Don't Take Devotee Association for Granted

To have the association of devotees is the greatest good fortune that we can achieve in millions and billions of lifetimes because it is through the association of devotees and by the mercy of devotees that we get the ultimate perfection of Krishna consciousness. Therefore we must always be very appreciative of devotee association and always try to pleasing the devotees in all of our dealings with them. Devotee Association in Kirtan Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Understand Supreme Through Reasoning? Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. This is a question of faith. In this world we tend to try to apply critical reasoning to most aspects of our life, our family, our job, our education, etc. How can I, someone who strives to apply such reasoning throughout my life, discard this and believe all that is said by scripture and a spiritual master when sometimes what is said is rather fantastical, beyond reason. The mere existence of a Supreme defies scien...