Broadcasting the Ultimate News

On Saturday 5 June 2010 I had the sublime opportunity to reach out to thousands of people all over Mauritius through appearing on the radio at Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation. There is truly nothing more satisfying than making this knowledge widely available because at the present moment the entire world is suffering due to a lack of this knowledge. The entire world population can live in perfect peace and harmony if the people can be educated to know who they are and are the taught the practical techniques of fully reviving their original, natural consciousness.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Mauritius Broadcasting CorporationMauritius Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcasting the Highest Truth to the Mauritians
5 June 2010
Sankarshan Das Broadcasting the Highest Truth to the Mauritians

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: Predestination, Doom, Fate...

My Dear Srila Gurudeva.
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada and you, Srila Gurudeva.

I have one question, where I am little bit confused. One devotee was telling me that everything is predestined. Krishna knows everything. He knows what we will choose, what we will do, how and when we will come back to him. So according to this philosophy, we are only observers and nothing more. According to the viewpoint, which seems logical, because Krishna knows everything, everything already is predestined and our existence is only like watching movie. I can think that I have chosen Krishna, but Krishna knew when or whether or not I would choose him. So according to this philosophy everything is stage-managed. This topic is very important to me please enlighten me.

Your eternal servant,
Vraja Kisor das

Answer: Krishna Gives Us Free Will

This is not the correct understanding. Free will always exists for every living being because without it love cannot exist. And since Krishna wants our love He alwys endows us with free will love. This is why He is manifesting us from Himself, to enjoy a loving relationship with us.

Krishna is so inconceivably omnipotent that He simultaneously
gives us the full choice of deciding when we will come back to Him while at the same time knowing exactly when we will do that. This is not at all difficult for Him for He exists in a realm that is beyond time and space. Krishna gives us the full power to choose and at the same time knows exactly when we will choose Him. His knowledge of when we will choose Him does not take away our freedom of if and when we will choose Him. This is the inconceivable omnipotency of the Lord.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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