You Can't Make a Horse Drink

Whether the world takes to enlightened consciousness or not, that is up to them. But at least we can taste the nectar of the ultimate in enlightened consciousness, Krishna consciousness. Of course we want that everyone else can taste the ultimate happiness. We cannot stand to see the entire human society unnecessarily entangled in so many varieties of suffering conditions. That is why we have fully dedicated ours lives to making the entire world Krishna conscious. But what can we do if the people in general prefer to remain in ignorance and misery? We can lead a horse to the water, but we cannot force him to drink. So whether they take to Krishna consciousness or they do not take to Krishna consciousness, that is up to them. It is simply our duty to present it to them to in the most pleasing, pleasant, and intelligent way possible. But if they still refuse to take it, what can we do? We will go on drinking the nectar and continue making vigorous propaganda to induce them to also drink the nectar.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Leading to the Water a Horse Who Doesn't Want to DrinkLeading to the Water a Horse Who Doesn't Want to Drink

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: Public Chanting Versus Private Chanting

Jesus told us in the New Testament that we should not pray in public places as if to gain attention for it, but to pray in our secret place. How does this apply to the "Thought for the Day" of 28 May 2010, where we are encouraged to chant in public? At what point does this become an egoistic display, rather than the main goal being a personal, transcendental connection with God?


Answer: Public Chanting Bestows the Greatest Benefit

A devotee's personal meditation of communing with God is done privately and not done publicly as a matter of show. For example Jesus would pray in private but preach in public. For Krishna's devotees private prayer is known as japa mala or chanting the holy names of God on prayer beads. Devotees spend 1½ to 2 hours daily chanting Hare Krishna privately on their japa beads. Besides this, kirtan or chanting in public is done to bless the people in general with hearing the holy names of God. There is nothing more beneficial for the purification of the material atmosphere than the public congregational chanting of the holy names of God. We have seen that even in Christianity the public chanting of the names of God is conducted for the spiritual upliftment of the people in general. I have fond memories as a boy when the Christmas carolers came from door to door singing Christmas carols on Christmas eve.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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