The Ultimate Paycheck
Why does one accept a job at a company and start working for it even before he receives his first paycheck? Because by seeing the other employees who work there and get paid regularly he has faith that he will also be paid for working there. Why does one take up the pathway of Krishna consciousness even before he tastes the sweet fruit of spiritual advancement? He has faith by seeing others who have advanced in Krishna consciousness and are constantly relishing its bliss that he will also make spiritual advancement and relish the supreme bliss of Krishna consciousness. If we can put our faith in a paltry paycheck of a few dollars, how much more faith should we have in the ultimate paycheck of pure Krishna bhakti?
Explaining the Ultimate Reward, Krishna Bhakti

Your student,
It's true that for an intelligent person there is no other choice than to surrender to Krishna. But if someone wants to be a fool, Krishna will give him full facility. So the free will is always there. Perpetually one can choose between being intelligent or being a fool.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Explaining the Ultimate Reward, Krishna Bhakti
23 April 2012-Kaunas, Lithuania

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version
Question: How is There Free Will to Love Krishna?
I don't understand how our love for Krishna is free willed. It seems that our two main choices are either to surrender to Krishna or suffer the miseries of the material world. Yet, since no one wants to suffer, our only other option is to surrender to Krishna. So it seems like love for Krishna is forced by the lack of alternate choices that don't lead to suffering. But by definition love cannot be forced upon anyone, it has to be purely volitional and free. So how can we love Krishna in the truest sense?Your student,
Answer: Love Means Reciprocation
Love means reciprocation. Therefore if you want to truly love Krishna you need to thoughtfully consider how much he is unconditionally loving you. He is so kind that even if you deny His existence or assert that He is not s person, He will still lovingly bestow you your necessities of life.It's true that for an intelligent person there is no other choice than to surrender to Krishna. But if someone wants to be a fool, Krishna will give him full facility. So the free will is always there. Perpetually one can choose between being intelligent or being a fool.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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