It's Time to Take Over the World for Krishna

The present day leaders in all spheres of activity: political, educational, cultural, etc. are all failing badly in their duty to be ideal God conscious examples for those who follow them. In spite of our repeatedly requesting these world leaders to embrace the God-centered conception of life, they have not heeded our pleas. Therefore its time now for a new class of God conscious or Krishna conscious persons to emerge and replace these incompetent leaders. Since these are the days of democracy we are therefore calling on the voters all over the world to no longer vote on the basis of party affiliation. We are requesting the voters throughout the world to only vote for those who are pure in God consciousness or Krishna consciousness. If the voters will comply with our request, we will experience a global dawning of peace and prosperity the like of which has not been experienced on this planet for the last 5,000 years. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Instructs Professor Dürck...