an end? Rosie Answer: Perpetual Creation and Annihilation Cycle Since this material world is the prison of God's creation and since there will always be some souls who rebel against the supremacy of the supreme, this material world must necessarily always exist. The material world with its infinite universes goes through cycles of manifestation and non-manifestation for ...

Rubbish Eating Means Rubbish Consciousness

You are what you eat. If you eat rubbish, your consciousness will be rubbish also. Therefore those who are thoughtful and discrete are careful to only partake of Krishna prasadam, vegetarian foodstuffs which have been offered to Lord Krishna with love and devotion, and nothing else. In this way they purify their consciousness for attaining the supreme perfection of going back to home, back to Godhead. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Distributes Prasadam Cookies Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Is Zakir Naik's Criticism of Deities Correct? I heard the speech of Zakir Naik. He said that worshiping God in the form of statues and photos is an offense, and he told that it is mentioned in the scriptures. Is he is correct? Dore Answer: Naik's Criticism is Absolute Rubbish Mr. Naik's criticism is absolute rubbish because it is clearly described in Srimad Bhagavatam 3.29.25 that we should worship the deity form of the Lord. Mr. Naik is not submissiv...

The First Principle of Devotional Service

Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 4.12.42 that the first principle of devotional service is adau gurv-asrayam, to take shelter of a spiritual master. He states, "In the beginning one must accept a bona fide spiritual master, and if a devotee follows strictly the direction of the spiritual master, as Dhruva Maharaja followed the instruction of Narada Muni, then it is not difficult for him to achieve the favor of the Lord. The sum total of devotional qualities is development of unalloyed love for Krishna. This unalloyed love for Krishna can be achieved simply by hearing about Krishna. Lord Caitanya accepted this principle -- that if one in any position submissively hears the transcendental message spoken by Krishna or about Krishna, then gradually he develops the quality of unalloyed love, and by that love only he can conquer the unconquerable." This concept is unique to Vaisnava theology, that one can conquer the Supreme by love. And this process ...

Don't Miss the Bliss

Because the bliss of Krishna consciousness is more subtle than the so-called bliss of material sense gratification, most people, who are on the gross platform of material consciousness, cannot taste it and understand it. This is why it is required that one's senses become purified by engaging in devotional service in order to taste the sublime, unlimited nectar of Krishna consciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Gopis Relishing Krishna's Association in Goloka Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Know that Spiritual Bliss is Real? Gurudeva, My question is: How do we realize that spiritual bliss is not imagination? Your servant, Nidhi Answer: Material So-Called Bliss No Longer Attracts You When by tasting spiritual bliss we lose all attraction for the so-called bliss of sense gratification, we can know for sure that our spiritual bliss is real, that it is not imagination. Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Lord Caitanya's Transcendental Wake Up Call

Lord Caitanya is calling upon all the sleeping souls to awaken from the bad dream of maya and become happily situated in the insuperably sublime state of consciousness known as Krishna consciousness in which all material miseries become conspicuous by their absence. Let us all heed His wake up call and bring perfect happiness to ourselves and to the entire earth planet by chanting and dancing in ecstasy and feasting on sumptuous Krishna prasadam to our full satisfaction. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Lord Caitanya Invites Us to Chant and Dance in Ecstasy And to Partake of Delicious Krishna Prasadam Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Who Feels Distress, the Soul or the Body? Gurudeva, Please accept my respectful obeisances. My question is: Whether my soul is experiencing distress or my materiel body is experiencing distress on my son's death? I may please be enlightened. Your humble servant. A. S. Answer: The Misidentified Soul Feels Distress I am indeed sorry ...

Bad News Versus Good News

All the news of this material, whether it is good news or bad news, is ultimately bad news because when one's mind is absorbed in the news of the material world he will be obliged to take birth again in this material world. This is why the devotee of the Lord is not so interested in the stale, stagnant news of this material world. He is more interested in the ever-fresh, unlimitedly exciting news of the spiritual world, because one whose mind is absorbed in this transcendental news is automatically qualified to enter into the spiritual world at the time of death. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Radha and Krishna's Ecstatic Toll Pastime Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Who is My Spiritual Master? Hare Krishna, Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you so much for the wonderful service that you faultlessly perform. We are forever indebted to you and Prabhupada for the mercy you impart on us. I have been practicing to ...

Relieving the Burden of the Earth

The planet Earth is now greatly overburdened by the ever-increasing profusion of sinful activities in which the completely misguided civilization is indulging. Having compassion upon Mother Earth and her citizens the Vaisnavas dedicate their lives fully to relieving the burden of the earth by trying to awaken the dormant Krishna consciousness with the hearts of all. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Introduces the Krishna Consciousness Movement Tompkins Square Park--New York City--1966 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Goddess Maya Helps or Hinders? Please clarify. I am confused whether the role of Goddess Maya is good or bad for a seeker of Krishna consciousness. From this recent post of yours it looks bad. You stated," If we leave some gaps, some mental empty spaces, where we are not thinking of Krishna, maya or illusion will enter like a cancer and take over our consciousness." However, in another previous post you mentioned that demigods are ...

On the Verge of Death

No matter what is our age or our condition of health, every one is situated on the verge of death. By the inexorable laws of nature any one of us can be kicked out of our present body at any moment. Therefore instead of basing our happiness on how we will enjoy this material world, we should base our happiness on re-establishing our lost loving relationship with Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Only this will bring us genuine, lasting happiness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Introduces the Krishna Consciousness Movement Tompkins Square Park--New York City--1966 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Eat When I Travel? I beg to get a small clarification with your permission. My spiritual master has identified that as long as I live in this world, I can earn money through the profession of studying and teaching and simultaneously cultivate Krishna consciousness and try to advance in bhakti. However this line in the material world dem...

An Idle Mind is the Devil's Workshop

It is very wisely said that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. Therefore we must always keep our minds fixed on Krishna 24 hours a day. If we leave some gaps, some mental empty spaces, where we are not thinking of Krishna, maya or illusion will enter like a cancer and take over our consciousness. Therefore we must always be absorbed in thoughts of Krishna and serving Krishna. This will keep us on the safe side of existence and qualify us to return home, back to Godhead, at the time of death. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Always Remember this Amazingly Sweet Person Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Can Krishna Conscious Children Compete? Are children who have been brought up in the spiritual atmosphere of Krishna consciousness able to face the challenges and competition which the material world poses? We socialize only with devotees, hence this question arose. Heartfelt thanks. Your humble servant, Suba Answer: They Will Be the Most Successful If a child is pr...

Vaidhi to Rāgānugā to Rāgātmikā Bhakti

Although in our present neophyte stage we are executing devotional service according to the rules and regulations, which is known as vaidhi bhakti, it is helpful and encouraging for us to know how we will eventually attain the ultimate goal of pure devotional service if we stick sincerely to this path. This ultimate goal is described very nicely by Srila Rupa Goswami in his Bhakti-rasāmrita-sindhu text 1.2.270 as follows: virājantīm abhivyaktāṁ vraja-vāsi-janādiṣu rāgātmikām anusṛtā yā sā rāgānugocyate "Rāgātmikā, devotional service in spontaneous love, is vividly expressed and manifested by the inhabitants of Vrindavana. Devotional service that accords with their devotional service is called rāgānugā bhakti, or devotional service following in the wake of spontaneous loving service." At a very advanced stage after seriously and dedicatedly following the path of vaidhi bhakti a devotee gradually develops the ambition to become like a particular devotee in the spiritual wo...

Naturally Detached from Sense Gratification

The more that one advances in Krishna consciousness, the more he become detached from material sense gratification. Instead of vainly seeking happiness in the gratification of his temporary senses he will find his happiness in his loving relationship with Lord Sri Krishna, the magnificently wondrous Supreme Personality of Godhead. This cannot be artificially imitated, but it is factually experienced by those who are serious to awaken their dormant Krishna consciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Relishes the Bliss of Krishna Consciousness Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why is Education Required for Self-Realization? Self realization is an automatic process of inner opening for reaching the Brahman. So how can somebody learn it through a certain course of a committed specific time period ? And it can never be the same for all as in each one's case it is different. Kindly reply back to clarify my doubts. Thanking You, With Regards Sumitra P....

Are Priests Frustrated Without Sex?

While in the Catholic church there is a controversy over whether or not priests should be allowed to marry, in India's ancient Vedic culture this has never been an issue. The saintly class have always had to option of remaining single or getting married. Therefore in the Hare Krishna movement, which is the modern day manifestation of the Vedic culture, priests can either be married or single. The married priests use sex only for its divine purpose of conceiving children, not for Saturday night recreation. For recreation the Hare Krishnas get greater pleasure from chanting Hare Krishna, dancing in ecstasy, and feasting on delicious vegetarian meals which have been offered to Lord Sri Krishna with love and devotion. The bottom line is that chanting Hare Krishna is better than sex. This is why the Hare Krishna priests are always blissful and never frustrated. Sankarshan Das Adhikari His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami A Blissful Single Hare Krishna Priest His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu ...

Dedication to Guru's Mission Tantamount to Seeing Krishna

Nowadays it is very popular that people like to test a spiritual master's credentials by asking him if he has seen Krishna or God, because they take this as a qualification for being a spiritual master. But this a misunderstanding. Why should God be seen only once? A fully self-realized soul is always seeing Krishna at every minute. But what if someone has not seen God but is simply seriously serving his spiritual master's mission. Can this be considered as good as seeing God? Srila Prabhupada has answered this question in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 4.28.51 as follows: "When one becomes serious to follow the mission of the spiritual master, his resolution is tantamount to seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead." Tantamount means "the same as." So whether one is directly seeing Krishna at every minute or he is fully serious to serve the mission of his spiritual master, he is understood to be a God realized person. Sankarshan Das Adhikari The Spi...

The Secret of Spiritual Advancement

The secret of spiritual advancement is hearing submissively from the proper source. Proper source means from the revealed scriptures and especially from those who are purely representing the revealed scriptures, the bona fide spiritual masters. There are many spiritual masters available on this planet, practically on every corner. But because this is the age of Kali, an age of lies and deception, the overriding majority of them are mala fide, not bona fide. In other words, most of them are bogus. Therefore one must be careful to find that spiritual master who purely represents the revealed scriptures. Once having found him, one should very carefully hear from him and obediently serve him. This is how one becomes realized in the Absolute Truth. This is confirmed as follows in the Bhagavad-gita 4.34: tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā upadekṣyanti te jñānaṁ jñāninas tattva-darśinaḥ “Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissi...

Escaping the Clutches of Maya

Since time immemorial we've been tightly entangled in the clutches of the Lord's illusory energy. Because of this we have been suffering like anything in the cycle of birth and death being repeatedly recycled through the 8,400,000 species. It has literally been a nightmare. But it does not have to be this way. We have the option available to us to get out of this quagmire. The only requirement for liberation is our sincere desire to do whatever it takes to become liberated. When we are sincere in this way the Lord within will appear externally in the form of the bona fide spiritual master to liberate us from our suffering condition within this material world by taking us back to our original identity in the unlimitedly splendorous pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His transcendental abode known as the paravyoma, the spiritual sky. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Liberates His Followers Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How Life Chang...

Associating with Krishna at Every Minute

Krishna consciousness means associating with Krishna at every minute. What could be sweeter than this? Nothing. Sankarshan Das Adhikari No One is More Amazing than Lord Sri Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Krishna Created Different Religions? Why did Krishna divide the people into different sects like Hindu, Muslim, Christian, etc? Since all the above religions say that the purpose of life is to serve God, the one religion of serving God is enough. So why are there many different religions? Dore Answer: Foolish Men Created Them, Not Krishna. Krishna did not divide the people into different religious sects. The various sects were created by misguided men who did not understand the ultimate purpose of life, to become a pure lover of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So instead of presenting pure spirituality, they polluted religion with politics. Sankarshan Das Adhikari